The weekend
Shellie: Hi guys! I'm back!
WhiteRose: Crummy title Shion
Shellie: You weren't helping with the title you!
WhiteRose: Eh
Rath: so Shion... what's story about?
Shion: (smile) you'll see!
WhiteRose: It's probably a romance as usual
Shion: SHUT UP!
Kyo: So.... You're going with your nickname now?
Shion: Shut up! (Sigh) I guess I am...
Rath: YAY!
Shion, Kyo and WhiteRose...
WhiteRose: But you know I'm right....
Shion: Anyways... Tohru?
Tohru: (nods) Shellie does not own Fruits basket!
Shion: So on with the show!
Chapter One
It was a beautiful fall day, when Tohru, Yuki, and Kyo went to bookstore. "Kyo! What manga are you getting today?" Tohru asked Kyo. He looked at the brown-headed girl. "I don't know. I'm thinking about getting a new series." She smiled. "Cool! Yuki. What about you?" "I'm not a manga person. I'm going to get a book called animal farm." He said smiling. They got to the bookstore and Kyo and Tohru went to the manga section while Yuki went to the fiction book section. Kyo looked at all the books and decided to get a book called DNAngels. He walked over to the cash register to see a girl looking down, working on something. "Ahem" Kyo said rudely. The girl's head shot right up in the air. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!" She started to panic. "It's alright. Is it alright if I pay for my book now?" He asked with a sweatdrop forming behind his head. She took a big breath in and smile. "Welcome to Walden books. May I see your book please?" She asked cheerfully. He handed her the book and she scanned it. "DNAngel? That's the one I'm reading. It's really good!" She said smiling. The girl had short brown hair that was in a ponytail. She had dolphin earring and she had glasses on. "Really?" He asked. She nodded. "Yup! It's real good." He looked at her. "So you like anime?" He asked. She nodded. "Yup! Okay.... Your total will be $10.81" She said facing him. He got into his wallet and got all the money he got. He was off by one dollar. "Crap!" He mumbled to himself. "Don't worry about it!" The girl said cheerfully. He looked up to see a girl going through her bag. She got out a dollar and put it on the counter. She put the money in the cash register and put the book and the receipt and she help out the bag. "You have a nice day!" She said. "I can't that!" He said angrily. "You spent some of your money to pay for my book!" She leaned over the table. "Don't worry! I don't mind! It's just a dollar! Just enjoy the book. Ok?" She said winking. He slightly blushed. "Oh...ok." He said taking the bag. "Thanks...." She winked again. "No problem! You have a nice evening!" She said standing up properly. Tohru became beside Kyo. "Kyo? Are you ready to go? They didn't have the book I was looking for." Kyo looked at Tohru and nodded. She smiled. "Ok! I told Yuki we want for him outside." Kyo nodded and they both walked out of the store. The girl sighed. 'Aw........ I liked him. He was cute. Oh well. He has a girlfriend. Wait! What am I thinking?! I just met him and I like him already? ACK!' She thought to herself. "Yo!" She turned around to see her boss. "Hey boss! How's it going" The man smiled. "Going good, but shouldn't you be going to your other job?" He asked. The girl looked at her watch. Her eyes widen. "Oh my gosh! I totally forgot!" She said gathering her stuff. The man smiled. Yuki came to the registers. "Excuse me... could I buy this book please?" He asked. The girl turned around and nodded. The boss put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about it! I'll take care of it." She sighed with relief. "Thank you so much!" She grabbed her backpack and ran to the entrance of the store. "See you tomorrow boss!" She waving before she exited. She ran out of the store whispering to herself, "I'm going to be late." The boss nodded and checked out Yuki's book. Yuki finally met up with Kyo and Tohru. "You ready to get eat?" Yuki asked. Tohru nodded and Kyo just stuck his hands in his pockets. They walled out to the car.
It was about a couple of minutes when they reached the restaurant. "Wow! It looks so amazing!" Tohru said jumping up and down. Kyo sighed. "We're not eve inside and she excited." He mumbled as they walked inside. When they walked in, a blonde headed girl was there. "Hello! Welcome to Pei Wei! How many are in your group today?" She asked. "Three and non smoking please." Yuki answered. The girl nodded. She led them to a booth Tohru sat next to Yuki on one side while Kyo sat on his own side. "This is booth eight and your waitress will be here in a couple minutes." The girl said. The three nodded and the girl walked off. The girl from the bookstore walked into the backdoor. Everybody called her name excitedly. She smiled "Hey guys! Sorry I'm late!" She said putting her stuff in her locker and putting her uniform on. She walked out of the locker room and saw her boss. He smiled at her. "You weren't late. You're right on time!" He said patting her head. She smiled. "He he! Thanks!" He smiled. "Not a problem, Okay! You have tables eight through fourteen today." She fixed her hair as she listen to him. "Alright!" She said walking out of the room into the dining room. A chef leaned over to the boss. "You know, she's one of our best waitress." She told her boss. He smiled. "I know. Okay! Get back to work!" He said walking to the bathroom. The girl walked over to table eight. "Good evening my name is-"She paused when she looked up. She saw it was the boy from the bookstore. 'Oh crap! He's here! What am I saying?! Ok! Get to your job!' She slightly blushed and took out her pen and pad. "What can I get you to drink this evening?" She asked. "I'll take a water." The boy with the purple (Shion: people say silver but I don't know if it is or not.) said. "Oh! Could I get a water too except with lemon?" The girl with brown hair asked excitedly. The waitress nodded as she wrote it down. "What can I get you sir?" She asked the boy with the orange hair. The boy kept on looking down, thinking about something. 'Why is she here?' "Um excuse me?" The waitress looked at the boy. He snapped out of his thoughts and slightly blushed. "Huh? Uh.... I'll take a coke please." She nodded and wrote it down. "Ok! I'll be back with your drink in a minute or two." She said as she walked off. "Wasn't she the bookstore Kyo?" Tohru asked leaning over the table a little. He nodded. 'I wonder why she's here' he thought. She came back five minutes later. "Sorry about that!" She smiled putting the glasses on the table. "It's busy night tonight." "Yes it is" the boy with the purple hair replied. "He he! Anyways, Are you ready to order?" She asked sweetly. They all nodded. "I would like the alfredo pasta" The purple hair boy said. "Could I get a toss salad with French bread?" The girl with brown hair asked. She nodded as she wrote it down. "What kind of salad dressing would you like?" The waitress asked? "Ranch please!" She said cheerfully. She smiled and turned to Kyo. "What would you like sir?" He looked up from the menu. "Can I get Spaghetti please?" He asked in a low tone. She smiled. "Of course! Alright! I'll be back in a few minutes or so." She walked off. She sighed as she walked off. 'He probably thinks I'm a stalker. Ugh!' she thought to herself. About ten minutes later, she came with the food. She smiled. "Enjoy!" She said walking off.
By the time the three finished eating, the restaurant was about to close and mostly everybody left. The girl came back. "Here's the check! I hoped it was delicious!" She said handing the orange-headed boy the check. The boy took it as the brown-headed girl spoke. "It was delicious!" the orange headed boy handed the check to the purple haired boy. He looked at it and paid for it and headed the check back to the girl. She smiled. "One moment please!" She said going to a computer, printing out a receipt. She rushed back and handed it to him. "Here you go! You have a nice evening!" The three tipped her and said their thank you and left. As the girl was walking off, something dropped of her pocket. Tohru saw the thing fall out. She picked it up. "Miss? You dropped this." Tohru said trying to give it back to her. She turned around to look at the card. She smiled. "You can have it if you want." She said turning back around. Tohru looked at the card. "Need someone to watch over something that is precious to you while on vacation? Call me and I'll do it for you!" the card said. Tohru looked up. "Oh! You baby-sit?" She asked. The girl turned around. "Yep! I love to baby-sit!" The girl said. "Well if I need a baby-sitter, would you do it?" Tohru asked. The girl got excited. "Of course I would! Just call me! My cell phone is on there! It doesn't have to be a person. It could be a pet or watering the plants." Tohru smiled. "Cool! Thanks!" She said walking off. "Have a nice evening!" the girl called again. The three went home and went to sleep.
At the table for breakfast, Shigure had an idea. "Hey guys! What about this: how about we got to the beach house this weekend?" He asked. "Oh no! I couldn't! You do so much for me! I couldn't accept!" Tohru said freaking out. Shigure took her hand. "Don't worry about it. You need a vacation! Please! Will you?" Shigure asked with puppy eyes. Tohru nodded. "Okay! I'll go!" "Good! Now, will Kyo and Yuki go?" Shigure asked. They both nodded. He smiled. "YAY! Good! Well leave tomorrow!" After that, Yuki, Kyo and Tohru left for school. As they walked down the sidewalk, it was quiet until someone came out from the side. "ACK! I'M GOING TO ME LATE!" A girl yelled as she slid down the hill on the heel of her shoes. She saw three people walk by. 'Oh no! Stop shoes stop! ACK!' She crashed into someone. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn-" She looked up. She saw the three people from yesterday. 'CRAP! Just my luck!' she said to herself. She had a sweat drop forming behind her head. She scratched behind her head. "Oh.... Hi!" She said nervously. "I'm so sorry! I was in such a rush, I wasn't looking were I was going." She apologized. Yuki had helped out Tohru up from the ground. "It's alright!" How come we see you all the time?" Yuki asked nicely. She helped herself help. "Oh! Sorry about that! I hope you don't think I'm stalking you because I'm really not, but um... I just moved here and I'm living on my own so I'm trying to get some jobs to provide for myself." Tohru looked at her shocked. "I'm so sorry!" She smiled. "Don't worry about it! I'll be ok!" She said looking at her watch. "Oh! Well I'm sorry to ask you, but do you know where the high school is?" "Oh! You go to high school? Cool! You're going were we're going! We'll show you!" Tohru said getting in front of the boys and walking by the new girl.
When they got to the school, Uo and Hana where waiting. "Hey guys! This is the new girl!" Tohru said cheerfully. "Hello..." The girl said. Uo waved while Hana just nodded her head. "Welcome." Hana said quietly. "You have nice waves..." Everybody have sweat drops. "Uhhhh.... Tohru? Do I want to know?" The girl asked. Tohru smiled and shook her head no. "Don't worry about it." She whispered back. "Yo look! Orange top and prince are slow today." Uo said. "Shut up!" Kyo yelled at the Yankee. "And why should I?" Uo asked. "Guys! We're going to be late!" Tohru said worriedly. "We better get class!" They started to walk when she turned around to see the new girl just looking at the school. "Are you coming?" Tohru asked. The girl snapped out of her thoughts. "Huh? Oh! I don't start today. I had to get the papers today and I start Monday." She replied, smiling. "Oh ok! Well see you later!" Tohru said walking off. "Bye" The girl whispered.
The girl walked into the school. She was walking around the corner when she ran into someone. "Oof!" She said as she fell to the ground. She opened her eyes to see a boy with white and black hair along with a boy with blonde hair. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" She said just sitting there. "It's alright. You need some help up?" The boy with black and white hair asked. She nodded and he held out his hand. She grabbed his hand and got herself up. "Thanks!" She said giggling. "Sorry. I can be a klutz." The boy shrugged. "It's alright." "Hi! I'm Momiji!" The blonde haired boy said popping up in front of the other boy. "This is Haru! Nice to meet you!" She smiled. "Thanks. It's nice to meet you too. Oh! I'm sorry! I'm keeping you from your class." She said moving to the side. The boys smiled. "C ya later." Haru said while the boys walked off.
After she got her papers, she went to work at the bookstore. "Hey boss!" she said as she walked in. "Hey! How did the high school look like?" Her boss asked her. "Big!" She laughed as she replied. She went to the manga section. "Any new ones?" She asked looking at the books. "Nope, but Dream Saga volume two came out." He told her. She looked at him excitedly. "REALLY?!" She was very excited. "YAY!" She cheered, jumping up and down. He smiled. "Weirdo." He mumbled under his breath. She smiled. "I know!"
It was after school and Kyo, Yuki and Tohru were walking home. "Hey! I'm going to stop at the bookstore real quick. You can go ahead without me." Kyo said stopping while Yuki and Tohru kept on walking. They stopped and turned around. "Kyo, Do you want me to go with you?" Tohru asked. "No I'm ok. See you later." He said walking to the bookstore. She smiled. "Bye Kyo!" She said walking home with Yuki. Kyo got to the bookstore. He stood outside the store. He took a breath in and went inside. "Hello! Welcome to Walden bookstore!" The girl said as he walked in. He walked right up to the counter. She looked up from the book she was reading and blushed. "Hello." She said again. "Hi" He answered back in a dull voice. He took his hand from his pocket and put a dollar bill on the counter. "Here. Thanks for the dollar yesterday." He said slightly blushed. "Oh! You don't have to pay me back!" "Take it!" He ordered. She looked at him nervously. He looked down. "Sorry...but please... take it." He said as he ran out of the store. She looked at the door sadly and sighed. "Who was that?" Her boss called coming out of the storage room. "It was someone from yesterday." She answered him. He nodded. "Hey! Your shifts over so you can go home now." He told her minutes later. She smiled as she was picking up her stuff. "Thanks. See you tomorrow!" She called as she exited the bookstore. She had tiring day at the restaurant that day but she still did her best and smiled. When she got back to her apartment, she opened her door, closed the door, put her stuff by the door and landed on her bed. "Ugh!" She moaned. "What a day!" She groaned as she turned over on her back looked at the ceiling having her arms spread out.
At Shigure's house, they were all having dinner when Kyo started to sneeze a lot. "Are you alright?" Tohru asked, very concern. She went over to Kyo and felt his head. "Oh no! You have a fever!" "I'm alright." He lied. "No your not! Come on! I'm going to put you in bed!" She said pulling on his arm. He got up and went to his room. Shigure started to giggle. "I guess he can't go tomorrow!" He giggled even more. "Shut up" Yuki said sipping his soup. Tohru came back from the bathroom to put a cold wet towel on Kyo's head. He was already in his bed. "Kyo, if you want, I'll stay home from the trip to take care of you." "No! You will not stay home with me! You need this vacation!" Kyo said sitting up. Tohru looked at him concerned. "Lay down Kyo." She ordered sweetly. He laid back down. "Oh! I'll call a maid to take care you! That's what I'll do!" Kyo had a confuse look on his face. "What?" "Well, you know someone who can watch over you for the weekend! I'll someone since you won't let stay home with you." She sounded cheerful. "Okay..." Tohru left the room and got the card out of her bag. She dialed the number.
The girl was on her bed when her phone home started to ring. "Hello?" She said in a dull voice. "Hello? Is this the girl from the restaurant?" The girl on the other line asked. "Yes this is she." She answered putting her hand on her forehead. "Well, I'm going to a beach house tomorrow and one of my friends just got sick and he won't be able to go. Do you think you can watch him for the weekend?" She asked. "Umm.... Sure. I'll have to get some information." She said getting her pad and pen out. "Alright! Well..." Tohru tells her the information and the girl agrees to be there in the morning at 8:00.
Shion: Hey guys! This is all I'm writing right now.
WhiteRose: It sucks.
Shion: stop being so mean! (Cry cry)
Rath: Seriously Kitty
WhiteRose... I hate taking orders from you...
Rath: (smiles) I know!
Shion: Anyways... (Ahem) Until next time, buh bai!
Sorry if any errors