Disclaimer: See Chapter1.

A/N: Thanks to:

ChrisBianca – I hope you're still alive.

Phoebeturner – So glad you like it!

Christine Marguez – If you think they have problems with the past people now, just wait!

Allison – Wyatt is and always will be essentially good in this story. I can't guarantee that he won't go crazy and start killing people, but that doesn't make him evil.

Cat – I hope you are not disappointed.

Pukah – Yeah, Elders suck. I'm glad you like the story!

Melissa-p – I'm glad you like that it's fast-paced cause no matter how hard I try, I can't slow it down!

IcantthinkofaFnick – The main part of the story is coming up, I think. Don't die on me yet!

Hope master – I'm so glad you like!

C.Charmed24/7 – I'm updating, I'm updating!

AuroraAngel16 – Thank you! I'm so glad you like it!


Chapter 3

"What the hell is going on here?" Piper exclaimed. "And where is Chris anyway?"

"He's—" Leo started to say.

"—right here," Chris finished for him as he walked into the room. He looked at the magical creatures, then the Elders, and finally the past. "Did I miss something?"

"Well, the past appeared here, and then the Elders came to take you away, and then the magical creatures came to see some sort of coronation," Wyatt stated calmly. "Did you have a nice rest?"

"Take me away?" Chris asked, confused.

"Chris," Clareé said, "you have developed Elder-like powers, meaning you must take your place as an Elder. You have to come with us."

"Why can't I stay here like Dad?"

"Because you are not like Leo. You have to be trained in our ways. IT could take years to do so," Odis replied. "And even longer before you'd be allowed to see your family again."

"Years? I'm not spending years Up There!"

"Hey!" the dwarf called. "Nobody has answered our question "

"We'll get to you in a minute! Go wait in the conservatory!" Paige snapped.

"I'm afraid that you don't have a choice, Chris," Clareé said. "Either you come willingly…"

"Or by force," Odis threatened.

"You don't have the power to take him away," Wyatt stated. "I will put up a shield so powerful—"

"You may be the twice-blessed one, but if the will of the Council of Elders is combined and focused on something, you are powerless to stop us," Odis said before

he and Clareé orbed away.

"Wyatt?" Chris asked telepathically, using the special bond he and Wyatt shared. He put on a brave face for his parents but he didn't even try to hide his fear from his brother.

"Don't worry, Chris. I won't let them have you!" Wyatt told him, hating the Elders for doing this to his brother.

"But what if—?"

"Don't even think about it. They wouldn't dare anger the Halliwells."

"I hope you're right."

8 8 8 8 8

Unbeknownst to the Halliwells, someone had been watching them the entire time. A very evil and familiar someone.

"Barbas, I still don't see how yo ucan stop them from coming into their powers," a lowly demon asked.

"I can't, but I can change the side that gets that power," he replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Everybody has a fear. If you manipulate that fear to break someon's faith in good, you create an awesome evil. That's what could have happened had the younger son of the future not have come back to stop it."


"Don't worry. You'll understand when this past leaves, that is, if you live long enough."

"Why are the pasts coming back?"

"To allow the Chosen Ones to see who they come from—the Charmed Ones."

"Why don't they know this?"

"Because they don't know the ancient prophesy."

"And if your plan doesn't work?"

"We will settle on weakening the power. Now, go do you job! Go after the eldest!"

"But I thought—"

"You shouldn't. Now gather your friends and go!

8 8 8 8 8

P.Piper looked at her hand and gasped. "We're fading!"

It was true. Slowly, the five time-travelers were disappearing. When they had gone, Phoebe breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, that's one problem taken care of."

"Uh, sis, I think you spoke too soon," Paige said, pointing to the six figures that just appeared.

"Dammit," Phoebe swore.

"Okay, who's the redhead and the man?" Wyatt asked as he and Chris came out of their silent conversation..

"Phoebe!" P. Prue yelled. "I thought you vanquished him! How could you do this to us?"

"Hey! You can yell at her later, just calm down," Leo said.

Suddenly demons started shimmering in by the dozens.

"Protect the Past!" Piper shouted.

But these demons weren't after the past. Their efforts were solely occupied by Wyatt. In the confusion, nobody noticed a single figure step out of the shadows.

When the demons were finally defeated, Wyatt looked around at his family and began to panic. Where was Chris? The demons had concentrated on him; his brother should have been safe.

"Chris! CHRIS!" There was no answer He couldn't even sense him.

"Where's Chris?" Piper asked, voicing her oldest son's thoughts.

"I can't sense him," Leo said frantically.

"There's a note," Phoebe said, picking up a sheet of paper off the table. " 'We told you that you couldn't stop us. Chris must take up his rightful place.' They took him. I don't believe it."

"Who took who?" P.Piper asked.

"The Elders took Chris," Paige said absently.

"Why?" P.Phoebe asked.

"To make him an Elder," Paige replied automatically.

"Well, whoever this Chris is, he has been afforded an honor," the redheaded woman said.

"This Chris, Natalie, is my baby boy! Now, Leo, Wyatt, go Up There and get him back! NO, wait," Piper stopped them and reconsidered her orders. "You two stay here with the past. Paige will orb me and Phoebe Up There, and we'll get Chris back."

"But you don't have the power to kill Elders," Wyatt pointed out.

"Exactly why we're going," Piper said. "I know how protective you two can be of Chris. Now, let's go Paige."

Hope ya'll enjoyed! Please review!