Digimon: Legend of the Celestials

Chapter 1: All Aboard the Trailmon Express...Again

Takuya Kanbara sat at his desk, trying to his homework. It was rather hard to get done, especially when your little brother was playing video games and shouting as loud as he could. When you were Takuya you would be dying to play those video games instead of getting something productive done.

Takuya turned around in his swivel chair and frowned down at his now twelve-year-old brother, who was having the time of his life. "Can you please not do that right now, Shinya?" I'm trying to get something done here!" Takuya frowned as his brother paused the game.

"Takuya, just because you want to get something done for once, doesn't mean that I have to stop what I'm doing." Shinya retorted, unpausing the game and continuing on. Takuya cocked his right eyebrow and turned back around.

"You'll be sorry for that, you little brat." He whispered under his breath. Even though Takuya was now fifteen years old, nothing about him had changed. He was definitely the same old Takuya. Maybe he was a little bit taller, but nothing else had altered.

"I heard that, Takuya!" His mother yelled from out in the hallway. "You certainly aren't very good at being quiet. I don't want to hear those sort of things out of your mouth, young man. Now, what do you say to Shinya?" she asked, sticking her head in the door.

Takuya rolled his eyes. Shinya didn't even look like he cared. He just went on playing his video game, but Takuya apologized anyway, in a rude tone of voice. His mother frowned, but all the same, she let it go. "And by the way, Takuya. Zoe's on the phone for you. Hurry it up!" His mom said, then leaving their room and walking down the hallway to her room.

Takuya sighed. Well, at least it gave him a break from his homework. He got up out of his chair, ran out into the hallway, and then down the stairs to the kitchen where their one and only portable phone was. He picked up the receiver and pretended he didn't know who was calling. "Hello?" He said into the phone.

Zoe's happy voice returned his questionable one. "Hi, Takuya! I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie with the rest of us later! I couldn't leave my one and only boyfriend out, could I?" She asked, obviously in a very happy mood.

Takuya jumped at the chance to get out of his homework for a good while. "Of course, Zoe! Why wouldn't I? What time?" He asked, happily.

"Meet me outside my house in ten minutes, okay?" Zoe said, sweetly.

"Ten minutes!? Zoe, how do you expect me to get to your house in ten minutes!? You live on the other side of the neighborhood!" Takuya yelled, scratching his head.

"Roller blade or something. Just hurry up!" She replied, then hung up the phone abruptly. Takuya sighed once again, grabbed his cap and goggles, snapped his roller blades on, and flew out the door, hoping his mom wouldn't care that he had left.

Zoe put down the phone and turned around to face the rest of the Digimon team, spread out around her living room. Koji lay on the couch, less than comfortably, because Kouichi was sitting on his stomach. Tommy sat on the floor, playing around with his green shoelace. Then there was J.P., who sat in a big La-Z-Boy chair, eating a bag of potato chips. Zoe laughed at them. "You guys look really funny, you know that?" she said. They just stared at her. "Anyway, Takuya's on his way." Zoe thought maybe a change of subject was in order at that moment.

Zoe's mom popped into the room, her curly blonde hair bouncing on her shoulders. "Zoe! You're having another friend over? Do I need to make lunch for you guys or anything?" She asked, cheerfully.

Zoe cocked an eyebrow and frowned at her mom. "No, mom. We're going out to the movies or something. Don't worry about it." She said, as she ran over and rushed her mom out of the room.

Kouichi laughed. "Zoe, I don't understand why you don't like your mom around. She's really nice and the cheerfulness is definitely a change for me, since Koji and I are spending more time around each other." Koji grunted and frowned at Kouichi, who just ignored this little threat.

"Kouichi, it's one thing when you're not around her a lot, but when you live with her, it's a whole lot different." She rolled her sea-blue eyes. "Her cheerfulness can get quite annoying if you ask me." Tommy and J.P. laughed at Zoe's facial expression. Just then, the doorbell rang, interrupting the conversation. "Oh, that must be Takuya!" she said, happily. Zoe ran out into the kitchen to open the door.

Tommy just stared at her. "In my opinion she takes after her mother regarding that cheerfulness." He mumbled, so as not to be heard. Everybody nodded.

Takuya and Zoe came into the living room, laughing. About what, no one knew, but that was Takuya. He could make someone laugh just being himself. Takuya raised his right hand and waved at the group. "Gosh, you look comfortable, Koji." He said, laughing. Koji glared daggers at him and then looked the other way. Kouichi hopped off him and then patted him on the head.

"So, where are we off to?" he asked, smiling. J.P. finished off the potato chips and stood up out of the La-Z-Boy chair. He really had lost quite a lot of weight. He was barely bigger than Takuya now, but still a little bit taller. Tommy stood up and wiped off his backside. Koji just stayed on the sofa for a moment, but then stood up, rubbing his stomach.

Zoe grinned. "I think we should go to the mall or the movie theater or something. Just hang out, you know? That's always fun when I'm with you guys!" Everybody frowned.

"How come I don't find that a comforting thought?" Koji mumbled. Kouichi smiled. "For heaven's sake, what are you smiling at?"

"You." Kouichi replied. "What else would I be smiling at if I'm looking right at you?" He said, giggling. Koji just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever we do, it has be out of here where I don't have to be so close to my brother." Koji said, a little bit of a smiled showing on his face...

( Please review! More will happen in the next chapter! I didn't have much time to write today! Thanks!)