Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans or Becki. Becki owns herself, and I pity anyone who tries to control her.

So, happy to see me? I'm sorry it's short – only 1836 words not including the AN, and it's only 6 pages. I wanted to get it out tonight and I've only got 15 minutes left on the computer today. So I'm going to do this very quickly.

I still have no idea what the plot is going to be, but I know it'll be better than the crap it was before, lol. I'm considering having her powers come into play, but I'm still debating on that. It's been done a lot, but then again, so has everything else. Any suggestions are welcome. And if you want, my offer to email the chapters still holds, although I have no idea why any of you would want them.

"Hello, Raven," said a very annoying boy with a very annoying, very recent habit of hitting on Raven.

This time Raven actually did hit her head on the wall. Hard. "Oww…"

Gar smirked. "Now, why would you do that, Raven? It's only me. I can't be that bad, can I?"

Raven scowled at him. "You'd be surprised."

He shrugged. "OK, whatever. You look wonderful."

Raven glared. "Stop it. I don't know why the hell you're doing that, but you should stop before you get hurt."

"Do what?" Gar asked innocently.

"Hit on me."

Gar started laughing. "What makes you think I'd do that? Hit on a Goth? As if!"

Raven remained undaunted. "Then what do you call it when you tell me I'm beautiful, hot, or otherwise cute?"

"Me? Why would I do that?"

"Then what DO you call it?"

There was a pause.

"Hitting on you."

Raven raised an eyebrow. "I thought so. Now, stop doing that or I'll sic my friends on you."

"And what would your friends do?" He was smirking condescendingly now. Oh, Raven was SO going to get him for that.

"Well, let's see. Becki's extremely skilled in fencing, swordfighting, battle-archery, and various forms of the martial arts. Not to mention, she's so flexible you couldn't possibly hope to fight against her when she's kicking your arse – she'd merely bend over backwards ninety degrees so you couldn't punch her. Now, let's see. Frances is so smart she'd make your brain explode. Amanda would sic all her preppy little friends on you, with all their lipstick and nail polish and eyeshadow and all that shit, and Jessi and Sally would maul you and tear you limb from limb. Li has a collection of pretty little sharp knives and daggers that she enjoys using and practices with for three hours a day; you don't want to know what Val does in her spare time, and Nadia… Nadia, I suppose, won't do anything to you, but she's wicked loyal to her friends, so I'd assume that she'd help in castrating you. Or help with another equally unpleasant-for-you task."

Gar was still smirking as if he thought what Raven was saying was cute.

Damn him, she thought, why does he have to be so infuriating? And why does he have to look so hot while doing it? DAMN IT, RAVEN, STOP THINKING THAT!

"So, beautiful… shall we go call your little friends now?" he asked, putting an arm around Raven.


"Damn, Rae, why'd you do that?" he shouted, rubbing his cheek where a red mark was already beginning to appear.

"Because you already knew that I don't want you hitting on me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to be somewhere."

She walked out to the door, but paused and turned around as she reached the entrance to the room.

"And don't call me Rae."

With that, she turned around and ran up the stairs, slamming the attic door behind her.

Gar sighed and rubbed his cheek. "This is going to be harder than I thought…"

"I told you so," Kori said as she came in from where she had been listening behind the other door.

"Oh, shut up."

Dear Diary, Raven wrote after she had safely locked the door and pulled out the little black book.

Dear Diary,

God, Garfield Logan is an arsehole. Seriously. He keeps hitting on me. I hate it. Really, I do. He's going to have a nice bruise on his cheek if he keeps on hitting on me. And he'll hurt in other areas too, much more unpleasant areas than his cheek. I must have cursed myself when I said I didn't want to fall in love. I don't know why I even said that. It should go unsaid. Or maybe I cursed him. After all, I'm not the one falling in love, or lust, or whatever it is. Whatever. I cursed somebody. And I don't like it. But I'm not going to take back my words. I don't want to fall in love. That's it. The bottom line. The end. Goodbye.


Raven stuffed the diary under her bed just as the phone rang. Seconds later, her aunt came up with the phone.

"I don't know why we let you have all these stairs up to your room, Raven… they're such a struggle to get up and apparently very easy to fall down," her aunt remarked. Raven rolled her eyes.

"Phone, please?'

"Oh, right." Her aunt gave her the phone and went back downstairs.


"Raven! You've got to help me!" came Becki's voice. Raven rolled her eyes.

"What is it? Sam attacking you with a spork again?"

"Hey, don't tease me. That wasn't fun. Anyway, no. There's a new girl next door. Her name's Terra or something like that, and she's blonde and scary."

"You're blonde and scary," Raven said dryly. "But you can come over. I'm not going downstairs."

"Why not? Loverboy's there?"

"Yes, and he won't leave me alone."

"Well, I'm not going out my house. I can see Terra outside her house. I bet she's waiting to tackle me as soon as I step outside."

There was a pause, and then Raven said, "Becki, did you take your meds today?"

"I don't take meds," Becki said proudly.

"Well, you need some. I'll be over in a sec." And she hung up before Becki could squeal. As much as Becki was her friend, Raven hated squealing.

Raven ran down the stairs and out the front door, whooshing past Kori, Richard, Gar, and a newcomer who Raven hadn't met yet. He had dark skin and the build of a football player. She heard him say, "Who's she?" before the door slammed shut behind her. She could hear Kori in her head sighing and saying, "She's my cousin," in a resigned tone.

The purple-haired teen jogged the mile to Becki's house. Outside, she could see a blonde girl sitting on a rock in her yard. She was reading a book but looked up when she saw Raven.

"Hey," she called. Raven nodded to her and rang Becki's doorbell. Becki opened the door and pulled Raven inside quickly. The Terra girl looked puzzled but turned back to her book.

"Did you see her?" Becki asked. "Don't you just get an evil vibe coming off of her?"

Raven raised an eyebrow. "No. I think it's all in your mind." She plopped down on the couch, the blonde girl sitting next to her.

Said blonde girl pouted. "Is not."

"Is t- I'm not going to argue. Anyway, where's Sam?"

"Out with a friend. How she has any friends, I don't know. She doesn't chase them with sporks around the house, I bet." Becki's tone was sulky now.

"You have to admit, it was hilarious," Raven said, smirking. Becki made a face.

"I had poke marks in my arm for a week!"

"Yeah, but it was still amusing to see you running around the house from your 14-year-old sister."

"She was brandishing a spork!"

"You know the word 'brandishing'?"

"Well, yeah. You know, brandishing a sword?"

A sweatdrop would have appeared over Raven's head had this been anime. "Okay then. So what do you want to do now?"

"Watch Pirates of the Caribbean!" Becki suggested enthusiastically. Raven smacked her head.

"Why do I even bother to ask?"

"Because you love me," Becki said promptly.

"Yeah, well, we'll see about that," Raven muttered. "I don't want to watch Pirates."

"Aww," Becki pouted. "Sure?"

"Positive. Hey, there was another guy at the house," Raven said. "I think he's from school, but I'm not sure. He looks like a football player."

"Ooh, I bet it's Victor Stone," Becki said. "He's new and he's already star of the football team."

"And you know this… how?" Becki hated football and jocks.

"Because Sam told me," the blonde answered. "I vote we do anything but go outside. I'm not meeting that girl again. I swear, she's going to attack me as soon as I step outside."


"No, just realistic."

Raven rolled her eyes. "Becki, she's not going to attack you."

"Is too."

"Not this again… What can we do that doesn't involve pirates or girls named Terra?"

"Go bug Logan and Grayson and your cousin? Oh, and that new guy Stone?" Becki loved to bug people. It was her favorite thing to do. Well, next to watching Pirates of the Caribbean, that is.

"Yeah, right," Raven said. "There's no way I'm going back there until they leave."

"Yeah, I suppose… and I don't really want to go outside. That Terra girl freaks me out."

"But you're evil too… if she's evil then you have nothing to worry about," Raven pointed out.

"But but but! She scares me!"


"She does!"

"I believe it."

"See? …Hey! That wasn't very nice!"

"Glad you finally caught on," Raven said dryly. Becki pouted.


"So what are we going to do?" Raven asked, choosing to take the higher road and ignore the last comment.

"I told you. Watch Pirates of the Caribbean."

Raven rolled her eyes. "Yeah right. Let's go out for pizza or something."

"Nnno! That girl's out there!" Becki peeked out from the crack in the curtains. "Yep, still out there."

"Well, if we're not going to do anything, I might as well just go up to your room and meditate," Raven said, getting up. Becki grabbed her wrist.

"Don't go! I'll be bored if you go!" Becki sounded as if the world might end if she was bored. Raven sweatdropped, shaking her head.

"Then what do you suggest we do?"

"Go out for pizza! Or something!"

Raven refrained from rolling her eyes. "Sure, Becki, let's go." She didn't bother mentioning the fact that she had suggested going out for pizza two minutes ago. What would be the point, anyway? It's not like Becki would care. She was… well, she was Becki. That just about summed it up.

On their way outside, Terra was still on the large rock, tossing a smaller stone up in the air and catching it. Becki hurried by quickly, obviously not wanting to attract Terra's "wrath." Raven went a bit slower, trying to see if she could sense what Becki was paranoid about. Of course, it was probably nothing – Becki was prone to being weird sometimes. Scratch that – she was prone to be weird, always. But still. When Becki was this bothered by somebody that she had never talked to, it was always best to be careful.

Becki doubled back, grabbing Raven's wrist, and dragged her down the street. "What were you doing?" she hissed. "Are you crazy? She could attack you!"

Raven mentally sighed. She was just being silly; of course there was nothing wrong with that Terra girl. Becki was just being strange again. And at least Kori and Grayson and Logan and their posse weren't there.

"Becki," she said, sighing out loud this time, "get a life."

Becki's indignant squeak could be heard for a mile around.

Sorry, Becki! Anyway, review if you love me, or if you hate me. Flames are not welcome, but constructive criticism is. And praise is always good! Hehe. 'Til next time, then! Kinz