Digi: My new ficcy!! Unfinished Business! Hehe.. anyways, I hope this is original, well I know some fics where a character is dead and blah blah but I'm trying to make mines different.. well everyone wants their ficcy to be different.. but anyways heres a complete summary!

Hilary moves into Kai's old house with her old friend Mariam. After recieving her own beyblade she meets a stranger; a young man that soons teaches her the ways of the world. But what happens if this young man happens to be a ghost? Will Hilary fall in love with a spirit or a mortal?

Oh yeah, she goes to school in this fic (and its AU) and she's basically new so she doesn't know a lot of people. Hilary is like sixteen in this fic and Mariam is eighteen. Characters are going to be OOC so sorry!! I don't own anything so on with the story!

Don't own nothing. At all. Blah.. yeah..


Hilary walked into the big house quietly. Mariam had already told her that she would be there so she put her luggage down and looked around the house. It was pretty empty but she would fill it up with furniture soon enough. She soon walked upstairs.

It was an eerie yet serene walk up the long stairs. On the walls, to the right, had many pictures of flowers and ponds. Hilary knew right away they belonged to her friend because she was the one who had given it to her. The brunette smiled as she reached the last step.

"Mariam? Hello?" She called out to the three open empty rooms in front of her. "Where are you?"

She felt a cold hand on her shoulder and quickly turned around. She saw nothing! Hilary shrieked and ran downstairs and outside into the backyard. Atleast it was in the afternoon or Hilary would be out on the streets right now, still running.

Then she heard a humming noise come from the other side of the pond so she walked on the bridge and saw Mariam! The young girl sighed in relief then ran over to her friend to give her a big hug.

"There you are! I was looking for you then decided to come here.. so what are you doing?" Hilary asked as she sat next to her.

"Hey," She smiled as she picked up a blade of grass and then made it fall into the pond. "I was just thinking. So did the house scare you?"

"No, no way.."

Mariam laughed. "I heard you scream, liar."

"Oh well.. anyways we should buy some furniture for the house to make it less scary."

"Don't worry, already got that taken care of, they're coming in an hour."

"Really? Oh well, can you help me unpack my stuff?"

"Sure, let's go." Mariam said as she helped her friend up and they both walked inside the house.

One week later..

"Hilary, wake up! Get ready to go to school!"

"I'm almost done!" Hilary replied as she tried to get her skirt on. Once she was done, she walked out of her room and ran downstairs. She walked past Mariam who was sitting on the red exotic couch. "Don't you go to college or something?" Hilary smiled.

"Hey, I have a job and I pay the bills and.."

"Okay, okay, sorry." The brunette interrupted as she then walked into the kitchen. She then ate some leftover noodles and then walked out of the house. "I'm gonna be home a little late so make sure you have your key and lock the door!" Mariam called out as Hilary nodded.

So they lived in a house thats haunted..


"You live on Dainichi street?"

"Yup." Hilary smiled.

"Okay, which house?" Mariah asked as she was writing the information down on a piece of paper.


Her pink-haired friend gasped and looked at her wide-eyed. "R-really?"

"Yeah why?"

"Okay, sit down for this," She said as the brunette did as she was told. "There was this boy named Kai that went to this school and Julia had a huge crush on him. Then like two months ago in January he was found dead in his own house. No one knows who did it though and no one found the weapon so the case is left unsolved. A lot of people say it was Julia because he wouldn't return her feelings or whatever. But Kai had a lot of enemies so I think it could be anyone."

Mariah paused a bit then looked out the window. "A month ago someone moved into his house and like on the walls of Kai's old room it said 'RB' in blood! It scared the owner so much that they decided to move but that's not all, see a lot of other freaky stuff happened but they still lived there like their stuff mysteriously disappeared, you would find a rose on you sometimes, and like outside, where Kai usually trained, once in a while you would see HIM!"

"RB? What does 'RB' mean?"

The girl shrugged. "People say it mean't Ryuu Bakemono because that's the gang he was in."


"I can't believe he's dead though, I remember all the times we shared with him.. Well I didn't really share any with him but he was pretty nice.. in a way.."

"So, he was found dead in his own house? Which room did he die in?"

"Let's see there were three floors.. -"

"Three floors? We have two floors.."

"Oh, didn't you know? They have a secert attic and another secert room which is under the house so I guess it counts as a floor."

"Do you know where the secert room is?"

"Nope, no one knows 'cept Kai himself. But let me see... he was found dead in the middle room on the second floor, I think.."

Hilary sighed in relief, thank goodness that wasn't her room..

"It was the the room on the right, Mariah." Mathilda said, opening one eye and looking at them.

Then Hilary's eyes widened. Why lord? Why??

The two pink-haired girls could tell from Hilary's expression that that room was hers now.

"Woah, good luck." Mathilda said sincerely as she patted her shoulder.

Hilary sighed and looked out the window. Some spirits aren't bad right..?


"Hey Hilary!"

The brunette turned around and smiled at the person running toward her. "Hey Kenny!"

Kenny was now in front of her, panting heavily. "So you have a date to the dance yet?"

"There's gonna be a dance soon?"

"Yeah, in two weeks."

"Oh, well I don't have to worry.. I think I'll find one soon. What about you, you going with anyone?"

Kenny quickly blushed and started to mumble inaudibly. "Uh, well.."

Hilary laughed and patted his shoulder. "It's okay Kenny, you don't have to tell me. Anyways, I'll see you at lunch!" With that she left and ran inside the big building.

"I don't want to tell you though, I want to ask you.." The brunette mumbled as he slowly walked up the steps into the school.

"Hey Cheif!"

"Hey Tyson." Kenny responded as he approached Tyson's locker.

"Kenny, was that girl that just ran past here a friend of yours?" Ray asked, looking at him.

"Yeah, actually. Why?"

"Mariah just told me that she lives in Kai's old house."

"Psh, she won't last three months there." Tyson mumbled, trying to fit his backpack into his locker.

"Actually Tyson, Hilary's doing pretty well there. I mean sometimes she stays alone at the house.."

"Okay whatever but -"

The bell then rang.

"Get to class!"

"We're goin'!"

Class 5; Tyson Hilary Ray Max

'He just died and everyone knows its not suicide; he wouldn't just kill himself, would he? Rr.. I know he wouldn't! Gary was probably the one who killed him, that idiot never liked him anyway.. Yeah! It was Gary!' Tyson thought angrily with his head on the desk and his eyes glaring at the young man, which was Gary, in front of him.

"Alright, which one of you kids know the problem?" Their teacher asked lazily. "Yes, Hilary. What is it?"

Hilary? Hilary's in this class? 'Wonder where she is..' The bluette thought, looking around the room. Then he realized that she sat right next to him.

"Correct, now Emily do you know what number two is?"

The orange-haired girl focused her eyes onto the board then her workbook. "23.41."

"Yahoo, now class.." He began to talk more but Tyson wasn't listening, he was busy studying Hilary's features.

'Gosh, she's so ugly..'

"What?" Hilary asked, once she finally noticed him staring at her.

"Nothing." He said, turning his head. Then he slowly turned his head again to look at her and he threw some small paperballs at her to get her attention.

"Kami, what?!" She muttered angrily before throwing one at him.

"Jeez, no need to get all upset!"

"Well, no need to throw stupid paperballs at me!"

"I don't care!"

"I don't either!"

"Then why are you yelling if you don't care?!"

"Because you started it!"

"No, I didn't!"

"Yes, you did!"

"Shut up!"


"Both of you kids, be quiet!"

"Mind your own business!" They both yelled back then Hilary realized what she said.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it sir!" She apologized as she bowed down.

"Hm, teachers pet.." Tyson muttered then Hilary glared angrily at him.

"I'd rather be one than a lazy good-for-nothing jerk!"

"Lazy?! I get A's! And to get my A's I have to study! Studying isn't laziness!"

"So?! I get straight A's!"

"Well, I"m workin' on it!"

"Students, please! Sit down!!"

They still continued on arguing.


That got their attention.

"I can't get detention! I'm.. I'm me!" Hilary said. (Haha, sorry if it sounds OOC but I got that from Jimmy Neutron where like that dude said, you can't kick me out.. I'm me.)

"If I get detention then you should get it too! After all you deserve it!"

"I deserve it?! You earn it!"

Tyson ignored her, for now. "Teach, I have to go practice beyblading! I can't stay after school with you and her!"

"What, got nothing else to say to me?"

"Listen you! I'm saving up my energy for something more important!"

"Oh, you know I won."

"Nu-uh! I won!"

"Tyson just lose gracefully like a man." Max said; who was sitting three seats away from him.

"I didn't lose and I won't!"

"Be a gentlemen and just say you lost and take her detention time as well." Ray said, who was sitting next to Max.

"Wow, your friends sure are nice.. Unlike you!"

"Yeah.. some friends.." Tyson mumbled, crossing his arms.

Then the bell rang, thank the lord.

"Finally," The older man mumbled under his breath. "Anyways, Hilary and Tyson! Detention after school! If you're not going to show up then you shall have it tomorrow for two hours! Class, no homework!"

Hilary walked angrily through the halls. 'That jerk.. Just wait when I be better than him at something.. then he might respect me! I don't even care if its a little!'


The brunette turned around and smiled at the pinkette running up to her. "Hey!"

"Hey! So how was class?" She asked as they walked to lunch.

"Awful! Do you know who Tyson is? Yeah well we were arguing the whole time and now I have detention because of him!"

Mariah chuckled. "That sure sounds like him.."

"Hey, wait.. I remember him saying something about beyblading.."

"Oh yeah, he's the champ, well at this school anyway."

Hilary smiled evilly. "Maybe I could try to be better than him!"

"Alright but he's pretty hard to beat. So good luck.."

"But first I have to get a beyblade.. where do you buy one?"

"You don't have one? I don't think they sell them here anymore.. I go find out and I'll tell you after your detention." Mariah smiled as they entered the lunch room.

Hilary looked around the big room. The walls had a sort of mural on it, a mural of the four guardians; the tiger, the tortise, the phoenix and the dragon. They each had their own area on the ceiling.

The dragon had the east and its background was a green spring field that was also next to water. The phoenix was south, its background was of a summer day and the phoenix was sitting next to red flowers as the birds fire grew. The tiger was in the west and he had a fall autumn scene behind him. And the tortise was in the north side of the ceiling with the winter wonderland.

The rest of the walls were a normal light blue and outside the windows was a garden where students could eat outside if they wanted to.

"The four celestial emblems.." Hilary mumbled before looking back at the students in front of her. Where would she sit today? Hey, where did Mariah run off to?

Hilary looked around the cafeteria and saw Mariah sitting next to Ray and she was smiling and laughing. So the young girl casually walked over there and sat next to her pink-haired friend.

"So Mariah, do you?"

"Nope." The pinkette smiled.

"So, you wanna-"

"Sure." She interrupted.

Ray smiled at the pink-haired girl. "Alright, I'll be sure to see you." With that he walked away into the lunchline.

"What's that about?" Hilary asked with a sly smile.

"He asked me to the dance."

"Really?! You're so lucky! Ray is nice and cute.."

"Yeah, I know."

A black-haired girl across from the two girls looked at them. "You're the new kid right?"

"Uh, sorta.." Hilary said.

"And you live in Kai's old house?"

Hilary simply nodded.

"Heh, good luck trying to survive." Then she walked away either to go eat lunch or sit with her friends.

"Who was that?"

"Oh, that's just Queen, don't mind her.. she just gossips a lot and is a real biatch."

"I see, so you don't like her?"

"Nope but hey, I wanna introduce you to my friend that wasn't here last week. See they were at a camping trip.." Mariah said, pulling the girls wrist to another table.

"Hey Mariah! I'm back!" A girl with blue hair said as her friend approached her.

"Hey Ming-Ming! Hilary this is Ming-Ming, Ming-Ming, Hilary."

"Hiya!" The bluette said happily.

"Hi, I like your hair."

"Oh thanks!"

"C'mon Hilary, theres more people to meet that weren't here last week.."

"Bye bye!" Ming-Ming called out to them.

The two simply waved in response.

"Is she always happy?"

The pinkette laughed. "Most of the time. Oh look, theres Brooklyn and Raul! Hey guys!"

Hilary looked to where her friend was waving at and her jaw dropped. They must've been the most beautiful men she ever saw.

"Hey Mariah, who's your friend?" An orange-haired boy asked.

"This is Hilary, alright Brooklyn is the orange-haired boy and Raul is the red-head one. Raul's older sister is Julia."

"By a few minutes.." Raul mumbled.

Brooklyn grabbed Hilary's hand and kissed it. "How do you do?"

Hilary smiled, they were cute!

"My friend Mathilda likes Raul.." Mariah whispered in her ear.

'Darn..' The brunette thought.

"Anyways we'll be seeing you guys soon! Now Hilary, we get to meet Emily, she's dating Tala and he's like a bad boy. You don't want to mess with him. Let's see where is she.."

"She's over there." Hilary pointed to a girl with orange-hair standing in line next to a boy with red hair. The brunette remembered that Emily was in her last class.

"Emily!!" The two then walked over to her and the Mariah gave Emily a big hug.


"Alright, I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine, this is -"

"Hilary right?"

"Yeah." The brunette nodded and Emily smiled.

"Yup, I remember you arguing with Tyson."

Hilary sweatdropped and shook Emily's hand. "Please to meet you too!"

Emily chuckled then Tala pulled her closer to her. "Well, we'll be seeing you!"

As the two girls walked away Hilary couldn't help but think why would someone like Tala go out with someone like Emily? I mean Tala, to her, looked rude, mean, and cocky and Emily seemed pretty nice and happy..

"Opposites attract." Mariah said, as if reading Hilary's mind.


"Opposites attract, see last year they hated eachother then like they had to do this baby project together and she told me that they started to understand eachother little by little and then boom they started making out then going out."

"Aw.." The brunette smiled, she loved those type of couples. Then the two sat back down next to Ming-Ming and talked for a while.

Later that school day..

"So Ray, did you do it?"

"Yeah.." He sounded ashamed.

"Hah! I knew you would! Anyways you know what to do."

Ray nodded. "Break it off before it happens."

"Good boy. Now let's see if he comes after ya, just tell me and I'll beat him for you!" The other dude laughed.

Ray couldn't believe he was actually doing this. Damn blackmail..

"Hey Rick.. I don't think this is such a good idea.."

"What? Backin' up now? Feh, just think what will happen when I -"

"Okay, nevermind." Ray said quickly.

Rick smirked then walked away, laughing to himself. The other boy just sat down, thinking to himself.

After detention...

Hilary walked home, humming a little tune she learned in music. She was trying to figure out what Ray and this Rick guy were talking about. Yes, she was there. See she was trying to get to her class but she still didn't know the whole school so she was pretty much lost. Then she stumbled onto a dark unused hallway, she was about to turn back but heard someone's voices. Sure, eavesdropping is bad but she couldn't help it! Hilary had to be nosy!

And she's sorta glad she was, even if she almost got caught. But she had no clue what they were talking about. What did Ray do today?


Anways as she was still thinking she walked up to her home and unlocked the door. Mariam wasn't here, as usual, so she cooked herself some food then walked upstairs to finish her homework.

Eventhough this house was creepy, she still liked it, she got used to it. So Hilary walked into her light purple room and put her bag next to her white desk. She sat on her matching white bed, with purple sheets and white pillows, while also eating her piece of bread.

Hilary looked out the big window to the left of her and smiled. Today was such a nice day! You could still hear birds chirping! What's better than that?

The brunette smiled then walked over to her mini sofa, where she put her little Hello Kitty plushie.

"I wonder how you work beyblades.." Hilary said to herself as she picked up her plushie. "What if I can't work one and lose in every battle I get in?!"

Earlier today Mariah and Emily explained what a beyblade was and what a bit-beast was as well.

"How do you get bitbeasts??"

Then Hilary's window suddenly burst open and a strong wind came through it.

"What the?!" The young girl looked out the window and thought she saw a male about her age with beautiful grayish hair. "Wow.." She whispered as she saw him training with some sort of device.

Hilary was so curious to who it was and what he was doing that she quickly ran downstairs and walked out the backyard. "Hello?"


"Hm.." The brunette walked over to where he was training and looked around. She could've sworn she saw this thing that his device was spinning on. Hilary moved some of the flowers and grass away to see a little beyblade stadium but of course she didn't know that with her knowledge of beyblade.

But what was more surprising was that she saw something in the middle of it. Something that caught her eye.. something pink.

Hilary picked up the thing and looked at it carefully. "What's this?"


Digi: Wow! How was that? Good I hope!! I am so sorry that most of the characters are soooo OOC but like, I have no idea how most of them act but all the people I metioned here are not my characters, they are real beybladers and you can go see what they look like on !

Crickets chirp.

...ahaha.. yeah... um anyways I don't know what most of them act like and I am soooo sorry!! See I did see the first season but I didn't like it because I didn't like the romance and then I started watching it in VForce 'cuz Hilary came and I thought Kai and her made such a cute couple! Sooo, I got hooked from then on, not hooked enough to know more about the people though.

Well, I sorta know but anyways please review! I hope my i-dear is original.. Anyways, please review!