Inuyasha stopped at an instant. Everything was quiet. Inuyasha felt something overpower his mind making him dizzy.
He scratched behind his new moon human ears. He stepped forward. The day was dark. He looked for any sign of kagome. He no longer heard her voice in his head. Hoping to hear from her he continued slowly.
He stared around the dark bushes. He had never been there before. He didn't remember exactly where naraku's castle was but he had a slight Idea.
His mind raced. He saw ripped cloth from what appeared to be green. He kneeled and picked it up. He tried to pick up a scent of who it was. But his normal human nose worked nothing
He put it in his pocket and continued eagerly.
He walked past a complete ripped off finger nail on a tree trunk. He searched for anything else. Then he saw what he knew was owned by kagome.
A white sleeve was waving from a spiked bush. blood covered a few parts of it's arm. Picking it up gently he felt his heart beat fast. Long enough to be kagome's whole entire left sleeve. He looked closer. A tree hid behind the bush.
He stood and looked closely. There was a big mark of blood on it with another white piece of cloth. There was cloth everywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if kagome is nude by now. He thought examining the cloth closely.
He dropped them. He only needed one to find out. tears fighting to come pouring out his gold eyes. He couldn't think of anything but kagome. Kagome. He tried to think to her.
What are you nuts inuyasha? That was only a heart message! His conscience scolded him. That was when you really needed to talk to her. Now keep walking.
Inuyasha paid no attention. But he didn't try to talk to kagome anymore. It could have been a heart message but he didn't understand.
His path became a journey once again. Hearing kagome or seeing kagome run into bushes haunted him. He didn't believe them. He saw more than one kagome go into a bush. His imagination wanted the remote at this time. His life was closing to a stop. He needed kagome. And he refused to cry.
But his hopes lowered. He got no farther until he saw kagome's shoe.
He sat in a tree branch (which as human it took him a while to climb) and cried to himself.
Finally u decide to review ty ty I thought my writing sucked since you wouldn't review heh heh I'm just a innocent little devil heh