PotC: The Song of the Siren

Disclaimer: I don't own potc etc.

Chapter 18 (Their Final Stop)

Melody looked out towards the rushing waves. Jack didn't realize the dangers that they would soon face. She sighed as she turned, the whole crew was keeping busy with something whether it was fixing rigging or swabbing the deck. Melody wrapped her arms around herself, a chill running down her body although she wore her trench coat.

She looked back towards the horizon. She couldn't see anything out of the ordinary but she could sense something, something that was.. out of place. Shaking her head as if to shake away worries she decided that she would do something to keep herself busy. She decided that she would join Will up in the crows nest.

She had never climbed the rigging but she figured it couldn't be too difficult. She noticed that no one was really paying attention to her so she began to climb. Melody placed her foot on a section of line and gripped the narrow beam above her head. With a quick motion, she hoisted herself onto the beam and straddled it. Holding onto the beam she could feel the sway of the ocean below which seemed more distinct up here. Each step she took, took her higher and higher and farther and farther away from the ground. The wind was whipping against her. She closed her eyes for a moment reveling in the new sensation of being up so high. Finally reaching the top she threw her legs over the edge of the crows nest.

"What are you doing up here!" Asked Will.

Melody shrugged her shoulders.

"I had nothing better to do." She stated simply.

Will shook his head, a little worried, he had seen many men fall to their deaths climbing the rigging. He was just glad that she hadn't been one of them.

"What's the worst that you have ever faced being a pirate Will?" She asked staring off at the horizon.

"The worst I had ever faced was when Jack and the crew had to face the damned crew that had taken hold of this ship."

"Really? I remember Jack mentioning something like that." She replied.

"Will how do you really feel about Jack helping me?"

"What do you mean? Your sister is sick-"

"I know but this can be dangero--"

"I'm sure everything will be fine Melody."

Melody just nodded.

Jack looked around, leaving the helm to Anamaria. His brows furrowed as he couldn't spot Melody. Then he caught sight of her up in the crows nest. Only room for two.


"Yes Jack?" Will yelled back.

Will although he was so high up could spot the look Jack was directing towards him. Will smiled at Melody and lightly touched her shoulder before agilely climbing down the rigging. Before Melody knew it Jack was standing beside her.

"Jack I don't understand why you're not listening to me. We're heading into dangers that I'm pretty sure you've never faced before."

Jack sighed before he answered. "Luv ye have to understand that this is the fastest way to the Isle and any other way will seriously put yer sister in more danger then she's already in."

Melody looked at him, shocked at his compassionbefore a small smile began to curve to her lips. It was all she could do to not throw herself into his arms at that moment. 'He could be so sweet sometimes.' She thought to herself. Jack stole a quick glance at her seeing the small smile that graced her lips. He quirked a brow.

"What is it?"

"What?" Said Melody as she whipped her head to look at him.

"Your smiling."

"I can't smile now?" She replied, a wry smile pulling at her lips.

"It's not that luv, it's the situation." He said.

Melody bowed her head. "Thanks for reminding me Jack will you never give me a moment, just a moment to forget." She said while she blinked back tears.

Jack swore under his breath. He then took her hand and tugged, catching her off balance, he wrapped her to him when she fell against his body. Melody was taken aback by this action causing her heart to pound hard against her chest.

"Jack what are you doing." She all but whispered. He just smiled before answering.

"Must you question everything?" Melody shook her head and enjoyed the warm feeling that consumed her body. At that moment they both felt like nothing could touch them and the world just seemed to melt away.

"The Cap'n seems different don't 'e."

"It seems as if.. He were a bit sober."

"No dat tisen't it, tis something I can't quite put me finger on."

"Weel now what if it's love."

Both men looked at each other before breaking out into laughter. Both men shook their heads before returning to their duties.

It had been almost a week in their travels and they had stopped at a small but busy island. It would be their last stop on their journey before continuing to the Isla De Muerta.

Melody hadn't been too happy about their little detour but Jack had explained to her that it was necessary for them to stock up on some necessities if they were to survive.

Jack stood, his hands clasped behind his back. Below him, the dock teemed with activity, as laborers stacked barrels and wooden crates in large neat piles as the cool ocean breeze wafted the scent of the sea across the harbor.

Straightening his shoulders, Jack turned his gaze to the ocean and hoped the weather would continue to favor their journey. He didn't want Melody to continue to worry about the condition of her sister.

Most of the crew had gone to relax before they were to return to the ship in the morning. Melody had decided to walk around the island and clear her head and Jack had sent Will to keep a watchful eye on her.

He sighed as he wiped weariness from his eyes. He had never felt so tired in his life. He decided that he would go to bed early and have one of the men who had stayed behind to look after the ship while he slept.

Melody wandered around aimlessly. She was trying to keep her mind a complete blank but found that it was near to impossible. She soon found herself walking through a wooded area. Knowing that she should probably stay close to Jack and the others but she felt the need to be alone.

She hated this helpless feeling that she was going through. What if she didn't succeed? What if she died before she was able to make it back? She sank to the floor, shaking her head as tears began to gather and her throat began to tighten. She held her head in her hands. Tears streaming down her cheeks. After a few minutes she was able to catch her breath and stand.

She turned to head back towards the bustling town but heard a distinct crack of a twig snapping behind her. She stiffened, Quickly unsheathing her sword she turned. "Who's there?" She demanded. After a moment of silence she put the sword down and sighed. It was probably some creature running through the woods. 'I'm becoming so jumpy.' She thought as she continued on through the woods. She heard another twig snap behind her, this time she was sure someone was following her. She continued to walk, minding to keep her hand near her sword if she were to be attacked at anytime.

Melody picked up the pace. Quickly disappearing behind a tree. She sunk to the ground and poked her head out a little from behind the tree. She waited a moment for the person to appear. This was ridicules she thought to herself. Why was she so paranoid all of a sudden? She waited a few minutes but to no avail did anyone appear. Standing she turned but stumbled back as she collided into someone's chest.

A/N: Sorry for the wait readers. I didn't write as much as I could have. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.