Author's Note: Since a lot of people have complained that my OC is a mary-sue, I've decided to rewrite the whole story. :D . But of course, I'm not going to change everything. I had some good ideas, even though I was a lot younger then. Also, I won't be changing the chapter titles. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Did I say I was Kishimoto Masashi?

Title: The Past Catches Up

Chapter One: Sasuke, huh?

With all the courage she could muster, Mitsuri marched into the Hokage's office. As soon as she was inside, she let her mouth take over. "Gomen nasai, Hokage-sama! I didn't know he was from here—"

Tsunade laughed at the green-haired girl's mortified expression. "I called you in here for an entirely different reason." She had heard about what happened earlier. Mitsuri had beat up another ninja because she thought he was trespassing in their village. The poor victim was so bruised he had to be sent to the hospital. "Besides, I don't blame you for what you did. Uchiha Sasuke should have worn his forehead protector."

Mitsuri blanched whiter than the petals of a daisy. "U-Uchiha Sasuke!? Oh my gosh! I fought the Uchiha prodigy?"

"Couldn't you tell? The Uchiha symbol can be found at the back of his shirt." Tsunade rolled her eyes. "What planet are you on, anyway? Don't all young girls know Sasuke?"

"He was such a punk," Mitsuri said with a frown. "He didn't answer when I asked him what he was doing in Konoha. He could have said he lived here."

"Sasuke has always been like that." Tsunade smiled fondly at the thought of the rather arrogant young boy. "I must say I'm surprised, though. You defeated him." When she said that, she realized that she was talking to a girl who graduated from the academy at the age of six, and she passed the chuunin selection exam at the same age. Mitsuri was now a jounin and one of the best, too.

"How old is he, anyway?"

"Seventeen, I think."

"He's older than I am." Mitsuri grinned. Maybe the Uchiha clan wasn't as great as she thought. As for herself, she knew nothing of her bloodline, growing up as an orphan. Sometimes she wondered if maybe her family had been a noble clan, but there was no way to find out since she had no relatives that they knew of, dead or living. What a bother! She didn't need noble blood in her veins to become a great ninja.

"He is, and I believe he let you beat him up. Don't argue with me on that one! He's a bit of a monster but he won't purposefully fight a fellow Konoha shinobi without good reason," Tsunade told her. "Anyway, I am assigning you to a mission."

"Really? What mission?" Mitsuri decided to ignore the part about the Uchiha prodigy letting her defeat him by his own will. It was a lot less gratifying when put like that.

"You will have a team of apprentices."

"Me? Train three genins?"

"Yep. These kids are twelve-year olds. They recently graduated from the academy but this is different from the ordinary teaching though. Mitsuri, you're still sixteen so I'm going to get a partner for you."

What a relief. She was about to complain that the job was too hard for her. At least Hokage-sama wasn't as merciless as to let her handle the kids on her own. It was common for jounin to train a team but most of the assigned were old enough, like twenty and above. Mitsuri was curious about who her students were going to be. "Who will be my partner?"

"You'll find out tomorrow," Tsunade promised. "You will be in charge of the eighth unit. Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon."

"Konohamaru? The late Sandaime's grandson?"

Tsunade nodded. "They've grown up. Tomorrow afternoon you will meet with the kids in their classroom."


"Why is our sensei late?" Konohamaru grumbled. He scratched his head and turned to his teammates for answers.

"Our sensei too," another kid named Rio said. He and his group were also waiting for their teacher. Just then, the door slid open. A green-haired woman walked in. Her blouse and skirt were both made of black leather, with wide silver zippers to serve as openings and locks.

"Eh?" The woman looked down at the kids. "Which of you is part of Team Eight?"

Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon raised their hands. "Are you our sensei?"

"Hai. I'm Mitsuri," she answered. Referring to the other team, she asked, "What about you? Your sensei isn't here yet?" When they shook their heads, Mitsuri rolled her grey eyes. She had a pretty good idea who their sensei was.

"Yo." A man appeared at the doorway. A black cloth covered the lower part of his face and he had tilted his forehead protector to hide his left eye. He nodded at Mitsuri as greeting.

"It's you," she said with a wry smile. "I knew it."

"How have you been?"

"Well enough. But it seems like I caught your habit of being late."


At the watchtower, Kakashi rested on the railing while his charges sat on the steps. It was the usual place where he took his students during the first meeting.

"Sensei," Omu spoke up.


"Who was that lady we saw earlier? The one who's Konohamaru's sensei." The kid grinned slyly. "Is she your... this?" He waved his pinky in the air while Rio and Temiko laughed.

Kakashi chuckled and sweatdropped. "She used to be my student."



Meanwhile, Mitsuri took her team to the training field to wait for her teaching partner. When they arrived, an all too familiar guy was there. Mitsuri frowned. "What are you doing here?"

The guy was slightly surprised when he recognized her. "You?"

"I asked you first, Sasuke."

"No, I meant, you're the teacher of the eighth unit?"

Mitsuri's jaw dropped. "Don't tell me you're my partner..." Please, please, please let him say no!


"Sasuke!" Konohamaru exclaimed. "You're Naruto-nii-san's rival!"

The genius ninja grunted and leaned against a tree trunk that had been cut. Mitsuri wanted to choke him but Tsunade might not be happy.

"When did you get out of the hospital?"

"Last night. The injuries you gave me weren't so serious, anyway. They just love to overreact." There was still a black mark on his cheek and Mitsuri could see the cut she gave him on his neck. Suddenly, she felt embarrassed all over again, like when she first found out that he was from Konoha after all. Even if he was an arrogant bastard, Mitsuri was ashamed of what she did to him.

"Listen... I don't say this often so make sure you hear," Mitsuri half-requested, half-ordered Sasuke. He raised an eyebrow. "I am truly sorry." It took a lot of effort for Mitsuri to apologize, but she was prouder than proud that she did it.

Sasuke tried his best to hide his amusement, but couldn't help it when the sides of his mouth turned up a little. He quickly sobered up when Mitsuri glared at him. Why was she always in a bad mood when he was around? Was it because of yesterday? It had been quite unexpected.. He could remember the girl asking him something but he wasn't paying attention at the time. The next thing he knew, she was attacking. And boy, did it hurt.

"What?" Mitsuri snapped. What is he looking at?

Somewhat abashed, which was not in his character, Sasuke looked away. He had not realized that he was staring. His partner and the kids were looking at him curiously. That kid, Konohamaru, was he the one that Naruto always played with? Heh. Those two are idiots. Even with a couple of years added to his life, Konohamaru still had the same big mouth. One would think his head would catch up to his mouth, and his body to his head. Sasuke wasn't so sure about the names of the two other genins. What about the girl? He remembered the nurse at the hospital tell him that her name was Mitsuki or something.

"Mitsuki—" he was about to tell her to proceed to the training but her expression caused his next words to evaporate. What did he do now? He frowned. This whole thing was troublesome. He never wanted to be a teacher but Tsunade practically forced him to accept the job. If he had known that he would be working with the strange, loud girl, he would have flat out refused.

"It's Mitsuri."

"Just go on with the job."

"Mitsuri sensei," Moegi whispered. "Why are you fighting?"

"Fighting?" Mitsuri was a little taken aback. She had not meant to be so hostile towards Sasuke. Especially not in front of the kids. The training was all about teamwork after all. She managed a stiff smile. "We're not fighting. Right, Sasuke-kun?"

Sasuke-kun? Stupid girl. A second ago she looked like she was going to skin him right then and there, now she put on an angelic face. Not that she needed to work on her looks, she was good-looking enough without trying. I must be out of my mind. Maybe Mitsuri's blows yesterday damaged his brain a bit. He really never noticed the female race before now.

"What are you talking about, Moegi?" Konohamaru raised his forefinger knowingly. "Boyfriends and girlfriends fight all the time."


The kids' eyes widened as Mitsuri's hand hovered dangerously over her weapons. They imagined smoke coming out of her ears. She was that mad.

"Konohamaru-kun, sensei looks scary..." Udon said. As usual, his nose was running. He had learned to wipe it off cleanly as he grew older but right now, he was more interested in watching Mitsuri and Sasuke. Suddenly, Mitsuri relaxed and she threw her arms around Sasuke's neck.

Mitsuri laughed inwardly. Seeing as how Sasuke got easily annoyed with her, she figured out a way to make him angrier. She clung to him flirtatiously and said, "You're right, Konohamaru. Couples do fight a lot." With a wink, she gave Sasuke's bruised cheek a peck.

For a moment, he lost his serious and calm expression, replaced by surprise. He looked a little pained, maybe from the wound on his neck. Leaning harder against the tree trunk, he winced when Mitsuri's lips made contact with his painful cheek, no matter how softly. He had been lying when he said his injuries weren't serious. They hurt most like hell. But what surprised him more was that he didn't quite move away from her as he usually did when touched by another person, male or female. What game was Mitsuri playing? He was losing, and fast.

Moegi's eyes practically had hearts in them. Sasuke sensei was so kawaii! It made sense for a pretty girl like Mitsuri sensei to be his girlfriend. Moegi hummed thoughtfully. An idea was forming in her mind. She turned to her teammates while the two jounins were not watching.

Why isn't he freaking out by now? Mitsuri had expected her fellow jounin to push her away or at least glare at her with his heart-stopping sharp eyes. Heart-stopping? Well, she had to admit that Sasuke was attractive. Cold, but attractive. She immediately wished she hadn't acted so impulsively. With a blush she prayed nobody saw, she unwound her arms from his neck and was about to move back when a thick rope worked itself around her, Sasuke and the tree trunk.

Sasuke was beginning to get wary of surprises. The rope forcing the girl against him was no exception. Judging from her startled look, Sasuke knew she hadn't expected it either. Unfortunately, neither of them could free themselves because their hands couldn't reach any weapon and were too far apart to form any seals. The wood was digging its way into Sasuke's back and it didn't feel good. On the other hand, he wasn't sure if being this near to Mitsuri felt good or not. He didn't rely on his sense of feel much, maybe from lack of use. All he excelled at was being bitter. But that was before.

"What are you doing?" Mitsuri struggled to look at the laughing kids, which was hard to do in her state. She grit her teeth as the rope burned the skin on her waist. She bit her lip from the pain. "Get this rope off immediately!" As much as she enjoyed being pushed against Sasuke, she'd rather have him do it himself than being forced to do so because of a ridiculously good trick by some genins.

Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon laughed but when Mitsuri threatened to fail them, Udon began to get nervous. He convinced the others to cut the ropes. Mitsuri, horrendously angry and not wanting to do something she might regret, dismissed them without the usual first-meeting introductions. When the kids left, Sasuke noticed the welt on Mitsuri's back. "Are you all right?"

It was amazing how from major annoyance, Mitsuri's feelings toward Sasuke shifted to 'like'. She used to think that spending more time with another person made their flaws clearer and would therefore discourage further attraction. But in their case, their first impression of each other wasn't good, so maybe her philosophy worked in reverse? "I'm fine. What about you?"

Sasuke shrugged to show he was OK, too. Not fully convinced that the girl was all right, he said, "Let me see." He felt brain-dead when he saw her cute, puzzled expression.

"See what?"

"What the rope did to your skin."

"Oh." Mitsuri allowed him to check out her welt. She could feel a blush creeping into her cheeks as Sasuke lifted her shirt a little. Geez. She really hated it when people touched her, any part of her, even her clothes. She nearly jumped when he placed a hand on her back. "What are you doing!?"

"Does it hurt much?"

"I can handle it!" Regaining her confidence, Mitsuri walked away only to find out that she was heading for the wrong direction. She about-faced. "I've just decided to go that way," she said, refusing to admit her mistake.

Sasuke had to grin as he watched her leave. Something about her intrigued him. It could be her inconsistent mood or the fact that underneath the tough exterior, she was such a prude. How old was she anyway? She couldn't be older than he was. Well, what did he care.

Hope you liked it! Lemme know what you think by e-mailing me or by submitting a review. Thankee!

Author's Note: Just minor changes. Hope you still like it, or if you didn't, I hope you do now. Uhm... it's really up to you :D .