Digi: Yeah... hi... Hehhee. I got in the writing mood. I read back on my last chapter and noticed SO MANY MISTAKES. I mean whats up?!?!?!? I hate wordpad. I don't have microsoft word because it isn't installed on my computer... (AND MY AUNT AND UNCLE DELETED IT ON THEIR COMPUTER; the one I am currently typing this on) but I'm planning on buying the microsoft word soon. (You can do that right, buy it I mean?) Well whatever the case may be, I shall try not to speed this thing up and LOOK over my mistakes. And soon enough Digiqueen-Sinceramon will rule the WORLD:D


Hilary was on the ground with her eyes widened. She looked back at Kai with shock/amazement. "Why did you.. Kenny knows.. Oh my gosh!" She could barely get her sentences straight.

"Just.. don't mention it." He managed to say, going inside the house.

'Kai... what's wrong with you?' She thought then after a while she went upstairs to pack quietly.

'What in the world is wrong with me?' Kai thought, slamming his fist while watching an episode of Yun Yun (pronounced the way it looks) HaoRyuu. 'I risked myself over some girl. Some girl that's human while I'm a ghost! Some girl that I should've forgotten. Some girl that can't fall in-' WOAH. He had to stop thinking these crazy thoughts before he himself would turn crazy. He had to shake that last thought out of him before the unthinkable happened!

After a few minutes of watching the show; the main character Kira and Yun (pronounced Yoon) were confessing their love to eachother eventhough Yun was doing it as if he were scared to tell her.

'This is so corny.' Kai thought, getting ready to change the channel until Hilary came downstairs.

"I love this episode!" She said with as she put her suitcase and her backpack by the door. She jumped on the couch next to him and looked at the show with full-on interest.

"When are you leaving?" Kai asked, not wanting to bring up the pushing-Zeo-thing.

"Well I called the airport and they said I've already reserved a spot on their plane or something.. So I guess my mom called them beforehand and well.. I called her and she told me she mailed my tickets a few days ago and it's supposed to come today. Which is kind of weird because she went and bought me a ticket without talking to me about this. I guess even if I had said I didn't want to come she'd still make me. She'd probably bring the guilt trip on me and say, 'But I wasted so much money on you.. I bought the ticket and everything. Please Hilary..'"

Kai looked at her with his brow raised. "You didn't answer my question." 'Weirdo.' He thought, thinking that he'd say that she'd get mad at him. Not like he'd care or anything..

"Oh, I'm leaving on Thursday, which I guess is tomorrow.." She said, feeling a little dumb with not remembering what day it was and such.

"When are you coming back?"

"On Sunday. I wish I could stay on Monday, that's the last day of my suspension but whatever. Not like my mom knows about it or anything.. but.." She stopped, knowing that she was going to talk a lot.

"Yeah, I get it." He nodded.

Then after a while, it was an awkward silence because no one knew what to say after the two events that just happened.


Mariah walked home with tears streaming down her face. Once she got inside, she ran into her room and threw everything in the closet that reminded her of him.


She threw her diary against the wall and cried on her pillow. Soon enough, a knock was heard on her door and Lee opened it.

"Mariah, what the heck? You can't come into my house slaming things all you - What happened to you?" He asked, sitting on the bed next to her.

"It's-it's-it's.." She wondered if she should tell him or not. She knew Lee was going to beat him up and she would probably regret telling him what happened.. but.. Ray had hurt her. So she told him, she told him it all. Only she did it really quickly but despite that he still heard her.

"Lee, are you in here?" Mariam asked, getting in. "You're supposed to be sleeping -WOAH. Mariah you're eyes are as red as.. as well, they're just really red! Have you been crying?"

"Yeah.." She didn't care anymore, she would've told anyone who asked her why she was crying. She had to let it out.

"Why?" She asked, sitting on the bed next to Lee.

"I was looking for Ray and I saw him.. but then I also saw Salima. I decided not to interrupt because I was being nosy and wanted to see what they were doing.. and.. a-and.. I saw them k-kiss..." She stuttered as if not wanting to replay the past in her head.

"WHAT A JERK." She shouted. "We should beat him up, see how it feels like to be broken!"

"No, let's see what he does after the kiss. Maybe it was a mistake.. we'll observe him and if he does the wrong things, which is be all over Salima, then we'll get him." Lee said, rubbing his arm because after he was still sore from getting beat up.

Mariah glanced at her brother and winced. 'I'm sorry Lee.'


Brooklyn looked down and smiled, he then sat next to her and brushed her tears away with his thumb. "Why are you crying?"

"Because the guy I like -" She started.

But he interrupted, "Likes you back. Why do you think I'm always with you? I don't sneak in your house for nothing Ming-Ming."

She laughed at this. "I guess you're right.." The bluette looked up at her object of affection.

"But seriously, I thought it was obvious. I almost kissed you that one time, I worry about you 24/7.. I slept in your closet, I always -"

Then it was her turn to interrupt him, but this time, with a kiss.


Mathilda and Raul were walking to Ming-Ming's house in search of Ming-Ming herself. Well actually Raul was looking for Brooklyn and since he couldn't find Brooklyn at his own house, he'd figured he'd be with Ming-Ming, like always.

"I don't know, I just think it's weird." The pinkette said, still stressing over the Bakuten subject.

"You'll be okay. Hilary's right though, you just met him."

"I know, I know, I know. It's just that I was so rude to him and then he told me this corny quote. And.. ugh," She sighed in exasperation. "Maybe I'm just feeling guilty that I was mean to a ghost."

"That could be it. You never know, maybe you did share a real connection with him. The invisible strings of fate do tend to lead us to the most unimaginable things."

"You're right.."

"Hey Mathilda.. can I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure, what?"

"Well.. Brooklyn told me that he met up with a couple of girls that said Ming-Ming did drugs and she does IT a lot. I wasn't paying attention to him at the time but right now it dawned on me. So um.. does she??"

"WHAT? NO WAY. Ming-Ming does NOT do drugs and she told me she's never giving it up until she marries! I bet it was one of Queen's dumb friends who said this." Mathilda said angrily, cracking her knuckles.

"Woah, calm down. The only reason they talk about you guys is because they don't have a life of their own. They're jealous of you guys." He said, hoping that would convince her.

"Hm.. and why wouldn't they be. Oh hey look, we're here." She said, knocking on the door.

Nini, Ming-Ming's grandma, came out and smiled at the children. "Why hello kids. Looking for Ming-Ming?" The two young ones nodded. "I'm sorry, she isn't here right now. Would you like to stay here until she gets back? It's quite cold so I don't think you two should be walking around in this temperature so come in!" She didn't wait for an answer because she pushed the two in before they could say anything.


"Come, come, let's go into the living room!" She smiled as the three walked into the living room. The TV was already on and it was set on the cartoon channel in which there were three little anime powerpuff girls fighting crime. (This show is real!!! Not to spoil anything but in the anime version of it Bubbles, Buttercup, and Blossom aren't sisters!!! I was very upset!)

"So kids," She started off casually while knitting some socks. "which one of you would like to be a guinea pig for one of my potions?"

"Excuse me?" They both went, looking at her strangely.

"Well, I made this one potion that if you consume it all then anything you touch will grow to life. Like with dead plants for instance; they are dead.. you touch them then they bloom into a pretty flower! How about it, Mathilda.. Raul?"

"What about dead people? Can it save the dead?" Mathilda asked, getting very intereseted in the subject now.

The grandmother looked at her strangely. "Who do you plan on resurrecting dear?"

"She wants to bring back this one guy whom we met a while back." Raul answered.

"Oh, I'm sorry but I highly think my little potion can do that. Plus why would you want to disturb a peaceful person when they're sleeping? It's already bad enough when you do it to people who are alive because they get all cranky but when you try to wake a dead person from their eternal grave then think of how much trouble it will cause. What if they had wanted to die? What if they wanted to escape life? Before you act, Mathilda, make sure you think."

The pinkette grew quiet. She was right, she couldn't bring him back, she barely knew him like everyone said. She should respect life's wishes and let things be. "I'll be your guinea pig."

"Are you sure? You're only going to use it on plants?"

She nodded. "I promise."

"Okay, heres the potion. Anytime you want to deactivate it, just come to me and I'll give you the antidote." Nini handed over the red potion to Mathilda. "Be sure to drink all of it."

The pinkette nodded and sipped down the drink. It actually tasted quite good, kind of like cherries and ginger ale mixed together. Which may sound like a weird combination but it was actually tasty!

"Why did you need a guinea pig anyway?" Raul asked as Mathilda was finishing up her drink.

"Well, I haven't done this kind of stuff in a while, you know magical potions, and I needed someone courageous enough to see if my potions were correct in their name."

Mathilda almost spit out the potion but she realized that she had drank it all up. "So you're saying that I might not be able to revive plants? I might grow some leaves for arms instead?!"

"Uhm.. yes. But don't worry, I'm extremely good at antidotes. They are really easy to me so whatever problem may grow on you I can easily fix you right up." She held up a green potion as if she were advertising it.

"Maybe we should try it out." Raul said to her and she nodded. "Miss, do you have any dead plants that you'd like Mathilda to grace?"

"Please, call me Nini but no, I sadly do not. My great gardening skills have cursed my plants to live healthy and look beautiful. Perhaps I'll crush a plant and we'll have Mathilda bring it back to life." She smiled, getting up to fetch a plant.

"You look worried." Raul pointed out.

"Of course I would be. I just consumed a drink that may have some possible negative effects on me." She gulped.

He let out a small smile as he put his arm around her. "Don't sweat it. You'll be fine, she has an antidote remember."

She smiled at him. "Thanks Raul."


Kenny sat on his bed while Zeo sat on the floor watching TV mumbling many things about Hilary and him. All Kenny could think about however is what he saw. 'Should I tell someone? Would anyone understand?! Wait, Hilary would!! That's the only person who I could talk to about this bizarre sighting. What if she didn't see it though? But now that I think about it, why did Kai do that? I'm positive that was him too, I got a clear picture of him in my mind but why did he push Zeo off Hilary before anything worse could happen? Are they in cahoots with one another?! What if Kai l-loves her? That'll mean I have more competition! OH MY GOSH!!' He groaned in frustration.

"Hey Kenny, should I apologize to Tyson? I lost my best friend for a girl that doesn't love me like that anymore." He said sadly, pushing some tears back with his hand.

"Yeah you should, you'd regret it if you guys didn't talk anymore. It's best to do it now than later." The two began to get up but Kenny decided to open his big mouth. "Hey, um, Zeo? Do you think it's weird that you suddenly got pushed off like that? You know when you were picking up Hilary.."

"What? I thought you had pushed me off. That's why I didn't talk to you until we got to your house."

Kenny shook his head, he had thought Zeo was just mad at the fact that he lost Hilary!

"Wait, so that wasn't you? Then what the heck was it?" He looked confused. "Is there something up with that house? I remember I was there and I got this weird vibe.. it was sort of chilling."

Four-eyes gulped. 'I shouldn't have said anything.' "I don't know. My minds kind of iffy since then.. maybe I did push you and you gave me an impact to the head or something. I'll call Hilary about it." He said to him, hoping he would understand as they both walked out the front door.

"Yeah maybe.. hey do you think Hilary would still talk to me?"

"To be honest.. I don't think so. Just give her some time, she could be upset that you were going crazy like that. I mean you looked like a psycho, not to be rude."

"No offense. It's just 'woah' you know. The love of my life rejecting me like that."

"It was more like you both rejected eachother. After all she did say you kept 'faking on her' and such. She's probably tired of it. But hey to look on the brightside, she might not want to be in a relationship for a while because of this, so that'll mean no guys would be all on her."

"I guess.. that's pretty good."


"YOU GUYS, I'm homeeee." Mariam sang, almost tripping over Hilary's bags while almost dropping her friend's letter.. "Hilary are you leaving tomorrow? Oh yeah, heres a letter from your mom." She said as she put her jacket on the railing while handing over the letter to her.

"Cool," Hilary said as she opened it. "Yes, it's the ticket! Oh, but yeah. I'm leaving tomorrow.. do you think you can drop me off at the airport. I have to be there by ten."

"Sure. The Main Tokyo Airport??"

"Yup." She nodded as Kai changed the channel.

"Hey Kai.. do you have ghost powers?" Mariam asked, sitting on the love seat next to long couch.

"What?" He asked looking at her as if she were crazy, putting the remote down.

"Ghost powers. I notice that sometimes you pick up some objects and I've been wondering.. can ghosts really do that? Pick up stuff I mean."

"Well.. you've had to scare a lot of people or interact with a lot of people for your 'ghost powers' to increase. I guess my powers increase more by day because I conversate with both of you on a daily basis and I've noticed that I can hold things for much longer and hold heavier objects. Soon enough, you guys could probably touch me because right now if you touch me, your hand goes through me but if I touch you," He grabbed Hilary's hand for example. "then I can hold onto it. It's weird but that's what I've observed."

"Woah." The two girls said. He also let go of Hilary's hand, she noticed with some sadness.

"Oh yeah, I have a story to tell you guys." Mariam said, sharing the Mariah-Ray-Salima love triangle with them.

"You can NOT be serious." Hilary said with MUCH shock.

"I'm SO serious. It was so weird and I felt extremely bad for Mariah because she likes him soooo much."

"I KNOW! I feel her pain." The brunette said, noticing Kai's angry glare. "What Kai? Are you upset with Ray as we are?!"

"No, what Ray does is his own business. If he screws up his love life that'll be his fault. But what I'm mad about is that I can't watch TV.. IN PEACE."

"Who cares, you watch TV all day." Mariam said, waving her hand.

"Yeah seriously Kai. Let's try something new for a while."

"Look, what I do is my own business so stay out of it." He snapped.

"Touchy." The indigo-haired girl said.

"Oh, I've also got some news about Zeo. It's offically and finally, forever now over between us."

"Finally?" Mariam said.

"Finally." Kai stated.

"Hey, you're busy watching TV remember but Hilary, what happened?"

The brunette told her all of what happened even the part of what Kai did and Mariam followed every word.

"Boys are so rude."

"I know and they can be so scary and very unpredictable." She said, referring the last part about Kai and all he did was cough.

Later that night Mariam told (ordered) Kai to stay in Hilary's room that night, just in case Zeo would go psycho again and kidnap Hilary from her bedroom window or something. So Kai did as he was told and he very slowly trudged upstairs to her room in which she was lying down on her bed. He pushed her mini sofa so that it was across her bed and sat on it.

"Where's your mom now Kai? Were you living alone here?" She asked, sleeping on her side so she could face him.

"My mom moved to America. I told her to go even though she wanted me to come with her. I was happy living here, where my team was."

"Don't you mean friends?" She giggled.

"I refer to them as my pupils, team members, peers."

"Are you sure you didn't have one person that you atleast called 'friend'?"

"Maybe Ray, Tyson, Max and Kenny... I guess." He said as if having friends meant you were going to get an uncurable disesase.

"That's good." She yawned then held out her hand and said, "Are you going to stay with me until morning comes?"

He looked down at her hand then grabbed onto it. "Yeah."


Digi: Done. Was it ok?? I'll be happy with an OKAY!!! Anyways, hoped ya like and all that junks. Any questions? Kindly ask!! I'll answer it in the next chapter in some form.