"I still can't believe that we were invited to Sakura-chan's slumber party!!" A blonde, young ninja was hopping up and down in the middle of the streets, catching many wandering eyes.

"Naruto shut up..." Sasuke, a handsome ninja, muttered out loud.

"And don't call it a slumber party." Shikamaru was also invited to the slumber party. "Slumber parties are for girls... We're going over to a sleepover."

Naruto concluded his hopping with gasps of air. "Well whatever it is, it must be pretty big. Even cold ol' Neji was invited." Naruto eyed Neji with a smile and a sniff.

Neji glanced once and turned away, "Hmph.."

Naruto was angered by this and also looked away. Suddenly, Naruto bumped into something and fell on his back. "Gah! Watch where you're --!!" Naruto looked up and saw Kakashi-Sensei.

"Oi, Naruto. Where are you going?" the grey haired ninja questioned.

Naruto leapt up, "I was about to ask you the same question!!!" he snapped.

"I'm heading over to a council meeting, it seems we have newcomers who wish to live in our village," Kakashi replied. He scratched his head and sighed. "These things always take hours..."

Naruto snickered, "well we're going to a slumber party!!"

"It's not a slumber party!!!" Shikamaru burst out, he slapped Naruto on the back of the head. "You're such a pain in the ass."

Kakashi smiled under his mask. "Well I'll see you guys later then."

Sakura's Residence

The girls who've been invited had arrived early that day.

"Wow, you're house is big Sakura-chan!" Tenten looked around the house and found many paintings of fruits and models on the walls.

"Hehehe, they'd look nicer with more Sasuke drawings!" Ino snickered as she pulled out a drawing Sakura did of Sasuke. "Oh and what's this? Is this you kissing him?? Aw, you're a terrible artist Sakura!"

Sakura, who just dug out a knife for cooking, clenched a fist. "Don't piss me off while I'm holding a knife! I could really hurt someone."

Ino stuck her tongue out and slid the drawing back where she found it.

"Hinata, why so quiet??" Sakura asked, her attention drawn to the silent girl.

"Oh, I bet Hinata is irritated, she usually lives in mansions!" Tenten smirked.

Hinata blushed, "No! It's just that it's my first slumber party with guys before!" She was obviously embarrased.

The girls giggled.

"Heehee, don't worry, I was just kidding!" Tenten laughed.

"So Tenten, you've had any secret crushes lately?" Sakura suddenly asked.

"Ummm," It was Tenten's turn to blush. "Yes..."

Ino laughed, "don't tell me it's that geek Rock Lee."

"No I don't! But Lee's not a geek. I like umm... I like Neji " Tenten blushed and put her hands on her cheeks. She started screaming a little bit and turning non-stop.

"Neji-sama?" Hinata questioned blankly.

"Hehe, well I don't blame you, he's got quite a fanbase in the village," Ino admitted.

"Oooo, he's so sexy too! I just wanna feel his looong silky hair," Tenten blurted out.

Sakura burst out laughing, "Hahaha, that's how I feel with Sasuke!" she added. "What about you Hinata?"

Hinata began giggling a little bit too, finally feeling comfortable with the girls. "Um, I sort of like Naruto-kun," she blushed. She was surprised at herself that she would reveal such a secret. But it's not like she hadn't made it clear in the past.

"I saw that coming," Ino smiled.

"And what about you Ino-pig?" Sakura chuckled.

"Isn't it obvious I like Sasuke?" Ino blushed.

"Yes, but it's even more obvious you have a thing for Shikamaru!" Tenten giggled along with Hinata.

Ino's cheeks expanded in frustration. "No I don't! Why would I like that lazy bastard?!" she hissed.

"C'mon I saw how you stared at him during classes and the chuunin exam!" Sakura exclaimed, all the while continuing to chop vegetables.

Tenten sat down on a couch and sighed, sitting in a comfortable position. "And it's obvious he likes you too."

"Oh really?" Hinata made a sudden outburst. "I've seen him staring at another girl before, at the Chuunin Exam."

"WHAT?!" Ino roared.

"Teehee, thought you said you didn't like him," Tenten chuckled.

"Shut up..." Ino replied coldly.

"Who has he been staring at Hinata?" Sakura asked, ignoring the two bickering females.

"Um, it's the sand girl, Temari," Hinata blushed from all the attention.

"Ooo yeah, now that you mention it!" Tenten put a finger to her lips.

Ino was trying to get her hands on the black haired girl, but she was plunged to the wall by Tenten's 100 weapon technique. "Get me off of this wall!!!"

"Guys! You're lucky my mom won't be back for weeks!" Sakura growled.

"All right... You're no fun at all..." Tenten acted innocent as she used chakra to take off all her weapons from Ino's clothes.

"Wow, the boys sure are late..." Sakura glanced out her window. "It's already dusk."

"Oh yeah, did anyone invite Kiba and Shino? I tried calling them but it didn't come through," Tenten questioned.

"Um, I think they have been called out for a mission," Hinata blurted out.

"Why aren't you with them?" Ino asked as she dusted her shoulders.

"For some reason, Kurenai-sama informed me to stay behind. She said something about a man only mission," Hinata muttered.

"Surprising that she's a woman," Sakura giggled.

Kiba and Shino

A young man, a little bit taller than average height was walking down a path. His eyes were shadowed with a pair of visors. He was completely covered with a long jacket that veiled his mouth.

Beside him, a teenager with a dog lying on his head. The man wore a hooded jacket and black pants with his shuriken holster strapped around his leg. He had red marks on both cheeks.

"Shino, is this really necessary?" Kiba asked while picking up his pace as he walked. Akamaru began barking on top his master's head.

"You heard Kurenai, this is top priority..." Shino muttered as he followed Kiba. He quickly looked around and sensed the five shinobi hiding behind bushes and atop trees. "There!" Shino spun around and swiftly released one of his kunai's.

It shot and directly hit his target. That set off the ambush, 4 more shinobi leapt out of their hiding spots and attacked the two konoha shinobis.

"Akamaru, attack!" Kiba ordered as he leapt at their attackers.

Sakura's Residence

"Sasuke-kun!!" Sakura and Ino both jumped at the handsome black haired boy.

"Why did I agree to this again?" Sasuke muttered.

"Because Tsunade-sama said it would be good for us, and if you know how she gets if people don't listen to her," Naruto exclaimed. He would have began bickering with Sasuke about all the attention he deserved but was drawn by the aroma of fresh made dinner.

"Something smells good," Shikamaru read Naruto's mind. The two of them dropped their bags and wandered around the house for the kitchen.

Tenten came to the door and smiled at the site of Neji. "Neji-kun!!"

Neji glanced at her and turned away.

Tenten looked down in disappointment.

Neji saw this and quickly reacted, "So, care to show me where I am sleeping tonight?" he said with a slight blush.

The bun haired girl smiled and grabbed her crush's hand. "This way!" she brought him upstairs.

"C'mon I'll show you wear you're sleeping Sasuke!" Sakura said pulling Sasuke's left arm.

"No I"ll show you! You don't want someone as ugly as her showing you around!" Ino blurted out.

Sakura got pissed off and began cat fighting Ino.

Sasuke sighed with annoyance. "They better not try to do anything while I'm asleep," he muttered.

Meanwhile, Naruto and Shikamaru had split up, scavenging for food.

Shikamaru opened a door and found the washroom, "Oh my gosh, how many washrooms does this house have??" Correction, he found the 3rd washroom he found tonight.

"Oooo food! C'mere for uncle Narutoooo, I have a cozy spot for you in my tummy!" Naruto snickered at the thought of Miso Soup homemade by Sakura-chan. Suddenly, he opened the door to Sakura's room.

"Ah...." Naruto hesitated.

There was Hinata, changing into her nightgown. Luckily she was more than halfway done, but still found her top bare with only a bra that was loosely hanging from her shoulders. "EEP!!! NARUTO-KUN!!!" Hinata covered her chest with her nightgown.

"GOMEN GOMEN GOMEN!!!" Naruto tried looking away, but Hinata, not knowing her own strength sent him into a wall with a mass of chakra.

Hinata closed the door, quickly finished up and went out to help Naruto up. Luckily, he was hard headed and nothing serious happened. "Gomen-nasaiiii..." Hinata lifted Naruto's head and made a concerned face. "Are you okay??"

Naruto nodded hesitatingly. He was a little bit dizzy from the rush of chakra.

"Oi, Naruto, i've found the kitchen!" Shikamaru called.

Naruto quickly snapped back to reality. "Eeep! FOOD COME TO PAPA!!!!" Naruto leapt up and grabbed Hinata to follow him to the kitchen.

Hinata blushed, realizing what Naruto must've seen. But if Naruto didn't think of it as a big deal, she thought it would be okay.

"Neji..." Tenten muttered, blushing like crazy. They had gone to the guest's room. It was quite wide, enough to fit 2 teams of Genins.

The hyuuga clan genius had began to unpack his clothes and things. It'd been silence since they got to the room. "What?" he replied coldly. He didn't want to be cold like that of course, it was just the way he spoke.

Tenten shivered from his voice. She thought it was cold like people said, but she thought of it as sexy and just to cover up the softy inside. "Um, well. Have you ever liked anyone?" the black haired girl asked, obviously nervous.

"No, romance would just distract me in battle," Neji replied.

It was obvious he'd say that. "Oh..." Tenten whispered.

"Why do you ask?" Neji became intrigued.

"Well, i've been seeing a lot of 'love' lately. Mostly between Sakura and Sasuke. But did you know that Shikamaru liked Ino-chan? Not to mention Hinata-sama liking Naruto!"

"Yes, all of that was obvious to me," Neji exclaimed.

"Really? Then why don't you say anything?" Tenten questioned.

"It's not my place. They can live their lives, I'll live mine," Neji finished his unpacking, as well as Naruto's and Shikamaru's. "You've been acting strange lately."

"Oh? How so?" Tenten replied.

"Well..." Neji began changing, right in front of Tenten! As if he had no shame. He had reason too. He slowly lifted his white jacket, revealing a loose white t-shirt. Under that was a set of major abs and bicepts. Then he untied his hair band, letting the silky black hair loose. "You've been staring at me, I can see it with the Byakugan. Then when I look at you directly you turn away."

Tenten was lost in Neji's body somewhere until she snapped. "Well um... I've been meaning to tell you..." she played with her fingers. "I..."


Both of them spun around to where they heard the sound. They exchanced glances and then ran downstairs.

"What is it!" they cried in unison. Then, one glance at the food placed upon the table and the two of them spun away in disgust.

"What the hell is that??" Neji exclaimed.

Naruto was practically lying on the floor dead, his mouth was full of this black ashy meat and what seemed to be rotting rice.

"Hah! You guys just don't know good food!" Sakura took a mouth full of sushi with her chopsticks.

Sasuke, Shikamaru, and Ino were all hanging onto something while choking on the food.

Hinata was too scared to try some and said she was allergic to fish. But basically, it was more like she's allergic to Sakura's cooking.

"Um, maybe we should go out for ramen guys..." Tenten suggested.

"YEAH YEAH YEAH!!" Naruto leapt up, spitting out his food and jumped for joy as he headed for the door.

Sakura didn't feel like going out, but seeing how even Sasuke agreed with going, she had no choice. "Okay, but I'll bring the sushi just in case."

"DON'T YOU DAREEE!!" Everyone exclaimed.

A/N :: So what did you think? Do you guys wanttt ....

Neji X Tenten?

Naruto X Hinata?

Sasuke X Sakura?

Shikamaru X Ino-chan?

All of the above??

Neji X OC?

Shikamaru X OC?

Both of the above??

Kakashi X Kurenai?

Kakashi X OC?

Just tell me in your reviews. The plot will begin after the slumber party

Shikamaru :: It's not a slumber party!!!