#jaw drops#… twelve reviews for the last chapter!… methinks I should leave more cliff-hangers. What say you to that?
(Fifty-two reviews! YESSSSS!)
I know this took a really long time to get out, and I'm sorry. It's just that we had family up from the States and I was able to spend, at the most, two hours on my computer in the ten days they were here. And then I was out of the habit of being on my computer, and then it took a bit longer to get up the urge to write. But it's back, and I really hope this chapter makes up for the long wait.
Khadon – Okay. You, #points finger# are a fast reader. You reviewed half an hour after I posted! Half an hour! Not even! Thank you very, very much. #smiles#
Some ideas on why she can't leave, eh? Well, a while back one of my reviewers got close. Maybe you did too! I'm hoping that the actual reason is original enough that no one else thought of it.
theM– Meanie? Moi? NO! Not sweet li'l ole me! (Hope you keep on loving the story!)
ashibabi – Are you all right! Take a deep breath! Don't die on me! Come on, on three, take a deep breath! THREE! BREATHE! Better now? Good! Sooo…. I think I missed something. What do you mean, 'that's what happened'?
Poor you, not being able to sneak out of bed. I feel for you.
Crazy, isn't it? I mean, I was shocked, literally shocked when I realised she had a life. …….#bursts out laughing#
r – I'm sorry! It won't happen again! (Well, actually, there's a very good chance it will.) And I shall go on unto the end of the Earth! #heroic stance#
Treck – Masterpiece? #blushes# Thank you!
You know how many people have complained about that cliff-hanger? I now know why so many authors are addicted to putting them into their stories. I don't know if I will, 'cause that was the only time I was actually able to put in a cliff-hanger to my liking. It might not happen again. No promises, though. -D
Alaranth-88 – I'm hurrying! Cross my heart! Reason, straight ahead! #pause# #realises what she just wrote# #snickers#
gaul 1 – Thanks for the review! Reason is coming up! First thing this chapter. Byes!
DragonFoxx – Strangely, I can't believe it either. I actually never thought I was going to put in a cliff-hanger. But it was just too good to resist!
I had lots of fun writing that little name tiff. They're so much fun. #grin#
Auntie T – Hehehe.
CherryChick914 – I know this isn't up really soon, and I hope you're not so angry that you'll stop reviewing! I was kind of scared that you weren't going to review because of that cliff-hanger. #blushes# I was wrong, but still. Glad you liked the chapter!
Dark Lord Lorak – Harry will confront his friends pretty soon, I think. I'm not sure. I'm still toying with an idea that would kind of change the story. Anyways, glad you like it! I hope this chapter is worth the wait.
Tondo-the-half-elf – I'm working on it! Really! I know this chapter isn't up really soon, but it's been a weird few weeks.
Once and for All Time – Chapter 10
Harry stared at the magic in disbelief. This could not be real. Honestly, it couldn't.
"What? What's wrong? What is it? Harry?" Harry blinked and looked at Cadence, mouth open slightly. She was frowning worriedly at him.
"What is it?" she asked again, and Harry slowly shook his head.
"It's… God, I don't believe it! We were set up! Set up!" Harry threw himself back in his chair. Cadence blinked.
"Huh?" Harry groaned.
"Do you not get it? We were set up! Like the time I locked Ron and Hermione in a broom closet to make them admit they liked each other." Cadence blinked again.
"So you're saying that someone locked us in a castle, as opposed to a broom closet?" Harry nodded glumly. Cadence wrinkled her nose.
"That makes no sense. Why would someone do that?"
"I don't bloody know!" Harry exclaimed, a moment before he got a kind of telepathic message. He stared into space. Then he blinked.
"What? Harry, what?" Harry groaned and leant forward, putting his face in his hands.
"Why would someone do that." Harry repeated blandly, his voice muffled by his hands. "I'll tell you why. Because some idiot person who saw into the future decided to mess with my life." Harry suddenly stood up, eyes blazing furiously.
"Jesus Christ!" he exclaimed, throwing his clawed fingers into the air. "Why can't people just leave me the bloody hell alone? Isn't it bad enough that I have to walk around with people staring at me and bloody pointing at my head? Nooo! I have to have people messing around with my bloody private life as well! Why don't they just stick me in a museum? Then everyone could stare and point at me all they bloody well want!" Cadence watched him calmly as he ranted, blinking occasionally. When he finished, she blinked again.
"I thought I was the one who was supposed to have fits like that." Harry gave her a look.
"Oh, shut up." He said, dropping back down into the chair. Cadence stuck her tongue out at him. After a moment of silence, Cadence spoke.
"Are you calm enough now to tell me what exactly is going on?" Harry sighed.
"Some seer from before Ælfric's time saw what happened to me, and saw me come to the castle. She also saw you come to the castle, and saw me send you away." Harry's tone became sarcastic. "She decided that it wouldn't do to send you away and because she's 'all knowing', of course what she decides is the right thing to do. So she puts a spell around the castle so that when you came you wouldn't be able to leave unless we both admitted we liked each other. Like, as in friends mind you."
"Of course." Cadence replied promptly, but Harry thought he heard a slight tone of disappointment in her voice. "And how exactly do you know all that? And why so suddenly?" Harry sighed.
"A mental message. The seer decided to grace me with an explanation and left, for lack of a better term, said explanation in the wards so that I would get it when I finally decided that I liked you." Cadence frowned.
"How the heck could she do that? Put a message 'in' the wards?" Harry shrugged.
"It's complicated. I don't feel like explaining it, especially since I don't really know how."
"Oh." They were both silent again, thinking.
"Harry," Cadence said suddenly, "Does it bother you that much that you consider me a friend?" she asked quietly. Harry looked at her like she had grown a second head.
"Course not. It just really bugs the hell out of me when these people decide they can just mess with my life whenever they feel like it." Harry huffed, crossing his arms and glaring into space. Cadence snorted and Harry glanced at her.
"What?" Cadence looked away, hiding a grin.
"No, seriously, what?" Harry said, giving her a look that he hoped would make her tell him what she had laughed at. Cadence rolled her eyes.
"No, seriously, nothing." She mocked, crossing her eyes and sticking out her tongue at him. Harry raised an eyebrow.
"If it was nothing, you wouldn't have snorted." Cadence's mouth dropped open in indignation.
"Excuse me? I do not snort!"
"Yes, you do. Trust me." Harry retorted, nodding.
"Hmph." Cadence crossed her arms huffily and looked away.
"You snort in a very lady-like way though." Harry amended, his emerald eyes dancing. Cadence glanced at him, an undecided look on her face. Then she let her arms drop.
"Flattery'll get you everywhere." She said, grinning. Harry grinned back.
"You know," Cadence leant back in the chair, putting her hands behind her head, "I didn't know it was possible to snort in a lady-like way."
"Oh, but you do it wonderfully." Harry replied, smirking. Cadence raised her eyebrows at him.
"If I didn't know better, I'd think you were mocking me."
"Mock you? Moi? Never!"
"Shut up. We've gotten off track."
"We had a track?"
"Well, duh. We were talking about the wards. Well, really, I was listening and you were whining."
"I was not whining! I was complaining. There's a difference."
"Not according to my thesaurus." Harry blinked.
"That was stupid." He said finally. Cadence sighed.
"You're just jealous of my incredible intellect."
"Incredibly lacking intellect, you mean." Cadence shook her head sadly.
"See what I mean? Trying to one up me. Classic jealous behaviour."
"Stuck up prat."
"Dumb ass jerk."
"You know, now that you can leave, maybe you should."
"Nah. Where would the fun be in that? I would have a much better time staying here and bugging
the hell out of you."
"Maybe you should stop before I turn you into a real bug and squash you."
"You wouldn't do that to li'l ole me!" Cadence gasped, fluttering her eyelashes dramatically.
Harry shook his head, fighting a grin.
"I would."
"Why don't you come with me?"
"Come with me. To my place. I have to check up on my house and pay my neighbour for the extra month she watched the place. And I have to write Amda, or she'll kill me. She'll probably kill me anyways, but if you come I can use you for a shield and therefore live a bit longer."
"Oh, well, now that I know I'll be used as a human shield and probably die, of course I'll go."
"Great! Let's go get packed. I want to leave as soon as possible."
"Wait, you were serious?"
"Well, yeah. You need to get out of the castle for a bit. I'm all for being hermit-ish, but really. There's only so much a normal human being can take."
"Oi! Wait up! Who said I said I would go?"
"You said you would go. You also practically agreed to be my human shield, and I thank you for that."
"Now wait just one bloody second! I did not agree to go!"
"Well, why didn't you?"
"…Er… well…"
"See? No good reason to not come. So let's go."
"Oh, come on! It'll be fun! Please?"
"…fine. Maybe."
"I cannot believe you talked me into this. How the hell did you talk me into this? I would never have let myself be talked into this if there wasn't some kind of underhanded trick involved!"
"Stop complaining."
"I will not stop complaining until you tell me how you managed to talk me into leaving my castle, taking an aeroplane to America, and staying with you for a month on top of that!" Cadence sighed as she searched her backpack for something. They were standing in a corner of a small room filled with cleaning supplies, with one black muggle suitcase on the floor beside them.
"I stayed with you for two months. I think you can last a month with me. Besides, once faced with my irrefutable logic you could not fail to comply with my demands." Harry groaned and covered his face with his hands.
"Would you just tell me how you talked me into it?" Cadence glanced up from her bag and smirked at him.
"That was the easy part. All I had to do was confuse you enough to agree. The hard part was actually getting you to follow through with it." Harry glowered at her in annoyance.
"And that is what I want to know! How did you manage to get me to follow through?" the witch snickered.
"That was the fun bit. Earnulf told me about that cursed salad that is such a wonderful part of your castle, Sir Anthony told me when the cursed time came around, and Beorhtwaru told me how to sneak the salad into your food. So you see, it was a combined effort on all of our parts. They all agreed with me that you needed to get out. You were completely out of it when I took you out of the castle and to the airport. That's why you had a killer headache when you woke up. I swear, that stuff is better than booze." Harry stared at the woman who had said all that so casually. His eyes narrowed.
"Were you not there when I said how much I hate it when people mess with my life?" he demanded, his voice dangerously quiet. To her credit, or to her questionable sanity's credit, Cadence didn't even look at him.
"Yeah. But this isn't messing, technically. You can't honestly tell me that you don't want to go and that you won't have fun. Only you would never have gotten up the courage to actually go. Oh, come on! Where are the stinking tickets? I put them here just this morni - oh. There they are." Harry glared at Cadence, just barely holding on to his temper. Cadence glanced at him and sighed. Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she took a step towards him and looked straight at him.
"Tell me," she said quietly, "honestly tell me that you don't want to go and that I was wrong in making you go and I'll take all your stuff back to the castle and leave and never come back. And if that's what you do want, I won't tell anyone about you." Harry stared back, trying to stay angry. But really, she was right.
He had already explored the entire castle, and his work with Sir Anthony wasn't going anywhere and it was driving him crazy. Add to that the fact that he had always wanted to be on an aeroplane and that America would hold no bad memories for him, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea. And he had agreed to go. He remembered that much. Even if he hadn't been completely willing and been under a spell from really excellent puppy eyes.
'And then there's the fact that she's right, I never would have gone through with it.'
Harry sighed.
"Right. I'll go. But I swear, if you ever do anything like this again…" Cadence's face lit up in bright, happy smile and she threw her arms around his neck with a squeal. "Cadence," Harry said, looking at her. "I mean it. If you do anything like this again - "
"I know, I know. I'm dead meat. I won't, I promise. And I'm sorry. I just couldn't come up with anything better on such short notice."
"Yeah, sure. You probably just wanted to see me act like I was drunk." Harry said teasingly. While he was still upset at being forced to go on this 'little outing', as Beorhtwaru had said to him the last time he had seen her, Cadence was right. He would enjoy himself. Besides, who was he to give up a free plane ride?
"Well, come on. Here's your ticket." Harry took the piece of paper from Cadence, frowning slightly.
"How'd we get here without anyone noticing?" he asked, following Cadence as she walked casually out of the room they were in, her backpack still slung over one shoulder and suitcase travelling beside her. Harry thought it was being pulled by magic for a moment, before he saw the handle Cadence was holding. She turned and grinned at him, grey eyes twinkling.
"That was actually easier than getting you to agree to come. Which was, by the way, pathetically easy. You have to work up a defence against puppy eyes. Anyways, I shrunk you and put you in my pocket. Then I stayed over night at the airport hotel. Would you hurry up?"
"You shrunk me?" Harry asked, horrified. Cadence nodded, grinning.
"I did. You're so cute when you're tiny! Don't worry, I was really careful with you. Then I brought our stuff to the airport and snuck into this janitor's closet. I biggie sized you - " she seemed to find this incredibly funny, for some reason, " - woke you up and gave you a headache cure. You know everything else. Oh yeah, I also made you black."
"WHAT?" Harry hissed, looking down at his hands. His eyes widened in shock. She really had turned him black!
"Well, you can't exactly go around as Harry Potter. I picked up a Daily Prophet, and a muggle paper, when we left the castle and everyone's searching high and low for you. I doubt if they'll look for a black guy."
"But… but what about the muggles? What about customs? I don't have any id for this!"
"Hey, don't worry about it. I've got it all under control. Oh, and here's your passport. Look it over and make sure you know the particulars." Cadence handed him a small pamphlet and continued walking. Harry stared at the pamphlet, then stared after the witch he was, mostly, willingly travelling with.
"Mental. Completely mental." He muttered, following her. When he caught up, he tapped her on the shoulder.
"Where's my stuff?"
"In the suitcase, with my stuff. I wasn't sure what you'd want, so I just shrunk everything and stuck it in the bag. You know, you should get some muggle clothes. They're more comfortable, mostly, than wizard stuff."
"You went through my clothes?" Harry asked disbelievingly, fighting a blush.
"Not like that, stupid. I just opened your closet and shrunk everything. Same with the dresser. I didn't see anything." Cadence gave him a sideways glance, a strange sparkle in her eyes. "No matter how much I did want to see." Harry couldn't stop the blush this time, and glared at Cadence when she burst out laughing.
"Finally! I finally made you blush! HAH!" she exclaimed, grinning like a Cheshire cat. Harry paused, staring at her, then rolled his eyes and followed her, being careful to stay a ways behind her. After all, it wouldn't do to have people know he was with the idiot skipping down the hall singing "Anything you can do I can do better!" at the top of her lungs.
"This is so cool!" Harry exclaimed, looking out the window of the plane. "It's almost better than Quidditch!" beside him, Cadence sighed and covered her face with her hand.
"Yes, Harry, I know. You've already said that. Twenty million umpteenth times! For Christ's sake, we're going to be landing in ten minutes and that's all you've said the entire ride!" Harry smirked.
"I had to get you back somehow. Besides, it was your idea to take a plane. And it is not all I've said the entire time. I've said yes, and no, and please, and when are we going to start, and when are going to land, and I've said that the in-flight movie was really good, and I've said that I had to get back at you somehow, and I've said besides it was your idea and - " Harry's voice suddenly cut off, and he glared at Cadence who was smirking and subtly stroking her wand, which was residing in her pocket.
"I-hay on't-day are-cay if-hay ere-thay are-hay uggles-May around-hay. Ey're-thay robably-pay ust-jay as-hay lad-gay as-hay e-may at-thay ou-yay ave-hay topped-say alking-tay." Harry blinked, rolled his eyes and looked back out the window.
'She'd just better hope no muggles saw her doing that.' he thought, just as Cadence said,
"And you don't have to worry about muggles, Dotty. I put a notice-me-not charm over us. So there." Harry gave the girl a silent, reproving glare, to which she just grinned.
Looking back out the window, Harry concentrated on his voice. He wanted to see if he could remove the spell wandlessly.
So far, he had been able to cast wandless spells and undo his own spells, but he hadn't tried removing someone else's.
Closing his eyes, Harry concentrated on where he could feel the unnatural block on his voice. He could suddenly picture it in his mind, just as he could see the wards around his castle. This block was different, though, much smaller and a lighter yellow than he had ever seen before. There were also traces of blue through and around the yellow part that was actually the spell, and Harry recognized them to be Cadence's magical signature.
Harry studied the spell for a few moments, then he smirked. If he just touched that spot there with a bit of his magic… Harry slowly let a tendril of his own magic, coloured a bright orange, strangely enough, reach out and touch the centre of the yellow light. The yellow light pulsed for a moment, as if it was resisting Harry's attempt to dispel it, then spluttered, almost indignantly, out of existence. Harry smirked. That had been even easier than he thought.
Turing to Cadence, he grinned mischievously. She was leaning back on her seat, her eyes closed. Harry leant over slowly and quietly and put his mouth very close to her ear.
"Boo." He said casually. Cadence shrieked like a banshee and literally jumped a foot off her seat. Then her arms spun around comically, like a windmill, and she fell forward out of her seat and onto her face.
Harry was doubled over as well as he could be while sitting down, arms wrapped around his stomach and laughing so hard he was crying.
A stewardess came running over to see what had happened, and seemed to be trying to fight her own laughter as Cadence repeatedly hit Harry over the head with her book as he continued laughing.
"You. Stupid. Jerk!" she growled, hitting him on each word for emphasis.
"Excuse me, is there something I can do here?" the stewardess asked, covering her mouth with her hand.
"Yeah, you know a place I can dump his body after I kill him?" Cadence asked, hitting Harry one more time before standing up with a haughty 'humph'. The stewardess grinned at her.
"Actually, there is this little place that no one ever goes…" Cadence's eyes lit up.
"Yeah, it's not to far from the airport after we land and no one would see you going."
"Hey! No fair!" Harry exclaimed, trying to stop himself from laughing. "Two women against one guy are definitely not fair odds!"
"Harry, darling, when are you going to learn that life itself is not fair?" Cadence asked, glancing at Harry with a wicked gleam in her eyes. Harry made a face at her.
"Whatever." He said, looking out the window with a grin that he still couldn't get rid of. Just then, the pilot's voice came through the speakers, asking everyone to please put their seatbelts on, as they would be landing soon. Cadence and the stewardess exchanged one last grin before the stewardess left to help some of the other passengers and Cadence sat down in her chair.
"I'll get you for that you know." She said quietly as she buckled the seat belt. Harry looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
"That was my revenge for bringing me here against my will and putting that silencing spell on me."
"Yeah, and those things were my revenge for waking me up with water and leading me through your dungeons in the dark."
"Hey, you brought a cricket bat. I thought that was good enough protection to warrant no lighting."
"It was a baseball bat, not that your puny brain could recognise the difference, and I only brought it because I didn't think you could get rid of a rat as well as a piece of wood." Harry rolled his eyes.
"I'm hurt, Emmee. Cut me real deep that did."
"Course it did. I have that effect on people. What's up with 'Emmee'?"
"Musical Ending. M. E. Emmee."
"You asked for it."
"Did not. You called me Dotty first."
"Fine, Dotty, you can call me Emmee."
"And I shall, Emmee. Believe me, I shall."
"Shut up."
"Of course, Emmee."
"Do you want me to silence you again?"
"That didn't work very well last time, now did it?"
"Shut up."
"Awww! Is poor Emmee sulking?"
"I will hurt you."
"I dare you to try."
"Oh ho, I will. Just wait till we get off this plane and I have enough room. I'll hit you so hard you'll starve before you stop rolling!"
"I do believe you're threatening me."
"This is where you live?" Harry asked, looking up at the small, one story house in front of him.
"Yeah, why?" she asked, straightening after giving the taxi driver the money they owed.
"Er… it doesn't really seem… you." Cadence laughed as the taxi drove off.
"It doesn't, does it?" she said, coming to stand beside Harry. "Oh well. It's only temporary. And I haven't had a chance to paint it yet, but believe me, as soon as I do that horrible green is gone." Harry looked at the house speculatively.
"I dunno… that green seems to suit you. It's the house itself that doesn't." Cadence rolled her eyes.
"You would think neon green matches me. Well, c'mon. I'll introduce you to 'Miss Marple'." Grabbing the suitcase, Cadence strode towards the house, painted a nice, respectable baby blue with white trim, beside the small, neon green one.
"Miss Marple?" Harry asked disbelievingly. "Is that actually her name?"
"No, but that's what I call her. She's always trying to solve so-called mysteries. The last ended up being a conspiracy between the grocery store owner and his son to keep selling rotten apples." Cadence made a face at Harry, saying quite obviously her neighbour was mad.
"She's a real dear, though, despite her always thinking there's some kind of mystery around. But if I don't introduce you right away, she'll think you're some kind of Arabian prince that's gone into hiding from an assassin, and that'll explode into us having a torrid love affair with you insisting to stay with me to protect me from said assassin. And somehow you'll be grievously wounded or poisoned or something, leaving me heartbroken, and somehow, her solving the mystery and catching the assassin will, miraculously, save you and restore my heart to whole. And by tomorrow, the entire neighbourhood will have heard of it." Harry gave Cadence a strange look.
"She should write books." He said, and Cadence laughed.
"She has. They're actually pretty good." By then they had reached the door of the other house, and Cadence let go of the suitcase and rang the bell.
"What's that? Oh, I'm coming, hold on just a moment." A voice came from inside the house. A moment later the door opened to reveal a short, white haired, bespectacled woman. She was certainly very old, but she had a certain energy in the way she stood. She kind of reminded Harry of Dumbledore.
'Stop it!'
The old woman blinked bemusedly at Harry, then her eyes landed on Cadence and her face lit up.
"Oh! Cadence dearest! You're all right! Oh, I was certain you had been captured by some evil villain! Oh, come in, come in! Please!" Cadence laughed and bent down to hug the woman.
"Hi, Mrs. Prewar. It's good to see you again! I'm really sorry, but we can't come in at the moment. I just came to tell you that I'm all right and introduce my friend to you."
"Oh." The woman said, stepping back from Cadence with a sly look at Harry. "And who is your young man?" Cadence grinned at the look on Harry's face.
"He's not my young man, no matter how much I want him to be. No, this is Harry Adams. Harry, this is Mrs. Prewar. Harry here helped me out of a tight stop, just recently actually." Mrs. Prewar gave Cadence a sharp look.
"Does this 'tight stop' have anything to do with why you're a month late?" Cadence nodded.
"Yes, actually. You see, I had been mistaken for a criminal over in Scotland. I was actually in jail for almost a month, before Harry here found the real girl they were looking for and got me out. I spent a little while with his parents, recuperating from my stay in prison. I got back as soon as I could, and since Harry has always wanted to come to America, I offered to let him stay with me."
"I see." Mrs. Prewar said, eyes gleaming. Harry got the idea that the story was the kind of thing she lived for.
"Anyways, we'd better get going. I promise we'll come over to visit soon. And thank you so much for watching over my place!"
"It wasn't a problem, dearest." Mrs. Prewar said, smiling. Then she leant forwards and said, in a tone of confidentiality, "You should watch out for that woman that lives two doors down from you, across the street. I think she has it in for Tippity!" Cadence nodded gravely.
"Thank you, Mrs. Prewar. Oh, how much do I owe you?" Mrs. Prewar waved her hand.
"Oh, don't worry about that now. You go and get settled back in, and you can pay me when you come to visit."
"All right. Thank you again!" Cadence said, leading Harry down the front steps.
"You are very welcome." Mrs. Prewar called after them. "And tell me when he's your young man!"
"Can do!" Cadence called back, grinning wickedly at Harry. He rolled his eyes. Cadence laughed.
"C'mon, you big wuss. I'll give you the guest bedroom. It's actually more comfortable than mine, seeing as how Amda stays there when she comes over and she refuses to be even the slightest bit uncomfortable." She stopped speaking when they reached the door of the neon green house.
"Here, hold this, would you?" she asked absently, practically throwing the suitcase handle into Harry's hand.
She rummaged around in her backpack a bit, muttering under her breath.
"Ah ha!" she said finally, her hand coming out of the bag with a keychain in its grasp. She quickly flipped through the bunch of keys and lifted one up, and unlocked the door of her house.
"After you," she said, waving Harry forward after she opened the door. Harry gave her a strange look but stepped inside anyways.
He only had time to register that he was standing in a very short, very cramped hallway with a few dark doorways, when something shrieked and launched itself at his head from one of the said dark doorways.
Oh. Goodness. Would you look at that! I've left another cliff-hanger. How did that happen? #walks off muttering to herself#