One of the unreleased chapters I kept on my com, but never had time to post... It's short as hell, but then...


Hinata's POV

Life's like a dream sometimes, a beautiful day can turn into a nightmare in a flicker, and back in a moment's whisper.

Is this real? Or is this an illusion? Does it matter that whether we are both dead or alive? Here, in this world, I could feel him, his warmth, his energy, his personality. It was the shield I've lost for so long, it was the anchor that kept me from drifting away. And I won't let it drift away again.

"Naruto... Don't try to stop me." I said softly, my hands grabbed his illusionary body harder. Even if only here, I could touch him, Even if he is merely a ghost, but right here and now, he was more real than reality was. If death is the price for me to be with the one I love, so be it.

Naruto's POV

Life's like a bad nightmare, full of surprises, full of obstacles, full of unfulfilled dreams.

In my arms, her head on my chest, I could feel her craving, her broken dreams somehow coming back together again. Perhaps for once, I should just let her do as she please. My fingers slowly stroked her soft black hair, and my other held her closer.

"I won't stop you." I don't have the right, to stop her. I don't have a reason for her to live.

They say when you live, you can make a difference. However, it doesn't work all the time.


At last, this story. is finished. .

How she dies? Imagine it urself. LOLZ