James woke up and took in his surroundings, they were familiar but not expected. When he fell asleep he was next to his wife, their newborn baby lying in the cot across from them in their cream bedroom. Now awake his was starring up at a canopy he had seen endless times before, he was in his bed of seven years. His bed at boarding school.

Pulling himself up into bed and fumbling blindly for his glasses James slipped them over his nose and the room came into focus, but it was not arranged as he remembered, for starters there was an extra bed, and for another only one of the other 4 was occupied. At Hogworts James was always with at least one other person. Wherever Sirius was James wasn't far behind. James racked his brains for any reason for this bizarre occurrence, if he had been injured for whatever reason with the order he would have been in the hospital wing. If the past 4 years where a dream then there was no reason for the extra bed. Nothing made sense.

James lifted himself out of bed and went to look in the bathroom mirror, maybe his appearance would give him some clue to what had happened, 4 years couldn't be a dream, at least not a dream that real. Everyone sometimes wakes up and expects the scenario they had been living subconsciously to be the real one but the effect never lasted over a minute. Something was not right.

James looked up into the bathroom mirror, eyes still slightly foggy from his sleep he appeared to have no obvious injuries, pushing his fringe back though he found a thin scar, a scar he didn't have when he went to bed and one which was too healed to be recent. He also looked younger, the shaddows baby Harry had caused under his eyes where not there and his few wrinkles were not there. Then James noticed the most alarming thing of all, green eyes. James had never had green eyes, his were hazel and had been since he first opened them. These particular green eyes though James knew off by heart, he only knew 2 people in the world whose colouring was this deep, and they were the 2 people who meant most to him in the whole world. It made no sence.