Beep, beep... Cienna's phone was set for 4-30 am.

'Dale time to move hun' she tried to rouse the sleeping Smithy from next to her.

'I swear it's easier to raise the dead, SMITHY WAKE UP!!!' She yelled into his ear.

'No need to yell I heard ya... why don't we call in sick?' he asked as he wrapped an arm around her pulling her back under the covers.

'You come up with an excuse for both of us being off that Gold'll buy... and you tell her, then you're on!' Cienna reluctantly pulled herself away from Smithy.

As Smithy ate some cereal he viewed the previous days post which sat unopened on the kitchen counter, 'you gonna open them at any point?' he pointed to the post.

'Later, I can't be dealing with crap like that at 5 am, anyway it's your fault their still there.'

'What did I do?' He asked with a mouth full of coco pops.

'You distracted me and you know it, don't talk with your mouth full you're making a mess.'



'Ugh, Yvonne how can you be so happy at 5-50 in the morning?' Cienna was not a morning person.

'Late night?' Kerry asked.

'No, just too early to be awake,' Cienna couldn't stand Kerry she was such a... a girlie, but not even Smithy was aware of her dislike, even after they had a huge fight over the Radford affair. Their first real fight and Kerry had to be responsible didn't she?! He said he cared about her but loved Cienna, Cienna knew he more than cared but didn't let on. Cienna did love him and because of that she could live with some doubts.

'Don't blame you for being a grouch' Kerry answered, 'your darling boyfriend has paired you with Gabriel!'

'He's my Sgt! He stops being my boyfriend when we put on the uniform!' How long were they going to have to listen to this, under any other circumstance she would have asked to be with someone else but if she went to Smithy and he did change it everyone would view it as favouritism. Some days she wished he really was just her Sgt.

'Wanna swap?' Cienna asked

'No chance, have fun!' Kerry laughed as he left the locker room.

'Should have called in sick.' Cienna said to no one in particular.


'Look it's just a question!' Gabriel shouted at Cienna.

'For the last time it's none of your business! What me and Smithy do outside of work is up to us and we're not gonna start asking permission' she found herself yelling back.

It had been the same all day personal questions about her 'private' relationship, but they were strange questions everyone else wanted to know when they were moving in together (seeing as Smithy hadn't been to his flat in the last two weeks and that was just to get his post they were practically living together anyway)! But not Gabriel he wanted to know where they shopped, drank, what they did for fun, hell he'd even asked if Smithy was good in bed. He didn't actually say it but she knew what he meant.

'What is your problem? Do you fancy him or something? What's with all the questions?' he'd left her no choice but to ask.

She pulled into the back yard, today work was going home Smithy was gonna get it for putting her with Gabriel, what had he been thinking.

'I just want you to be happy, I care about you, I'd hate to see you get hurt,' he watched her reaction.

Cienna eyed him carefully as she parked the car, 'What makes you think he'll hurt me?'

'It wouldn't be the first time he's hurt someone I care about. I don't want to have to watch that again.' He got out of the car and started to walk up the ramp. Cienna ran in front of him.

'What are you talking about? He would never hurt anyone!' she kept him from walking past.

'Yeah right, he's Mr Perfect. Look what he did to Kerry.' he pushed past her to the door.

'That's history he didn't rape her she said so herself, don't let him hear you mention it he'll kill you!'

'And your not worth it' she added to herself as he walked away.


The ride home had been unpleasant as Cienna recounted her day with Gabriel to Smithy. By the time he pulled into the car park he was seething.

'When I get my hands on him....'

'No, don't even mention it. It's what he wants though what he'd gain I don't know. Promise me you won't say anything.' 'Please.' the last thing Cienna wanted was Smithy in trouble.

'OK, I promise this time, but if he says anything else I'll have him' Smithy got out of the car.

As Cienna followed him inside she made a mental note to keep any further comments to herself.

Smithy wasn't in the mood to distract her so Cienna started to open her post,

'Typical don't get anything for days then loads all together, most of it junk.' She decided to start with the A4 envelope marked 'Private and Confidential'. She ripped it open and pulled out the contents.

'What the hell?!' She stared at the series of photos in front of her.