A/N: Oh man, never thought I'd write an AU fic but I love the whole band idea and don't think there are enough stories like that. Oh, I did not steal this idea from anyone this is my idea and you'll see why. Oh and these are my lyrics you can use them ask first though please.

Important Note: Even in this time, demons still live they just hide themselves really well. Kagura and Ayame are still demons and Sango's (what's left) family still trains youkai exterminators.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own the lyrics to both bands songs though.

The Rivalry: Gone Wrong

Chapter 1: Practice.

On the stage at the schools talent show four girls stood on the stage. A redhead started a beat on the drums. Soon a girl with short cropped black hair and red eyes started to strum her bass. Next to join in is the sound of a guitar. The girl who's playing has wavy waist length black hair and dark brown eyes. Finally a tall slim girl stepped up to the microphone she had long dark brown hair, which was pulled into a high ponytail. She began to sing.

"I thought I never have to say this,

I thought our relationship could last.

But now I see you with her, and I know,

You consider me to be in the past.

You thought you could fool me,

Trick me, break me,

But you're the fool now

Can't you see?"

The other girls joined in the chorus.

"I don't need you anymore,

Get out, don't wanna be together,

Your gone, we're through,

We're done forever."

Just the girl at the microphone is singing now.

"You thought you could do anything!

While I was a prisoner,

Don't you get? Can't you see?

I was and I am wiser!

It was a good thing I kicked you out!

Now that you're gone I'm free (I'm free)

Not gonna let you hold me down,

I'm just gonna be me!"

Again the girls joined in the chorus.

"I don't need you anymore,

Get out, don't wanna be together,

Your gone, we're through,

We're done forever."

The girl stepped away from the microphone as an instrumental played. She stepped back up.

"You came crawling back,

But I said no

No way I would fall for you again, (again)

It just goes to show,

I'm strong, I can be alone,

I found myself, when you were gone,

And now I know,

I was right all along."

Three heads lifted up and they started to sing.

"I don't need you anymore,

Get out, don't wanna be together,

Your gone, we're through,

We're done forever.

I don't need you anymore,

Get out, don't wanna be together,

Your gone, we're through,

We're done forever."

This time the girl with the ponytail sang the chorus by herself.

"I don't need you anymore, (anymore)

Get out, don't wanna be together,

Your gone, we're through, (we're through)

We're done forever.


Fooooorrr Eeeevvveeeeerrrr (forever)"

The song ended and the girl playing the guitar stepped up to the microphone while the singer stepped away.

"Hi all ya guys and gals out there! I'm Kagome Higurashi and the lead guitarist and manager of Angels From Hell!" Kagome paused waiting for the cheers to subside, "That was Gone Forever written by Kagura Kazyme, who's on bass," More cheers, "Ayame Nitirsia on drums!" More cheers "and Sango Samyino our lead singer!" The small cafeteria erupted in noise. "Thanks to all our fans, remember to vote for us!" The applause was extremely noisy as the girls left the stage.

An old teacher came onto the stage. "For our last performance we have Naraku and Hakoudoushi! They will be singing," The teacher shudders, "Wish them luck!"

Two guys walked onto the stage and start singing, in loud, crappy, off-key voices. Too bad this was a school. The students had been told if they booed anyone they would be in detention for a week.

After enduring this for 5 long minutes the teacher came back out, "You can vote now!" she said quickly. Then she mutters, "Thank god it's over,"

Back Stage

"We so made it!" Kagome squealed, listening to the horrible performance on stage.

"Kag, calm down we're not sure if we made it yet," Ayame the oldest replied.

"I hope we do!" Sango and Kagura replied, at the same time. It was funny, but the four girls hadn't always been friends. They only just met Kagura. Sango and Kagome had known each other since they we're four and met Ayame when they were ten. They're fifteen now. They met Kagura in the middle of November, it was the end of March and spring was almost here. Kagura had been crying after her boyfriend of 2 years, Naraku cheated on her.

"God He's awful," Kagura stated. Sango who had her fingers stuffed in her ears didn't do anything but Kagome and Ayame nodded.

Finally the torture ended. "Let's go vote!" Kagome said excitedly.

"Can we meet outside during the break after we finish voting?" Sango asked. She hated being inside.

"Sure," Ayame replied, as she walked toward the voting stand. "Remember we can't vote for ourselves!"

Sango walked to the voting stands thinking. Who should I vote for? She thought, I can't vote for our band and I will NOT vote for Naraku- that bastard. The other acts were pretty good. Maybe I'll vote for Nami, she was pretty good. Nami was a ninth grader and had preformed a very amazing gymnastic act. Ok Nami it is! Sango decided as she realized she was the next person to vote. Quickly she wrote down Nami on a small piece of paper and slipped it into the voting box.

Now they had a 30-minute break while the votes were tallied. Quickly Sango ran through the halls looking for a teacher, if she were caught she'd be in serious trouble...again. It wasn't her fault she loved to run. Sango made it outside before any other of her band members. She walked to a large sakura tree in the middle of her yard. Quickly she swung herself onto a low branch and then pulled herself up higher so she could where her friends were. She knew they would come here.

3 minutes later Ayame, Kagome and Kagura came out of the doors together. Kagome pointed towards the tree where Sango was watching them from, then she said something Sango couldn't here. Together they made their way towards the sakura tree in which Sango was sitting.

Ayame and Kagura both jumped into the tree, leaving Kagome on the ground. Kagome sighed, this happened a lot. Slowly she pulled herself so she was sitting on a low branch she then started to make her way up the tree at a speed of a snail. Finally she saw Sango's outstretched hand and grabbed it. Finally everyone was in the tree. Everyone got comfortable and began to chat.

The peacefulness was calming and Sango smiled. She remembered the beginning of Christmas break. She sighed, trying not to dwell on memories like those but couldn't help it.


It was December Twenty-third the night before the day of Christmas Eve (A/N: Does that make sense?). Sango was sitting in Kagome's room painting her toenails while Kagura read guy catching tips from a magazine, Ayame was brushing everyone's hair and Kagome was petting her cat Buuyo (sp?). They were having a sleepover. Everything was perfect, except Sango had this feeling in her stomach she tried to ignore it, but then the phone rang,

Kagome's mother answered the phone; the group of four heard the phone drop. "Something's wrong!" Kagome exclaimed, "my mothers never done anything like that before."

"Sango?" Mrs. Higurashi called up the stairs. "It's for you" Mrs. Higurashi voice shook when she called to Sango. Sango's eyed widened in fright, Sango's mother had died after giving birth to her younger brother Kohaku and the only reason Sango's dad would call was if there was an emergency. Sango leapt off her sleeping bag, spilling the bottle of nail polish but not caring, and ran to the phone.

"Hello?" She asked cautiously.

"Is this Sango Samyino?" An unrecognizable voice said.

"Yes," Sango said quickly "What is it?"

"I'm Officer Taichiko" he introduced himself, "We regret to inform you that your father and younger brother have been killed by a drunk driver."

"NO!" Sango screamed crying. Her friends had followed her down the stairs, when they saw Sango cry they knew something was wrong. Sango wasn't the type of person who cried whenever something didn't go her way. Kagura had never seen her cry,

Ayame had only seen it once before, after Sango had broken her arm, and Kagome had only seen it a few times.

Mrs. Higurashi pulled her into a hug. Sango cried onto her shoulder. Kagome looked at her mom for explanation, as did Ayame and Kagura. Sango wiped her eyes and said, "Let me tell them, Mrs. Higurashi,"

"Kohaku-kun and my father have been killed by a drunk driver," Sango said calmly. Kagome walked to her and gave her a hug, making Sango break down again. Her friends led her back to Kagome's room; they all sat on the bed and said nothing. All of them had grown up a little that night but Sango had grown up a lot.

End of Flashback

Sango had moved in with Kagome's family for a while. It only made her sadder though. Kagome's little brother Souta had been Kohaku's best friend, they were inseparable, like Kagome and Sango, and he reminded her too much of Kohaku to stay. Kagura's little sister Kanna had also been a friend of Kohaku's and Ayame's parents didn't have enough room for her. So Sango had sold her house and most of her possessions and bought a small apartment. She had a part time job to pay for part of the rent although Kagome's mother paid most of it.

"Sango-chan?" Kagome called waving a hand in front of her best friends face, "We have to get back to the class room now space cadet!"

"Sorry Kag-chan, I was just thinking about..."Sango trailed off. She didn't want to finish her sentence, she would start crying and then she would have to sing with a stuffed up nose if they won.

"Let's go," Ayame said rather fast noticing Sango's state.

"What are we singing if we win?" Kagura asked.

"Alone" Sango replied. It was her song and it had only a guitar and voices. "If you guys want to"

Kagome smiled at her. "I like it, what about you guys?"

Ayame and Kagura nodded. "Love it," they replied instantly.

Together the four walked back into the cafeteria The announcer teacher, none of them knew her name and hadn't been listening when it was announced, said, "Would all performers please come up on the stage." Loud noises were heard as fifteen groups of people clambered onto the small stage. Sango, Kagome, Ayame, and Kagura sat themselves in the front and center of the stage dangling they're legs off the edge.

The announcer/teacher announced "Since there were fifteen performance we will eliminate people by threes. Once you hear you or your groups name called you will be asked to leave the stage immediately." (A/n: she sounds like Jeff from Survivor).

"All Right we will begin by eliminating, Naraku and Hakoudoushi, Hojo and his knife throwers," The announcer paused to take a deep shuddering breath recalling that incident. "And finally Tamiko the Taste Tester," Those three groups of people left the stage.

This continued for sometime, until the announcer said, "And now from six to our final three! If you hear your name called leave immediately, The 3 K's, Yume the Yodeler and, Selina's String Quartet, please exit."

"OH MY GOD!" Kagome squealed.

"We're in the final THREE!" Kagura finished.

"Will the final three contestants please make there way to centre stage? (A/N: I love that movie)" the teacher asked.

And so the Angels From Hell, Nami, and Rei the soloist stood in centre stage.

The nameless teacher started talking again, "In third place we have Nami," The freshmen girl with blue-streaked black hair and bright blue eyes looked amazed and shocked. A secretary handed Nami some flowers and a sash that said third place."

Once again the nameless teach, started talking. "And so the final contestants are Rei, and the Angels from Hell.... And the winner is... (Some random kid backstage starts playing the drums (Ayame thinks those better not be my drums!)). The teacher said, "For second place we have Rei!" The audience clapped for her and then, "First place is of course Angels From Hell!"

Cheers exploded in the cafeteria. Everyone was on his or her feet, except Naraku, and Hakoudoushi. The teacher shouted over the noise, "For your prize Rei, there is a gift card for anything in Tokyo mall with $200 on it, and for our first place winners, since their a band it's a..." the teacher paused, "A chance to win at the battle of the bands in Tokyo this weekend, auditions are Wednesday, (It's Monday)"

"OMIGOSH" All four squealed.

"And now the winners will perform one final time." The announcer announced.

A slower beat than the other song started and this time Kagome was the only one with an instrument. She stood in the front with Sango and behind them were Ayame and Kagura.

Sango began to sing, this song was divided into parts.

"That fateful call,

On that dreadful night,

Left me all alone,

How can that be right?

No one to help me now,

I can't believe I'm all alone,

But everyone's gone and

I'm on my own."

The beat picks up a little.

Chorus (Everyone sings)

"By myself,

With no family,

Gone are things I treasured,

Gone are the faces I long to see.

Anger courses through me,

What did I do?

Do I deserve this fate?

'Cause everyone seems to think I do."


"I'm not bad,

So I don't understand,

Why this all happened to me,

It makes me so mad.

People pretend to comfort me,

But I see through this act,

No one's concerned,

I know this fact."

Guitar Solo (About 16 beats.)


"By myself,

With no family,

Gone are things I treasured,

Gone are the faces I long to see.

Anger courses through me,

What did I do?

Do I deserve this fate?

'Cause everyone seems to think I do."


Tears fill my eyes,

But I hide it inside.

I don't want fake hugs,

In which only greediness resides.

I long for a real hug,

One that will be comforting to me,

A hug from someone,

Someone in my family."


"By myself,

With no family,

Gone are things I treasured,

Gone are the faces I long to see.

Anger courses through me,

What did I do?

Do I derserve this fate?

'Cause everyone seems to think I do."


"How can I go on?

When all is lost?

From my thoughts,

I find no strength to carry on!

This could have been prevented

It didn't have to be this way

On my own, all alone,

'Cause of that frightful day."

Chorus (Fading, no guitar, just voices)

"By myself,

With no family,

Gone are things I treasured,

Gone are the faces I long to see.

Anger courses through me,

What did I do?

Do I derserve this fate?

'Cause everyone seems to think I do.

By myself,

With no family,

Gone are things I treasured,

Gone are the faces I long to see.

Anger courses through me,

What did I do?

Do I derserve this fate?

'Cause everyone seems to think I do.

By myself,

With no family,

Gone are things I treasured,

Gone are the faces I long to see.

Anger courses through me,

What did I do?

Do I derserve this fate?

'Cause everyone seems to think I do."

This time the cafeteria could be heard fifty miles away. The four girls left the stage and collected their prize. The bell rang to go him.

A/N: Next time,

"What song should we play for audition?" Inuyasha asked,

"A new one, I wrote," Sesshoumaru replied.

At the auditions

"Sango?" Inuyasha asked, "Is that you? You baka I missed you!"

"Shut up bakayasha! I missed you roo1

A/N: Oh...Sango 'n' Inu know each other from where? R&R Please!