High School Hell

Chapter One: First Impressions

Kagome couldn't believe that yet another summer had passed so quickly. It seemed she'd just graduated from Shikon Junior High and just moved to the United States. She was greatly intimidated by the people in it. Her mother, a house maid of the house of one of Tokyo's business tycoons, had finally saved enough for her to buy back her families shrine that her father had lost in a poker game six years ago.

It had been a while since Kagome last saw the old place. It was trashed from the numerous parties and amount of people that came to the turned club when the young college boy beat gramps. But Mrs. Higurashi was simply happy to be back home. The place where she grew up, and hoped her kids would live in once they married.

"Kagome! Kagome you'll be late to your first day if you continue at this pace." Her mother called up the stairs. Kagome was giddy, she was officially a high school student, a big girl and adult. She sang the words to Butterfly, by Mariah Carey, while pulling her hair into a high ponytail. It was a sophisticated hair style, which highlighted her high cheekbones and angelically innocent face. With a bit of eyeliner and pink lip gloss, she took off down the stairs.

"Bye mom! Bye grandpa! Bye Souta! Bye Buyo!" she called as she flew past them all. Her new pink book bag was stuffed with the usual first day supplies of notebooks, pens, pencils, classy binders with the Bratz girls on them, and of course, the newest Harry Potter organizer. She was extremely excited over the prospect of finally going to a public school, no uniforms and the most interesting, demons her age.

Demons and humans didn't go to the same private schools. It was an unwritten rule that nobody had yet to break. She didn't see many demons, and they usually avoided her anyway. She was a good girl, and a miko.

Mikos were one of many types of humans hated by some demonic forms. She had once come in contact with a spider demon and it wanted nothing more than her to be swallowed up by the earth. Not likely and safe to say impossible. She was a bit nervous over her first impressions, but the soft pink of her cashmere skirt, the simplicity of her clean white tank top and classic pink and white converses made her look stunning. And with her hair up, and the light make-up, she thought herself grown-up looking. A vision. Her mother always told her she had her family's classic beauty, she just needed to unbury it behind low self-esteem and the tomboyishness that took over her self conscience way to early.

"Kagome isn't that skirt too short?" her grandfather interjected as she reached for the door handle. She stopped, turning guiltily towards him.

"I think its fine grandfather." She said tugging at the hem. He turned towards his oldest daughter for back up, but she sighed defeated.

"Kagome is going to high school father, I think we've been censoring her too much. It's better she get all of this teenage rebellion out of her system now then later." Kagome smiled at her mom, running back to kiss her cheek and grab a muffin from the table.

"See ya guys later!" she squealed flying out of the home and down to the bus stop. With a smile she stood beside a boy also waiting with her. But upon her arrival he seemed more and more displeased to have her around, and a bit of Kagome's head was giving off warning bells......but for what?

She turned towards the boy, he was like any other. He was tall, clean looking, handsome......the only thing that bothered her was his eyes. They held a malice she wasn't used to dealing with.

"I'm Higurashi Kagome," she said cheerfully extending her hand. He gave her the once over, and then a dark scowl replaced the soft lines in his face.

"First years, I can't stand them. They're too bubbly and under the impression that they're the most important things that walk the earth," he turned to her, walking towards her and making her walk backwards, and into the bus stop's bench, "Look kid, this isn't daycare. This isn't junior high either. My word of advice is to stick your nose in the air and focus on passing. If you look to make friends, it'll be hard for a cute thing like yourself. No guy wants an inexperienced spoiled brat, and no female wants a friend cuter than herself. So, stay away from people, especially demons," he said.

The last line was growled viciously. And then she knew why warning bells were going off in her head. He was a demon. She guessed since the bells were faint that he was only half. As he turned from her and walked back towards the stop, she decided now was a good time to breathe and really consider his words towards her. She knew at once high school was going to be awful. Demons would hate her, females would hate her, and she'd be skipped over by the guys because she was an 'inexperienced' brat. And brat was wrong, she was no brat. With a large smile at his back she regained her composure just as the bus rolled around the corner and stopped before them.

The young man before her inserted his bus card and continued on towards the back. Kagome started to board when a friend of hers screamed her name from across the street. She moved from the bus, waving the driver along like she'd been taught.

Once the bus was out of sight, Kagome noticed Rin, a friend of hers since childhood. With a squeal of delight, Kagome raced across traffic and right into the girl's friendly arms. They screamed and danced about a bit before Rin let her go and gave her the once over.

"Look how cute you've gotten!" she shrieked. Suddenly a bright red convertible, known well to be a car the United States was in love with, stopped before them and a handsome man beeped the horn. Rin shrieked again, and waved Kagome over to him.

"Who's this ya got, girl?" the boy asked curiously. Kagome blushed, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. He smiled at her, and she quickly extended her hand for the second time for the day, this time hoping desperately he didn't reject her like the other had. She'd understood her warning bells this time. This guy was yet another demon.

"I'm Higurashi Kagome," she said sweetly. He took her hand, turned it over and kissed it softly. Kagome felt her blush deepen. After a second her released her and turned back towards Rin.

"Cute girl. Blushed prettily too, must be a first year." Kagome felt her face fall at being so easily recognized at a 'first year'.

"Yeah, but she's cool. We need a ride anyway, you care?" she asked. He unlocked the doors and Kagome and Rin both hopped inside the car. Kagome was in awe at the softness of the plush seats and comfortable leg room.

Just before the car sped off on its way towards B.E High, the boy turned towards her with a cute smile on his handsome face.

"I'm Sesshomaru."

(End Chapter)


I know. I have no business starting yet ANOTHER story while I have 3 uncompleted ones. But I had the inspiration, and just had to post it. I'm enjoying, immensely, making Kagome a 'first-year' or freshman. Ha! I remember those freshman days. Now it's my turn to torture the lost souls!

Okay, here's the deal. This is a very....how can it say it.......well, jumbled story. It has a lot going on, like relationships, the basic structure of schools (my school doesn't have a 'popular' crowd) and the glory in enemies. So, keep up. If ya start falling behind, you'll be lost as a puppy on Christmas.

Beta Michelle has taken leave. So I don't have one, at this time. So, for now, you'll have to deal w/ my mistakes until I find a replacement.