(A/N: Hiya pplz...this is my first fanfic, so I'm real excited! Lol, newayz, heres my first chapter, I have the second one written out but I'm not gonna post it until this chappie gets reviewed, so review please! BTW, C'est la Vie is French for "it is the life"!)

Disclaimer: I do not own Holes or any of the characters, or anything else....

Chapter 1-Whatever

"But I'm innocent, I swear to God I am!"

"Yea right, that's what they all say! Now choose, Camp Green Lake or....JAIL?!"

"Camp Green Lake, sir."


"Owww," Haylie snapped out of her daze. She was reliving the moment when she was sentenced to this "Camp Green Lake." She was sitting on the yellow school bus, thinking about lakes and green grass. Was there any here in this deserted, dry, hot, land? Nope, and she didn't plan on seeing any either.

She fell back into her day dreams, and then came the flashback.


"Haylie Paige please report to the main office," the loud speaker blared. Haylie turned a light shade of pink and quietly left the class room. As she went down the hall, a million thoughts went through her head.

'What did I do? Am I in trouble? Is my family alright?' And so on. By the time she reached the office, she was expecting the worse. But the worse was yet to come.

End Flashback

She sighed loudly as she remembered the reason she was sent here. It wasn't her fault, and she couldn't believe that they suspected her out of the whole high school. Her! Haylie Paige!

"Whatever," she grumbled to herself, "at least my family and friends know the truth." She put her head against the window and dozed off into and un steady sleep.

"Yo, wake up, were here," the guard barked to Haylie. Haylie immediately got up and gathered her belongings.

"Bye sir," she said to the bus driver, trying her best to be nice. Inside, she was scared shitless.

She timidly stepped off the bus, only to be welcomed by a short, happy looking man.

"Hello there Haylie, I'm Dr. Pendanski, I'll be your camp counselor here at Camp Green Lake. You will be in D-Tent!" the short man smiled happily at her.....Haylie just looked at him with a look of caution, after all, it was about 150 degrees out, and this guy looked like he was about to go jump in a pool or something. Yea, right, there's no water here for as far as the eye could see!

"Hello," she said quietly. Dr. Pendanski looked satisfied with Haylie's little welcome word, so he happily bounced off towards a cabin, motioning for Haylie to follow. She stayed a few feet behind, not wanting to be stuck in a conversation with Mr. Happy. She was not feeling so happy right now, I wonder why...

They entered the cabin, only to be welcomed by Mr. Sir.

"I am Mr. Sir, you will call my Mr. Sir at all times, you hear me?" Mr. Sir growled to Haylie. Her eyes grew wide and she nodded.

The rest of the afternoon went by in a blur. Haylie received her orange working suits and she was assigned a cot in the D-Tent.

Now, she was trying to figure out what to put in the crates they provided. She couldn't put anything too special, because anyone could just swipe it. She decided on leaving her notebook, hair brush, mirror, hair ties, deodorant, pencils, pens, and few hats and bandannas in the one crate, and leaving the second crate with her just her still full back pack. She just pulled out her book, one from the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, when a little boy opened up the tent flap and walked in.

At first she hesitated, but then finally spoke out the words, "Hi there, I'm Haylie."

The boy glanced at her before sitting up, "I'm Zero," he said then laid back down on the cot and faced the tent wall.

'Zero? Did I hear him right?' Haylie thought to herself, 'Oh well, he seems like he doesn't want to talk right now anyways.' So she laid down and opened her book to the last page she left off on.