11- year old James Potter stared at his reflection in the mirror. A short boy with jet black, untidy hair and a goofy grin stared back. James examined the bottom right side of his mouth where his last tooth had recently fallen out and he began to contemplate ridiculous stories to explain the absence of that tooth. Just as he wondered if anyone would believe that the gap was due to his heroic slaughtering of a dangerous Chinese Fireball, his mother's voice floated up the stairs.
"James! We have to leave now if we're going to make it on time," she said. James took one last look in the mirror, winked at himself and headed downstairs.

Lily Evans sat in the front of the car next to the man who was now her legal guardian. She was excited about starting at Hogwarts but she still couldn't stop a few stray tears from leaking from her eyes.
"Thinking about your mum?" the man asked.
No, thought Lily, I'm just crying for the bloody hell of it.
"Yeah," she muttered instead as she wiped the wetness from her cheeks. She hated crying in front of him.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, tentatively.
"No," she replied. All she wanted was for her mom to be alive again. Lily had never been mad at her dad for leaving them because she and her mom had been so happy by themselves. Then her mum met this loser and everything changed. Now that her mum was gone, Lily was glad she could get away and go to boarding school. They went along in silence for a while until he spoke again,
"She would be proud of you, I know it," he said as they pulled into King Cross. Lily rolled her eyes.
"Thanks for the hallmark sendoff, George." She picked up her trunk and wheeled it to the doors.
"I'll uhh, see you next summer then," George said, dejectedly.

James had left his parents at the doors to the station. They had given him direction of how to get onto Platform 9 ¾ but he was still rather skeptical. As he stood in front of the solid barrier between platforms 9 and 10 he felt a tap on his shoulder.
"Mum, I'll be fine-"he said as he turned around. A deep blush crept into his cheeks as he realized that this was definitely not his mother. The girl who stood before him had gorgeous red hair and piercing green eyes. She giggled at his embarrassment.
"Oh, sorry. I thought..." he trailed off.
"No, it's not a problem. I was just wondering if you might be traveling to Hogwarts, too," she eyed his trunk and the barn owl sitting on top of it.
"Yeah, I am," he replied.
"Oh terrific. I don't know how to get onto Platform 9 ¾ and I really didn't want anyone to think I was crazy," she said as she sighed her relief.
"Didn't your parents tell you how to get onto the platform?" he asked. Lily tried not to look upset.
"My mum wasn't a witch. I must've got it from somewhere on my dad's side," she explained.
"Wasn't a witch? What do you mean?"
"She's dead. I live with my muggle step dad now," she said as nonchalantly as possible.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"
"No, it's ok. So umm, how do we get onto the train?" she asked, changing the subject quickly.

From their first encounter it seemed Lily Evans and James Potter would be great friends. But as the year went on they drifted to separate groups of friends and Lily began to see what an bottom James really was. A rivalry began to form between them and by the time the two were boarding the train for their 7th year they could hardly stand the sight of each other.

"Over here!"
"I'm open!"
"You got me!!!" James Potter searched his friend's faces as they called out for the remembrall in his hand. James threw it to his best friend and grinned. Sirius Black grinned back as the boy between them ran back and forth in a feeble attempt to catch up. As Sirius threw the object to Remus Lupin, the "monkey" collapsed and the boys fell to the ground with laughter. Even little Peter Pettigrew let out a chuckle. Remus passed the remembrall back to James who began to play with it. He tossed it over his head and held his hand out behind his back to catch it. He turned when the ball didn't fall into his waiting hand.
"Evans," he said as the redhead tossed the ball up and caught it. She set her steely; 'I'm-pissed-so-don't-mess-with-me' look on him.
"Why do you find pleasure in torturing these poor kids? They aren't even your age!" she looked really mad.
"You're right, I really shouldn't be so mean," he replied, putting on his best puppy dogface. She rolled her eyes and slouched her shoulders. He took the opportunity to get the remembrall back by pushing her to the ground. As he landed on top of her he used his hand to pin her arms down and forced the ball to roll away to where Sirius picked it up.
"Get off me!" Lily fought back but his knees were on her chest. He smiled at her.
"If you're not going to let me go, at least give back the remembrall," she tried.
"Tell you what," he smirked. He didn't even have to finish his sentence before she rolled her eyes again.
"Potter, I'm not going to go on a date with you. Don't you get the hint by now? I always say no," she threw him a disgusted look at him as she saw the pleasure he was getting from this.
"You'll give in to the Potter charm one of these days," he said as he tussled his hair. She reached up and grabbed his arms to flip him over. She grinned at his shocked expression.
"Not likely," she replied, stepping off him.
James nodded at Sirius who reluctantly threw the boy his remembrall.
"Nice talking to you boys," Lily said, walking away.
Sirius walked to his friend to help him up. "You've got it bad, mate."

ok first chapter, hope you liked it...please reply!!!
