Title: Fergal: King of the Sun

Rating: PG-13

Genre: Romance/Drama/Humor hopefully...

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon yet do own the character of Fergal.

Quick Overview:

--"Fergal, King of the Sun."
Usagi hates Mamoru, especially since she found out he was her true love from 1000 years ago. As he pines for her all she feels is pain and annoyance from him. Literally. Wanting to desperatly remember her past she is suddenly hit by a golden comet and discovers she had a father and he was one of the most powerful and impulsive creatures in the galaxy. As she claws closer to the truth her own secrets begin to unravel to her guardians... will it end happily?

Author's Note:

This is the original birthplace of Fergal, the King of the Sun. Fergal is my beloved character who has made delicious cameo's in many of my stories. He has earned himself a permanent place upon my fanfiction shelf. This is one of my favorite stories and another great birthplace of flashbacks! In fact I've stolen a few of the flashbacks from this story and inserted them in others with a few tweaks here in there. ï