Digimon: Legend of the Celestials Chapter 3

Takuya rubbed his head and looked around. "What was that guys?" The rest of the group had found themselves on the ground, glancing around, as the lights flickered back on. Koji was the next to stand up, seeing Takuya staring at him, questionably.

"Am I supposed to know?" Koji replied, frowning. Kouichi laughed and then stood up, as the rest of the gang made their way to their feet.

"Could it have been a Digimon that we just heard?" He asked, obnoxiously. Koji slapped Kouichi on the head and made a sign with his head to show that a girl was listening. Everybody looked in that direction as the girl came stomping over.

"Exactly, what are you people talking about?" Takuya heard Miyako say quite loudly. "What's a Digimon exactly? And why did the lights just go out?" She placed her tanned hands on her small hips and cocked an eyebrow. "Explain all this to me. What was that sound just then?"

Kouichi waved his hands and smiled lightly. "Whoah! What's with all of the questions? We don't really even know what all that was, okay?"

"Yeah, so stop acting like we do, and beat it." Zoe announced, glaring daggers at Miyako. The boys' mouths dropped. They'd never seen Zoe act this hostile to another girl before. Miyako's eyes widened.

"Excuse me?" Miyako mused, making a raspberry at Zoe. "Why don't you? What was your name again? Ugly? Oops, I mean Zoe. Zoe was your name. Sorry about the mistake." The boys just stared. They'd really never seen a girl act this way to Zoe either. Zoe pushed her way through the gaping boys and made her way over to Miyako, so her face was about an inch away from hers.

"Um...Zoe? Just forget about this, okay? We have more important things to do..." Takuya mumbled, trying to calm everything down. He stared, hesitantly, but then went over and grabbed his girlfriend's shoulders. "Will you just calm down, please?"

Zoe sighed and then placed her right hand on her hip. "Yeah, you're right, Takuya. It's really not worth my valuable time." Takuya sighed as well and then got the group to run out of the store as quickly as possible.

Zoe was in a huff when they were nearing her house again. The group now consisted of herself and Takuya, so it really wasn't much of a group anymore. "I'm sorry about getting all worked up in the store. I just couldn't help myself." She said, rolling her eyes.

Takuya grinned. "Yeah, you had me pretty scared there for a moment. I'd never seen you like that before. You're not even like that at school with some of the other girls." He laughed. "You're not even like that with us, and that's saying something."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Zoe frowned and walked a little bit faster, until she had made it to her front porch. Takuya followed as her as fast as he could.

"Oh, come on. I didn't mean it like that, Zoe." He said, blushing slightly, as she walked a little bit closer to him. Zoe stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek and then proceeded to run into her house, after a little wave. Takuya grinned to himself, and felt his cheeks growing hotter.

Takuya ran in his front door and slipped off his shoes in the front hallway, feeling rather excited for some reason or another. There was a little beeping sound coming from upstairs. Maybe, from his room? He frowned, and made his way up the stairs. He found Shinya in their room, hunched over, holding something, and pushing some buttons. "What are you doing?" He asked, sighing.

Shinya grinned and wheeled around. "Guess what I got??? I got this little thing today! It just showed up when I went out with my friends!!" Shinya held up something that looked quite familiar to Takuya. A D-Tector?!

(More coming soon! I love the reviews!!)