Disclaimer: Do we seriously have to put this on every chapter?!?! Everyone already knows we don't own this stuff… no need to rub it in… (Grumbles)…

Summary: (see chapter one)

Chapter 2

He feud between Harry and Ginny had now been going on for quite some months and neither were any closer to working together without starting a fight; or participating in one for that matter…

Needless to say, everyone was thoroughly annoyed at their antics…

And, unfortunately for the two people in question, they had friends and family just waiting to help…

This already bad situation is even worse when you classify Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger as 'family and friends'…

Which brings us to our current predicament;

After chasing the rest of Gryffindor house to their dorms, the work began.

"RON!!!" yelled Hermione, "Stop taking your time out there! They'll see you soon!"

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" grumbled Ron

Quickly running back up the stairs, Ron hid with the rest of the gang, in a spare broom closet. Hermione then performed a very complex Charm to enable them to see through the door and they waited for their two friends to enter the Common Room.

They waited for a long time and all the boys were starting to get impatient when they finally heard the creak of the door opening.

Tiptoeing in (as it was now long past curfew) was none other than Ginny Weasley. Trying her hardest to make it to her dorms without anyone noticing, she never noticed the slight mutter of an incantation or her voice box going numb but she did notice when she was pulled into an empty cupboard of sorts.

Trying to yell, she finally noticed her silent voice box and began to panic. Trying to stay calm, she sank to the floor and waited.

(Back in the Common Room)

Now happy that the first part of their plan had been successful, the group eagerly waited for the second person to arrive. Two longs hours later, he did, though he wasn't trying particularly hard to be quiet; completely contrary to that, he stormed in and flopped on the couch. (Evidently he'd just had a bad detention with Snape.)

So busy muttering to himself, he didn't notice the mutter or either but as before, he did notice being pulled into what he thought was an empty cupboard.

Determined not to start blasting the place to bits, he backed away from the door a bit only to hear a shriek.

"Who's that?!" he heard an alarmed female voice say; evidently in wasn't a very strong silencing spell that had been on her.

'Lumos' muttered Harry and found that he was in a cupboard with none other than Ginny Weasley!

Now more than a little peeved, he started hammering at the door, trying his hardest to get out. Ginny wasn't doing much better herself; screaming obscenities past the door and trying her hardest to deafen Harry in the process, neither of them were having a particularly good time.

"Right, so have a good time in there you two! We'll come let you out tomorrow afternoon; its Saturday tomorrow so don't worry too much about staying up late!" they heard the telltale sounds of their friends exiting the room and knew that they were right; there was going to be no possible way out of the room unless they were let out, which by the looks of things wasn't going to be any time soon.

Slumping to the ground, Harry started muttering darkly to himself, pausing only once he noticed that Ginny hadn't made a sound. Looking up, he found her staring at some sort of light box with a terrified look in her eyes.

A/N: Yay! I finished another chapter! Holidays are so handy for writing! I get so much more done!

So if anyone guesses what they're looking at, you can pick any story of mine to have a clue for!

Please Review!