"Kenta was the #1 rookie 5 years ago, and he helped create the Kage Bunshin technique," Kakashi explained. He and Sasuke were sitting at a park, it was just about dawn.

Sasuke nodded and crossed his arms, "he was too fast for even my Sharingan."

"Yeah, about that. You see Sasuke, he uses this unique jutsu that makes him half a Kage Bunshin," Kakashi replied. "Whenever he creates a Bushin, it always has a little bit of the real thing in the copy. Therefore, when he dissapeared into smoke, his bunshin was actually killed, but before that, he made another one behind you."

Sasuke had never heard of such a jutsu, "this guy…" again, he felt the feeling of envy and jealousy. "Neji should've detected it."

"He probably thought of it as another Kage Bunshin," Kakashi exclaimed. "Well I'd better be getting home." The grey haired shinobi began walking, but stopped. "Oh, and one more thing Sasuke. Kenta may be cold, but he's had the same past as you. His parents were killed right before him, no one talked to him when he was a child. But the worst thing, he was taken by Orochimaru."

This struck Sasuke in his neck. Just the mention of that name pained him. The black haired boy blinked once and Kakashi was gone. Without a word, Sasuke made his way home as well.


"Naruto-kun," Hinata was still being dragged by the blonde boy, "you can let go of my arm now…" she murmured shyly.

Naruto laughed and scratched his head, "Yeah, sorry about that." He let go and looked at Hinata. Her eyes were very pretty at dawn. They glittered with the sun's light and shine.

"Naruto-kun, I have had a great day with you and the others today," Hinata was the first to speak. The two were standing on the bridge, their reflections on the water sparkled with delight.

Naruto smiled, "I did too Hinata, especially with you."

Hinata blushed, "How can you be so open?" she asked. "How are you so brave, when I'm so weak?" her arms were shivering, either from the cold air or nervousness, she couldn't tell.

Either way, Naruto gave her a hug. His arms hung loosely on her back, they were so comfortable it was shocking.

Hinata, of course, didn't know what to do. She didn't hug back, but she wanted to.

Naruto stepped back before she could. He looked her right in the eyes, "You are brave Hinata, when you fought Neji and many other times. If you weren't brave, you wouldn't be a ninja!" He spoke very clear and stern, but also passionately. His eyes looked very caring.

Hinata was stunned, she didn't know Naruto could be so deep and dramatic.

He jumped up onto the bridge railing and punched up a fist. "I know you can do whatever you want to do, because we shinobi have that power." Naruto smiled at her and thought of something to follow up on that. "Also, I want to tell you that I---" Suddenly the wind came in and he became unstable.

Without warning, Naruto fell of the bridge and into the river. He sat there drenched and looking up at Hinata. "Love you!" he managed to say before a fish leapt at him.

Hinata couldn't help but giggle. "I love you too." She said loud enough for him to say. She not only felt cared for, but very relieved, all this time she was worried he liked Terra.


"Neji-kun, I had a lot of fun today…" Tenten managed to say. She and Neji didn't look at eachother once when they began walking.

Neji had his eyes closed, "you mean besides the fact that Terra had almost been killed or raped?" the white eyed boy replied.

Tenten blushed and thought what she said was really stupid.

Neji could sense that, "besides that, I had a good time as well…" he was about to say something like, 'though it was a waste of valuable training time.' But Tenten had hugged him much too quickly.

"Neji, I'm glad that you are my friend. I was so worried when you were fighting Kenta," Tenten sobbed. It was the first time Neji had ever seen her cry. Obviously, he didn't know what to do except hug her back.

"Shinobi should never cry…" he managed to whisper.

She broke away from him and wiped her tears, "you're right." Tenten looked up at her dream boy with her chocolate eyes.

Again, Neji was swept away by her beauty. Tenten truly looked good with her hair down. Neji had wished he'd sat beside her at the theatre. He began to get the feeling she had the same feelings he had for her.

"W-we should be going. Your parents will be worried…" Neji muttered. He walked forward, expecting her to follow.

Tenten caught up with him and snatched his hand firmly.

The long haired ninja looked beside him, and saw the smile he loved. He tried to hide a smile and began walking again, never letting go of her hand.


Kakashi stood in a dark alley. "Kurenai, why have you come?"

The red eyed girl appeared from the shadows, but didn't look at Kakashi. "Why didn't you save her? I thought you'd jump right in."

"I knew Naruto and them would come to save her, she is very pretty," Kakashi replied. He turned around to look at the beautiful ninja. "I wonder if fate lead to this."

"Perhaps, or maybe it's just your bad luck," Kurenai giggled.

"I was worried when Terra came back, this could get ugly," the grey haired shinobi leapt up a building. "Make sure the council will get Terra and her family home, I'll be watching Kenta."

When he dissapeared, Kurenai held herself, as if she were cold. "5 years…. That's a long time, I'm beginning to realize how old I am," she sighed.

Sakura, Ino and Shikamaru had gotten to Ino's house.

"Bye Shikamaru baby!" Ino kissed him on the cheek and waved to Sakura, "bye ugly!" she joked and went inside laughing.

Sakura held up a fist, "Ino-pig….!"

Shikamaru sighed and gestured Sakura to head on home.

After a few moments of walking, Sakura began wondering, "Shikamaru, how come you started liking Ino-chan?" she asked.

Shikamaru expected such a question, "well, how come you like Sasuke?" he came back.

Sakura was about to start listing 100s of her reasons, but Shikamaru implied he was sarcastic.

"Look, Ino and I have known eachother for awhile now, and I've seen nothing but her nagging and love of Sasuke. I kept telling myself I didn't like her," he looked down at his feet and imagined all the times he's had with Ino. "But, I couldn't stop thinking about her."

Sakura hadn't seen Shikamaru so deep. "I wish Sasuke felt the same about me…" she muttered.

"Well, I'm not sure about it, but me and Naruto have heard him say stuff about you," Shikamaru pointed out.

"Really? Like what!"

It took a moment to think, "Well, he was worried about you during Gaara's attack and believe it when I tell you, he likes it when you hug him," the black haired boy said.

Sakura smiled almost in a scary way. They had finally made it to Shikamaru's house, "thank you Shikamaru! You made me feel much better!" she gave him a kiss on the cheek and left.

When she left, Shikamaru's dad appeared. "You pimp…" he chuckled.

"You're such a pain…" Shikamaru humored him.

On the way home, Sakura had spotted a figure in an alley, it looked like he was bleeding and very hurt. "Are you okay?"she asked the darkness.

"Help… me…" the figure's voice was very cracked. He fell and landed on his knees, crawling towards Sakura. When the shadows lifted from his face, Sakura could see who he was.

"Lee-san!" it was rock lee! His face and arms were beaten to a pulp. Blood dripped from everywhere Sakura could see of Lee's body. "Wh-what happened?" but he was unconscious, asleep on Sakura's lap.

Then, Sakura could make out a set of teeth in the darkness, the shone like the moon.

The figure just said, "Food…" and both Sakura and Lee were gone.