A/N: Yes, I know it's been a long time…but…I was having computer problems…but I am updating…be happy!

A Couple of things before we start, there are some OC's that do not belong to me in this story.

I do however have details on them if you must know!

Kinora, Ono, Saku, and Rajha, do not belong to me but to various friends. Their songs, Running does belong to me however.

Okay, Full Circle explanation…um well they belong to Ryu the Dragon Demon, and it's his song…sadly…I didn't write it!

Ryu: plays the keyboard. Back up vocals.

Ronin (1): Twin to Ronin (2) nicknamed 1, plays drums back-up vocals.

Ronin (2): Lead vocals, he sings Black Out. Nicknamed 2.

Taran: Lead Guitar…. occasionally sings…

If you want to know what they look like go bug Ryu: the Dragon Demon 'cause that will take me forever to write.

Disclaimer: Wow, this will take awhile.

I don't own, Ryu, Ronin, Ronin, Taran, Kinora, Onomayaki, Rajha, Sakurasha, Inuyasha, Kagome, Kouga, Kagura, Sesshoumaru, Ayame, Kanna, Souta, Rin, and anyone else who appears in this story from Inuyasha. I don't own Full Circle lyrics.

I DO own: Hell Raisers lyrics, Angels from Hell lyrics, and Demon's Daughter's lyrics.

Review Replies:

DBZ Goddess: Breathe, don't forget to breathe! Hang on; I've got just what you need, read this new chapter! Glad you like it.

Inu-midoriko: Sorry you were dying for so long, here's a quick cure.

Samuarai fish: glad you love it. That's for me to know and you to find out. The next chapter is coming out now!

Shippo lover: um he may make a later appearance; glad you think its "kool"

Lady-Sango77: Okay, you will find out…EVENTUALLY!

Ryu the Dragon Demon: Domo-kun don't eat me please!

Kinora: OO...Yup that's a mistake…. here is more just for you…

Bloody Rin: Glad you like it! Here's the fourth chapter.

Lady Sango 7: This chapter is full of surprises for sure.

LaDyPnAi: glad you like it.

Fran KC: I will stop updating but not for a while, I'm just VERY SLOW!

A/N: Finally, a Special thanks to the creator of Rajha, she helped me finish a song! Now anyone who's read that whole thing say, MOO in your review.

The Rivalry: Gone Wrong

The Truth Spills

Kouga's Basement

Kouga looked around his basement, everyone had been waiting for Sesshoumaru to arrive, it was a surprise that when he did he brought three younger girls with him. "Why are there little kids running around my basement?" Kouga asked.

"They're not little kids," Sesshoumaru replied.

"She is!" Kouga exclaimed pointing to Rin.

"Rin is eight, but very mature. Sakurasha is Inuyasha's half-sister, and Onomayaki is her friend. Both Sakurasha and Onomayaki are both thirteen" Sesshoumaru replied.

"That still doesn't explain why we have to leave so early!" Kouga complained yawning.

Sesshoumaru almost sighed, but responded calmly, "We have to leave early because Sakurasha and Onomayaki are in Demon Daughters the winner of the Junior Battle of the Bands contest, and Rin wants to support them." He paused, "Besides, Ayame is going to be there because, Kagome's mother was dropping everyone off, and Souta wants to support Demon's Daughters too."

"You just want to go 'cause Kagura's bringing Kanna," Inuyasha replied.

Sesshoumaru just glared.

Miroku and Kouga laughed quietly, before Miroku said, "So are we leaving now?"

A vein popped in Sesshoumaru's head, but he calmly said, "Yes, we are leaving right now."

At the Battle of the Bands

Mr. Takatiki stood on the stage and announced, "The winner of the Junior Battle of the Bands, Demon's Daughters are here today to perform for us. Please give a welcoming applause to Kinora, Rajha, Ono, and Saku."

Four teenage girls climbed onto the stage. Two held guitars, one held a pair of drumsticks and the last girl held nothing.

The girl holding nothing who was in a pair of black jeans and a green tank top, walked towards the keyboards on the stage. Her black hair was died blue at the tips. And she had bright green eyes. The only jewelry she wore was a jade stone on a necklace.

The girl with the drumsticks was wearing baggy blue jeans, and a very baggy dark blue t-shirt that hung down to her knees. She had silver hair, and amber eyes, and she was wearing a blue baseball cap, backwards. She naturally headed to the drum set.

One of the girls with the guitars headed straight to the microphone in the middle of the stage. Her hair was a sandy brown and she had maroon eyes. She was wearing a tight black spaghetti strap tank top, she was wearing a short skirt that matched her eyes and said in silver across her butt, Rock Star. A stylish maroon cap was on her head.

Finally the other girl with the guitar, who was wearing her pink hair up in a high ponytail and a long pink skirt with a matching pink top. Her guitar was pink and she had a pink bandana on. Her eyes shone the same colour as Inuyasha's.

Kagura, and the rest of the Angels from Hell looked at the girls on stage. The Hell Raisers also stood with the Angels from Hell. Scattered in between them, were, Souta, Kanna and Rin. Rin stood beside Sesshoumaru, Kanna stood quietly beside Kagura, and Souta stood in between Kagome and Sango.

Kagome smiled, "Okay Souta, who's who?"

Souta grinned happily pointing out each of his friends. "Kinora, is the one with the black hair, Onomayaki, or Ono-chan as we call her, is the one with black and maroon guitar, Sakurasha, or Saku-chan as we call her, is Inuyasha's half-sister, and the one with the pink everything, and finally the one at the drum set is Rajha, bad temper, good friend."

"Don't go spreading it around that I'm related to Sakurasha!" Inuyasha hissed.

"Why not?" Kagome asked.

Inuyasha replied, "Because she's a whiny brat!"

Kagura joined in the conversation, "Are they all demons?"

Kanna answered her in a quiet voice, barely an audible whisper, "No Kagura, they are all daughters of demons, but only Kinora is a full demon. Ono, Saku and Rajha are all half-demons…half-dog demons to be exact."

Kagura nodded, "Would I know Kinora? She looks familiar."

Kanna shook her head quickly, and lied, "No Kagura, I do not think you would know her."

Rin and Souta both looked at her knowing the truth, Kana had just lied through her teeth, but if Kagura had known the truth, the truth being Kinora was Naraku's sister. Than no one knew what Kagura might do. Sango in the mean time had said nothing all morning she was very quiet on the cold morning, because it was December first and Christmas was just around the corner.

Finally a beat on the drum set started from the stage. It was a steady beat, on the snare drum only, it sounded like this: ta-ta-ti-ti-ta (each ta is held for one count, ti's are .5 counts).

Guitars started to strum while the keyboard played the melody.

Ono began to sing.

"Running away from this place,

Trying to get away,

Something I plan on doing,

Any coming day.

I can't stand you any longer,

Bossing me around,

You've got no right to order me,

But whenever I make just one sound,"

Chorus (Kinora and Ono sing)

"You tell me, to be quiet,

You always tell me what to do,

When I grow up,

I'm never gonna be like you

I'm sick of taking orders.

I'm gonna leave you standing alone,

I'm gonna run away today,

I'll make it on my own."

Rajha started to bang out her drum solo, playing the snare, bass and using the cymbals, she had a solo lasting her 24 counts.

Kinora began to sing.

"You think I'm scared,

But I 'll tell you that I'm not,

What's worse than staying with you?

You've said meaner things, than I've ever thought.

Can't wait 'til I turn eighteen,

When I can finally be free,

I'll keep running,

Never again will you see me."

Chorus (Kinora, Ono and Rajha sing)

"You tell me, to be quiet,

You always tell me what to do,

When I grow up,

I'm never gonna be like you

I'm sick of taking orders.

I'm gonna leave you standing alone,

I'm gonna run away today,

I'll make it on my own."

Rajha sang next.

"I'm not running like a coward,

I'm trying to break away,

I'm tired of you holding me back,

You're just getting in my way.

I don't need to be babysat,

I'm not your little kid anymore,

I'm leaving you, and that's that.

It's what I've been waiting for!"

A short guitar solo played by Saku, only lasting 16 beats.

Chorus (Kinora, Ono, Rajha and Saku sing)

"You tell me, to be quiet,

You always tell me what to do,

When I grow up,

I'm never gonna be like you

I'm sick of taking orders.

I'm gonna leave you standing alone,

I'm gonna run away today,

I'll make it on my own."

Kinora had a beautiful solo as well. She wrote her own solo, on the keyboard.

Sango dashed to the bathroom in the midst of all this, Kagome had noticed her friend was missing. Kagome headed toward the bathroom, knowing that's where Sango would've headed. Inuyasha watched her go tilting his head sideways.

Sakurasha sang the last two verses of the song.

"Just a few more years

Can't wait to leave this place,

The day I leave,

I'll slam the door in your face.

I'll make it on my own,

Without you in my way.

I didn't need you in the first place.

I'm dreaming of that day"

Sango leaned against the back of the toilet seat and began to cry. Taking a small kitchen knife out of her purse she slit her wrists. She heard the door open. Quickly Sango bandaged the wound and hid it under her long sleeve. She sprayed some perfume on hoping to cover up the scent of blood.

"Sango?" Kagome's voice called, "are you in here?"

Sango left the stall wiping her eyes. "Yeah…" she responded.

"What wrong?" Kagome asked.

Sango shook her head, " I was just thinking that Kohaku should have been here cheering Demon's Daughters on. He would have loved it."

Kagome smiled and hugged her friend, "Yes, I know he would've loved it."

"Okay, we can go now." Sango said quietly. As they left he bathroom they heard Demon's daughters voices fade away.

Chorus (Every one) (fading)

"You tell me, to be quiet,

You always tell me what to do,

When I grow up,

I'm never gonna be like you

I'm sick of taking orders.

I'm gonna leave you standing alone,

I'm gonna run away today,

I'll make it on my own."

Everyone in the auditorium gave the amazing applause. Mr. Takatiki climbed upon the stage again. "Weren't they wonderful? Let's give it up once again for Kinora, Ono, Rajha, and Saku, the Demons Daughters!"

Once again the auditorium was filled with clapping cheers and screams. When it died away Mr. Takatiki spoke again, "And now onto the Battle of the Bands. First up is Full circle. Let's hear for Ryu, Ronin, Ronin, and Taran! Their singing their new hit Black Out"((A/N: Again…NOT MY SONG! Full credit should go to Ryu the Dragon Demon!))


You locked me up in that black room

You pretended I wasn't there

You left me chained up just to die

You stole my soul, you laugh when I cry

You captured me, you stole my heart

Yeah, I believed you were sincere

You told me that I had your love

You lied when you whispered it in my ear

I was a fool for believin' you

Ever had a thing for me

And now I'm stuck here in this room

Wishing death would just find me


Just take my pain away!


You left me here to die


So why do I still hold on?

Why can't I say goodbye?

Every time I close my eyes

I think of freedom, I think of light

Then you come along and rip it up

And I'm left there, torn at the sight

How can you be so pitch black?

What have you done to me?
I'm left, tacked up on the wall

You've taken my spirit from me!

I was a fool for believin' you

Ever had a thing for me

And now I'm stuck here in this room

Wishing death would just find me


Just take my pain away!


You left me here to die


So why do I still hold on?

Why can't I say goodbye?


Just take my pain away!


You lied with an innocent kiss


Just let me sit here and rot forever

Hell can't be worse then this?


Just take my pain away!


You left me here to die


So why do I still hold on?

How can you watch me cry?


Just take my pain away!


You left me here to die


So why do I still hold on? BLACK OUT!

Why can't I say goodbye?

As Full Circle left the stage. Miroku's jaw dropped, "They're good, really, really good."

"Feh, we're better." Inuyasha replied.

"Way to be modest, Bakayasha." Sango called giggling.

Mr. Takatiki spoke, "Up next we have Angles from Hell."

As Sango walked past Inuyasha and up to the stage he noticed the smell of blood on her. He merely raised an eyebrow, which she ignored. Bu the was really worried.

"Wish us luck," Kagura said grinning and heading toward the stage.

"Good luck!" Miroku called.

The four girls climbed onto the stage. Kagura had written this song again, Ayame and Kagome weren't so much the songwriters, Ayame wrote the occasional song, and Kagome the even rarer song, but mostly Kagura and Sango wrote the songs that the Angels from Hell sang. Sango sang this entire song with only Kagura joining in during the chorus.

"Blood dripped from the wound you created,

Red droplets falling from my back,

The pain of the knife just hitting me,

My heart broken and cracked.


Scarred, hurt,

Broken, bleeding,

I'm crying and

My heart is screaming.

Pained, scared,

Shocked and helpless

My head is pounding,

How did I get myself in this mess?

The scar shall remain,

On my back, this is my scar from you,

That says I've been abused,

The flesh is red and raw too.


Scarred, hurt,

Broken, bleeding,

I'm crying and

My heart is screaming.

Pained, scared,

Shocked and helpless

My head is pounding,

How did I get myself in this mess?

You cheated on me,

You broke my heart,

You lied to me,

And that's just the start,


Scarred, hurt,

Broken, bleeding,

I'm crying and

My heart is screaming.

Pained, scared,

Shocked and helpless

My head is pounding,

How did I get myself in this mess?

You abused me,

You confused me,

Have you hurt others?

Or was it just me?


Scarred, hurt,

Broken, bleeding,

I'm crying and

My heart is screaming.

Pained, scared,

Shocked and helpless

My head is pounding,

How did I get myself in this mess?

I'm waiting to be saved,

I want to be dead,

You're sure to follow me,

But this time it's gonna end.


Scarred, hurt,

Broken, bleeding,

I'm crying and

My heart is screaming.

Pained, scared,

Shocked and helpless

My head is pounding,

How did I get myself in this mess?

Kagura sang the chorus with Sango singing background.


(Background repeated over and over: Scarred, hurt, broken, bleeding, pained, scared, shocked, helpless)

Scarred, hurt

Broken, bleeding,

I'm crying and

My heart is screaming.

Pained, scared,

Shocked and helpless

My head is pounding,

How can I get myself out of this mess?"

"This calls for a break!" Mr. Takatiki said, "When we come back, the Hell Raisers will perform, be back in fifteen minutes everyone!"

"Inuyasha?" Kagome called seeing him walk away.

"Don't pay him any mind Kagome" Miroku said, "that song reminded him of Kikyou."

"Who's Kikyou?" Sango asked.

"Inuyasha's first and only girlfriend." Sesshoumaru replied quietly.

"He loved her," Kouga said. "He really did, and Kagome looks an awful lot like her."

"What happened to her?" Ayame asked.

"Kikyou was his only girlfriend," Sesshoumaru said," A guy named Naraku killed her."

"No!" Kagura shouted. She sank to the ground drawing her knees to her chest and burying her face in her arms.

Sesshoumaru picked her up gently, and sitting in a chair, he placed her on his lap. Strong arms wrapped around her.

"Naraku was my old boyfriend!" Kagura sobbed.

The rest of the break was sent trying to calm Kagura down, Inuyasha returned just as Mr. Takatiki called the Hell-Raisers up to the stage.

The Hell Raisers were all singing in this song and only Inuyasha had his instrument.

A fast rock melody played on the guitar was the only music in the song. There was a long instrumental.


Stoned and drunk,

I stumbled down the road again,

Asking people if they knew my pain.

My love was dead,

And I was mad,

But at the same time, I was really sad.


Stoned and drunk,

I stumbled down the road again,

Asking people if they knew my pain.

I felt like I was the one dead,

Like it was me who was killed instead,

And I couldn't see clearly what was up ahead.


Stoned and drunk,

I stumbled down the road again,

Asking people if they knew my pain.

Vision blurred,

My head really hurt,

My words were slurred.


Stoned and drunk,

I stumbled down the road again,

Asking people if they knew my pain.

Thought of you,

Only thing I could do,

Felt as if my life was through.


Stoned and drunk,

I stumbled down the road again,

Asking people if they knew my pain.



Stoned and drunk,

I stumbled down the road again,

Asking people if they knew my pain. (Holds pain until Kouga says pain)



Stoned and drunk,

I stumbled down the road again,

Asking people if they knew my pain. (Holds pain until Miro says is)



Stoned and drunk,

I stumbled down the road again,

Asking people if they knew my pain. (Holds pain until Inu says it)



Stoned and drunk,

I stumbled down the road again,

Asking people if they knew my pain.

Stoned and drunk,

I stumbled down the road again,

Asking people if they knew my pain."

The rest of the Battle of the Bands past quickly. And after everyone was outside and Sango, Ayame, Kagura, Kanna, had gone, and Souta was coming around the corner to tell Kagome that her ride was here. Inuyasha pulled Kagome to a corner.

"Kagome, check on Sango for me okay?" he asked, "I smelt blood on her today."

Kagome gasped in shocked and nodded, "Alright Inuyasha I promise."

Kagome left then.

7:30 pm Sango's Apartment

Kagome had told her mom that she was sleeping over at Sango's house because Sango was feeling lonely.

Kagome let herself in; she had her own key, and called out, "Sango?"

When there was no reply Kagome began to search the house. Kagome slowly opened the door to then last room in the house the bathroom.

"Sango!" Kagome screamed as she found her best friend inside Sango's bathroom, blood spilling around her, Sango unconscious. Kagome checked to make sure she was still breathing. Thankfully she was.

Kagome picked up the phone and dialed 911. "I need an ambulance at this house now! My friend tried to kill herself." Kagome quickly gave out Sango's address and hung up the phone. She then called Kagura and asked for Sesshoumaru's number, she then called Sesshoumaru asking for Inuyasha's number. Finally she called Inuyasha begging him to come over right away.

Inuyasha arrived before the ambulance did.

"Shit," was all he could say when he saw Sango's unconscious bleeding body.



well, no next, time, 'cause I don't know what's gonna happen! This was a long chapter, 15 pages, well more like fourteen 'cause there is a really long A/N at the beginning. Read and Review please!