"Tk come on it's time to wake up" a sweet you just got to love her voice says. You however see Matt standing there a tape recorder in his hand. Tai is standing in the doorway and Kari has her face covered. "Come on sweetie I promise to give you a long kiss" Matt says in his best girl voice

Suddenly his face is in the pillow with a fist in to the back of his skull and a mad Tk. "What do you think you are doing?" he asks. Then notices Tai and Kari and realizes what he is dressed in which is in his boxers which guess who picked out.

"Love the clothes Tk" Tai says and laughs. Kari just takes a pity on him like a good friend who has a crush on you but would never say it. She goes in and grabs Mat by the ear then Tai's and drags them both out. "Hey let go, come on Kari," they both say as she closes the door behind him.

Tk comes out in after about a minuet his bags are over by the door. "So what is with you guys waking me up so early?" Tk asks yawning not exactly ver happy, this was the one day he didn't wake up for a run with Kari to stay in shape for basketball.

"Silly were leaving for are trip this morning now come on were going to be late at this rate" Kari says then jumps on his back "And I don't feel like walking, so you can carry me" she says and giggles. Then whispers in her ear "plus this way they have to carry the bags" she says with a small smirk on her face.

Tk however is hiding the small blush on his face making sure no one can notice, "Yeah but it's not like you are any lighter" he says and laughs till she smacks him "Hey that hurt" Tk complains and one hand is holding her up the other rubs his head.

They walk out the door, Tai looks at Matt "Hey shouldn't I be mad that your little brother has his hands on my little sisters ass" Tai asks him as they grab Tk's bag not wanting to get there ears puled again bye that evil woman.

Matt smirks "What can I say he learned from the master and that is namely me so what can you do, you know Kari is in love with him. Not much chance we got of stopping besides you hear Geni (how ever you spell his name) those two are destined to be together maybe not in love but at least as best friends so what can you expect. I mean he does get all his looks from me" Matt says smirking

Tai waves his arms around in a don't say that so loud fashion "What the hell are you saying that so loud for?" he says and then says it very low "If they find out about it and do get together then they will think they have full right to do anything, which I guess they would but Kari is only 16, there is no way she should even be kissing guys, but instead she should be kissing stuffed animals and dreaming about I don't know Barney." Tai says

Matt stares at him for a second then laughs "BARNEY" he shouts laughing. "Come on I think that is pushing it" He laughs then smirks "Come on Tai don't worry about it we are sending them off together alone" he says smirking. "While we go to Hawaii they will go to Florida, we are letting them go off all by them self's where you know my little bro will make great on my name" he says smirking and Tai catches his drift and does what all great older brothers would.

"TK I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" he shouts and charges down the stairs to try and catch up with them Matt laughing chases after him till they find those two in the back of Matt's car talking grins on there face. Tai just does not have the heart to break them up. He sighs and goes and puts the bags in the trunk and jumps in the passenger side.

Matt gets in the front "Ok enough necking back there you two" he says smirking "Enough goes on back there" he says and smirks. Kari just basically jumps up and in to Tk's lap "Oh man Tk I think you move faster than me" he says and both Tai and Matt laugh

However you should never challenge Kari well not when she feels like getting back at you, "Oh well of course Tk is my man, he is a whole lot hotter," she says and smirks and rubs her self up against Tk. "Isn't that right Tk" she says smirking, and starts kissing his neck now this would make just about any guy blush but well Tk is Tk so he is bright red.

"Kari, come on stop that" he says and smirks, and try's to push her away. "Kari come on we got a whole two week to do this we shouldn't torture your brother like this," he says but his hands are around her waist where there actually where the most of the time. Usually it was scaring off any guys who would even look at her though sometimes it was cause Kari was snuggling up against him to scare off any girls who would look at her famous basket ball player. Those girls would only want him cause he was the top basketball player at there school. Well those girls would never touch him. The guys would never touch his best friend who was the hottest cheerleader in the country. Not that they would ever tell each other how they really feel of course cause neither one of them returned the feelings of love for the other.

So anyway after my pointless babbling they reach the airport where everyone else is all ready waiting. Kari is caring one bag even though she brought four Tk is carrying three even tough he brought two. "Hey there you are Kari" Davis yells and runs over to them "Here can I help you with your bags" he asks

Suddenly Tai, Matt, and Tk all drop Kari's bag on Davis. "There you go" they all say and everyone laughs at him. Any way Tk and Kari and the rest of them all smirk and get in line letting Davis carry those three and his own two.

Anyway they are all checked in and well of course Kari's bag got searched and then she kept going off. Well Davis almost got arrested for trying to keep them from searching one of Kari's bag. But then as soon as they get through the checkpoint a few planes are called. "Come on that's us" Tai says and looks at Kari "Now you two be good, I'm sorry but there where not enough seat on this one" he says and they say there good bye. However Tk and Kari think it will be for just a little bit. They think it will just be for a few hours not the two weeks that it will really be but hey there's a hint for you.

"Tk" Kari says and pokes him. He just sits there acting like he did not hear her. "Tk, come on please" she asks again poking him in the ribs. You can tell this has been going on for a while "Tk, please it's just a bit of ice cream I'll do anything if you go and get me some ice-cream" she offers giving him a begging look.

He sighs "Fine Kari but I'm going to hold you to that" he says and takes out his wallet but before he can take any money out. Kari snatches it from him like a good girl. "I said a ice-cream," he says and try's to snatch his wallet back but when does a guy ever win a fight with girl.

Kari just grins then gets her self an ice-cream. Tk sighs and lays his head back till it is time for the plane to take off. Kari grins as she drags Tk on to the plane.

Ok well I'm sure you are a bit lost on what happened before right. Ok Tai and Matt where at lunch "Hey Tai does Kari ever visit you anymore?" Matt asked just out of the blue.

Tai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I think she does occasionally to get some money or new clothes, but otherwise she's with Tk." Tai says

"Well then do you realize that Tk and Kari are still not a couple. I mean it's been to many years and well my bet in the pool ran out awhile ago. Heck I think everyone else's did to." Matt said

Then finally Tai got sort of idea about what he was talking about. "You mean you want us to get them..." and Matt nods. "Ok so what do you got in mind?" Tai had asked.


Hey what's up? So tell me what you think, give me a review. Give me a bunch please is that so much to ask for. Just a few and tell me what you think. Well I at least like the story.