"Dude! This is your chance..." Beast Boy muttered to himself as he paced restlessly in the dark hallway right outside the meditation room. "She's right in there...just go in and ask her"

"But what if she doesn't like me??"

"You know, they say that speaking to oneself is the first sign of madness..."

"Robin!" Beast Boy said alarmed to see a tall figure step out of the shadows. "How long have you been standing there..."

"Long enough." Robin smirked and added "if you're looking for Terra, she's in the meditation room...alone."

"W...what do you mean..." Beast Boy stuttered, blushing.

"I'm sure she'll say yes."

"But dude, what if she doesn't?" Beast Boy said, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration and worry. "What if she doesn't like me? Will you ask her for me?"

"Me? No way...I mean I can't..." Then upon seeing the downcast look on Beast Boy's face, Robin said "But I know someone who can find out if she likes you."


Raven was sitting at her favourite spot, reveling at the peace that she found on the top of the Tower. The golden sun was rising in the far off horizon, its rays setting the sea ablaze. A playful sea breeze ticked her neck with the ends of her silky black hair and sent cold shivers down her spine. She cursed herself for forgetting to bring her cloak with her. She had come to meditate, but the nagging thoughts at the back of her head kept on distracting her. The annoying freezing sea breeze wasn't helping either. She had to meditate. This could be her only chance until she was distur...


Raven cringed. Even after years of friendship, that voice still made her want to crush something.

"This had better be good Beast Boy..."

"We just came to ask you a favour" Robin said, his voice all businesslike.

Raven raised one slender eyebrow at him and he gave her a heartwarming smile.

"A favour,,," she said suspiciously, glad that the wind cooled the blush on her cheeks, "What kind of favour."

"Well..." Beast Boy said; his face heating up, "We...Ouch!"

Robin had sharply elbowed him in the ribs

"Ok, I.... was, wondering...if you could ...readterrasmindtoseeifshelikesme"

"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that."

"Could you...read Terra's mind...to see" Beast Boy forced out, his face turning more purple with every word" "ifshelikesme" he said in a rush.

"Oh?" Raven said with a wicked smile "Why do you want to know?"

Beast Boy stuttered incoherently as he tried to come up with an adequate excuse to Raven's "innocent" question. Robin gave Raven a disapproving glare. He knew she was purposely teasing Beast Boy.

Raven caught Robin's silent message and rolled her eyes. With a sigh, she said. "It's alright Beast Boy. You don't have to tell me why...and no, I won't"

"WHY!" Beast Boy exclaimed.

"Oh please Raven!!! For me?" Beast Boy said, turning into the cutest little kitty with hugest eyes.

Eyes that didn't soften Raven resolute façade. "No, I'm not reading anybody's mind for you"

"But why?" Beast Boy said "you gotta! You're the only one who can"

"Well then. Too bad you weren't born with telepathic powers. Then you could read all the minds you want"

"Come on Rave" Robin pleaded.

"No" She said turning away from him so she wouldn't have to see the disappointed look on his face. It was much harder for her to say no to Robin, God only knew why.

"Well, you could always talk her and find out," Robin said.

"Yeah! Great idea Dude" Beast Boy said happily "Well Raven? Will you do it?" he asked hopefully.

"I don't... She began; fully intent on refusing when Robin whispered to her, "If Beast Boy and Terra become a couple, he won't be bothering you half as much"

"Ok I'll do it" She said immediately. Robin knew her too well...damn him. "Where's Terra, the sooner I get this done with, the quicker I can get back to my meditation"

Robin watched Raven as she walked to the stairs, with Beast Boy prancing around her with cries of joy. He knew she wasn't meditating when they had interrupted her and Robin wondered what she had been thinking about. A smile tugged at the ends of his mouth as he watched her smack Beast Boy hard on the head to shut him up. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she really did care about her friends...yeah, even Beast Boy. He just wondered if she would ever be able to love...