Disclaimer: I own nothing L.J. Smith related. I do, however, own Ezra because I made him up. That's all so far, though.
This is my first Forbidden Game fic, so please be nice when you review. Thanks.

The room was bathed in darkness. Any normal person would not have been able to see anything that was in the room. Yet, these were not normal people. In fact, they couldn't even be considered human.

They stood near the walls of the room, giving way to the space that was needed in the center of the room. Some of them hopped from one foot to the other, excited that a new game was just about to begin. They loved games. Others giggled obscenely, knowing that this game would be the best yet.

Ezra stood just inside the door to the room, listening to his subjects' voices grow loud with anticipation. Yes, it had been so long since they had had a game worth playing. Sure, they played games with the mortals all of the time. But, the real fun came in when they got to play games with their own kind.

"Let us begin," Ezra said over the din of the other Shadow Men. He walked through the shadows to the middle of the room. Before him stood a dais, waiting to serve its purpose. A slim branch of wood sat on its edge. Names of different Shadow Men covered its front and back. The Shadow Men watched in awe. Would their King cut someone's name out just for fun before the game started?

Ezra smiled and raised his hands high in the air. Every sound in the room suddenly ceased to exist. The smile never left Ezra's lips; he loved to be the center of attention.

Suddenly a bright ray of light streaked through the room, passing the gasping Shadow Men. It was so bright! They had never seen anything like it. It hurt their eyes just to look at it. The Shadow Men covered their eyes and waited, knowing that Ezra would control the light.

The light came to a stop around Ezra, knowing its master well. It circled him twice and he could feel the seductive heat coming from its radiance. One thing about the shadow world that Ezra could not stand was how cold it was. Every time he conjured the light, he made sure to feel its pure beauty of heat before returning to the coldness.

Ezra moved his hands, palms out, and gestured to the table before him. The light obediently moved and circled the table. It gained speed. Faster, faster, it circled around the table.

The Shadow Men uncovered their eyes and watched, entranced as the light moved so quickly. Suddenly, they could not see the light moving as the entire table was enveloped with its rays. They gasped over the show and whispered amongst themselves how powerful Ezra was to control the light.

Ezra smiled, his grin larger this time. Aye, showing his power over the light was not a bad thing. It always proved to the other Shadow Men just what he could do if provoked. And as long as they are in fear of me, Ezra thought, they will not try to erase my name.

Making sure the light had settled, Ezra reached out and grasped the light piece of wood in his hand. He held it up high in the air, listening as the Shadow Men around him gasped. He loved that sound; the sound of pure fear and awe rolled into one. In his hands, Ezra held all of the Shadow Mens' very existence. On small slip of my dagger and they would not exist, he thought slyly. But, he added silently, not today. For, they had another game to play today.

Ezra reached down to his ankle where his dagger was clasped tightly to his leg. He unsheathed the dagger, the blade glinting in the light surrounding the table. Ever so slowly, he raised the dagger until it was at equal height with the piece of wood in the air.

"Ezra. Ezra. Ezra," The Shadow Men whispered amongst themselves, each one unable to take their eyes off their young king before them.

Slowly, Ezra brought the piece of wood and his dagger down to a more comfortable level. And then, as the whispering of his name grew louder, Ezra slashed the wood with the blade of his dagger. One new name to the wood. Well, not exactly new, per se. The name was an old one. It just hadn't been used for a long while.

After the name was carved into the wood, Ezra held in up in the air for all of the Shadow Men to see. They cheered and clapped, even as Ezra moved away from the table and stood in the shadows.

All eyes went back to the dais, which was still covered in light. At first their eyes saw nothing new. And then, slowly, something started to appear.
At first, it only appeared to be a small shimmer, nothing more. But then the shimmer grew across the table, fitting the form of a body. A mist followed the shimmering, covering the whole table lightly.

The Shadow Men gasped, waiting to see what would happen next.

The shimmer continued and a small faint image started to form within it. First a foot, and then another one. Two legs. The shimmer moved over more of the table. A chest was forming, a neck, a head.

The Shadow Men all laughed obscenely as the image became clearer, its edges sharpening as the boy on the dais slowly came back to them. The mist started to dissolve. They laughed when they saw his familiar white-blond hair. His eyes, though, still were closed.

"Julian. Julian. Julian," The Shadow Men chanted quietly.

The shimmering stopped as the image appeared in full. The boy lay so still, his eyes still closed.

"Wake up, Julian," Ezra commanded.

Julian opened his eyes slowly, staring into the light that surrounded him. Where am I, he wondered briefly. What has happened? And then it hit him.

Someone had carved his name back into the runestave.

Someone had woken him up.

Okay, so I am wondering if I should keep going with this one. What do you think, hmm? Please, review and let me know if I should keep going with Ezra and Julian. See, what I have in mind is that Ezra has a task for Julian. I know that's kind of vague, but I don't want to give it all away just in case I decide to keep writing on this one. So, let me know, k?