Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this fic

Plot bunnies are rather annoying little creatures...especially when you're listening to country music and thinking about your particular little ships. It's just...insane...

"I Think About You"

Inspired by, but having nothing to do with the song of the same name by Colin Raye

I don't know how it happened.

One minute I was trying, impatiently, to tell Teyla that I understood the importance of the treaty we were trying to make, but that I absolutely, under no circumstances was going to wear that ridiculus costume. The next I was looking up, annoyed that the Athosian had become distracted, and then I don't remember much of anything besides the sight that met my eyes.

It wasn't that she was the most beautiful person in the room (that would have to go to Teyla), she wasn't even the prettiest, and yet...

And yet I couldn't take my eyes off of her. The way the ceremonial dress fit, not snug or sexy in any manner, but alluring nonetheless. The sparkle of good humor mixed with nervousness that was almost always present in her eyes. The way she walked down the stairs. I could feel my heart beating faster, and my mouth dried up, and suddenly I had to look away for fear that she would see.

I pride myself on being a man of science (who wouldn't mind having a bit of...feminine companionship) and I had never believed in the concept of 'love', at least not the kind they talk about in stories and epic poems, but at that moment, I realized that I was in love.

I love Doctor Elizabeth Weir.

Now, I just have to figure out what I'm going to do about it.