A/N: Hi and welcome to my first Halloween fic! (every one cheers) Thank you. Now I'd like to thank the month of October for inspiring me to make this story. So if you want to thank somebody, thank the month you're livin' in now! (two men in white coats walk up to Angel's Star) NO! I'M NOT CRAZY, I TELL YA! I'M NOT! THE COOKIE IS! (points to cookie) (men in white coats shrug and take the cookie away) Yes. I'm hyper.

Disclaimer: Yep. I own (lawyers appear) Stephanie? (they disappear) And I don't own DB/Z/GT or Halloween.

Chapter 1


"Can we please go trick or treating by ourselves?"


Six year old Trunks and five year old Goten were down on their knees and were begging their moms to let them go out on Halloween alone. Needless to say, it wasn't going very well.

"Maybe we should just let them, Chichi," Bulma said. "I mean, their both half-Saiyan after all."

"I just want my little Goten to be safe," Chichi said.

"Is that why you wouldn't let Gohan go out alone on Halloween until he was fifteen?" Goten asked. "You made him dress as a pink bunny!"

Trunks broke out in laughter, but stopped when he saw Chichi go for her frying pan.

"C'mon," Bulma urged her friend. "It won't be bad and the boys will promise to be safe and not get into any trouble."

"Well, all right," she agreed. The boys started to cheer, but Chichi interrupted, "but you two have to be safe and not get into trouble. Promise me."

"We promise," the two boys said. For a moment, you could almost see an angel halo and wings on both the boys. But neither of the Moms knew their sons had their fingers crossed.


It was almost Halloween night and Goten still hadn't figured out what to be. He had tried to be his long-lost Dad, but that made Gohan upset. He tried to be Chichi, but she got mad at him when she saw him using her make up. Then he tried to be Trunks, but Trunks wouldn't let him do that. So what else was there to be on Halloween? Nobody would let him be what he really wanted to be.

Another day passed for the poor half-Saiyan, but unfortunately for him, it was Halloween and he needed a costume badly. So, while he was eating his breakfast, a thought hit him.

"I'll be a bowl of cereal tonight!" He declared in front of Gohan and Chichi.

The two looked at each other for a second and then decided the boy had lost it. There was no way on earth he could find a bowl big enough to wear!


Trunks stood outside his parent's bedroom. The shower was running, so that meant one of his parents was in there. But the boy was going to have to go in to get the finishing touch for his costume. So, the half-Saiyan gulped and slowly entered the bedroom.

He could hear humming coming from the bathroom, so it was probably Bulma. The boy froze when he heard the shower stop.

I'm so dead if I don't get outta here soon! The thought raced through his mind over and over.

Trunks looked around for a hiding place and ducked under the bed. After quite a few minutes of waiting, Bulma had left the bedroom. The boy jumped out from under the bed and made a dive for the bottle of gel sitting near the sink.

"Gotcha!" He smirked at the bottle. As he turned to walk away, he slipped on the wet floor. He squeezed the bottle of gel and it sprayed all over the floor, sink, mirror, and ceiling.

Trunks muttered something about the stupid wet floor as he got up. He looked at the mess he made and decided he was dead meat. But, with his sneaky mind, he decided to rub his head all in it and clean it all up.



The doorbell rang and Bulma went to answer it.

"Hello-" she opened the door, but stopped when she saw Goten.

Sure enough, the boy was dressed as a bowl of cereal. He wore a real bowl with places cut out for his arms and legs and in the bowl was real cereal and real milk. Neither Chichi or Bulma were sure how Goten found such a big bowl.

"Oh... um... nice costume, Goten," Bulma said after recovering from the shock.

"Thanks," the boy smiled happily. "So where's Trunks?"

"He's finishing up his costume," the genius said. "I'll get him."


It isn't coming off! Trunks thought as he tried his best to scrub the gel off of everything. His hair was full of it and wouldn't hold any more. The bad thing about it was that the bottle was full when it was splattered everywhere and Trunks' hair hadn't even gotten up half of it!

"Trunks!" Bulma called from down stairs. "Goten's here!"

"Oh, uh..." Trunks stuttered. "I'll be there in a minute!"

What about this mess?! He thought. It won't come off!

"Wait a second!" The boy said. "I'll just flood the bathroom and then the gel will have to come off! They do this all the time on TV and never get into trouble!"

So with that, the boy plugged up the sink and the shower and turned them both on as high as they would go. Then he made a dash for the door and slammed it shut behind him. Feeling happy with a job well done, he smiled and ran down stairs.


Goten sighed and tried to be patient as he waited for his friend. It had been five minutes since he and his Mom had got there and they were wasting valuable trick or treating time! He could see kids run by CC wearing odd and cool costumes. One of his favorite costumes a kid was wearing was a vampire costume.

As he was thinking how cool it would've been to be a vampire, he heard Trunks running down the stairs. He looked back to see a spiky haired kid running towards them. No way that could be Trunks. But it was.

The boy's hair was spiked up to look like Vegeta's and it looked like it had a ton of gel in it. He also wore navy spandex like Vegeta too. Trunks' hair had barely been combed, so it was spiked out every where. It was a very funny site for Goten.

Trunks froze in mid-step and stared at Goten. The boy was wearing a huge bowl with real milk and cereal in it. He was also dressed the color of his cereal. Pink and green. The most disturbing part of it all was that nobody knew how on earth Goten had found such a big bowl. Another thing was that he was wearing pink and green.

"Well, you two better get going," Chichi said. "Now remember, Goten. I'll be at our home if you need anything or if somebody starts picking on you."

"Chichi, I think they'll be fine," Bulma said as she almost burst out laughing. "They're both half-Saiyan, you know. And I think they can handle themselves if somebody starts picking on them."

Before Chichi could say another word, the two boys dashed out the front door of Capsule Corp in search of treats and hopefully tricks! But the big decision was what house to go to first.

"Where to, Trunks?" Goten asked as he watched a few older kids run by.

"Lets go to all those old lady's houses!" Trunks declared. "They all love little kids and will probably give us extra candy if you use those puppy dog eyes Gohan uses on your Mom all the time."

"Okie dokie!" The younger boy said as he followed his friend down the street.


As the old lady of one house went back inside, two figures crawled out of the bushes.

"You know what to do if they don't give us candy, right?"

"No, what?"

"We tee-pee their house, stupid!"

"Oh yeah. Is that why you had me bring a bunch of toilet paper?"


With out another word, the two crawled away from the bushes and ran up to the door. They got their bags ready and rang the doorbell. An old grumpy looking man answered the door.

"Where's the old lady?" The one dressed as cereal asked.

The other jabbed him with his elbow.


"Trick or treat!" The one with extremely messy hair said.


"We don't have any candy," the old man barked.

The boy with messy hair peered around the old man and spotted a bowl of candy full to the brim with lots of chocolate candy.

"No candy huh?"

"No, so go away!" With that, the old man slammed the door in their faces.

"Oh well." The one dressed as cereal said. "Lets just go to the next house. Trunks?"

"Goten..." the older boy said. "They weren't out of candy... They had tons of it all piled up into one small little bowl. And it was chocolate. Your favorite."

"Do we need to tee-pee their house?" Goten asked.

"Yup," Trunks said as he pulled some toilet paper out of Goten's costume. It was nicely wrapped in plastic so it wouldn't get wet.


A/N: Happy early Halloween, guys! And happy (late) b-day, Hilary Duff! (too bad I missed updating on her b-day) I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. So will Trunks and Goten get caught while pulling one of their pranks? What will happen next while their all alone out on Halloween? Review and find out!