Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters or well…anything…all I own is the idea! And even then how can you own an idea?

WARNING: Characters are WAY OOC!!! So don't bother complain!! Thanks…

A/N: Well this is now my third Harry Potter fic!! Aren't'cha proud?! Hope you like it!! I haven't finished it yet so don't expect quick updates…R&R though please! Thanks! ENJOY!

Now onto Muggles…

"HARRY!!" Hermione sat up straight in her bed breathlessly.

Her eyes were wide and sweat slowly trickled down her flushed face. She glanced around until she realized she was in a bedroom.

She looked at the clock on the stand next to her bed and sighed.

"Late again." She thought getting up and hurrying to the bathroom to get ready for school.

She stopped once she was out of bed.

"Where am I?" She thought while looking around.

"This isn't my room." She said aloud.

She tried to remember what had last happened.

"Harry." She whispered.

"Honey! You're going to be late for school!" A motherly tone said through her door.

"Right, school." Hermione shook her head to clear her thoughts.

Hermione got up and looked at her wardrobe.

"Who would wear this?" She asked while looking at a mini skirt.

Hermione kept searching but only came across mini skirts.

She sighed as she finally gave in and found a dark blue shirt to wear with it.

Hermione ran down the stairs and began looking for the kitchen.

She gasped as she entered the said room.

A baby sat in a seat and was eating cheerios happily. Three boys were seated around the table all of whom were older than Hermione. She looked at her mother whom she was thankful she recognized.

"Hey squirt." One boy said with a smile.

Hermione gave him a confused look.

"Who are you?" She asked in all seriousness.

All three boys laughed.

"You can't stay mad forever Squirt." The boy got up and headed to the sink and sat down his plate.

"See ya mum!" He yelled and then turned back to Hermione.

"You comin'?" He asked.

"Where?" She asked.

"School, where else?" He asked with a laugh leaving the house.

Hermione shrugged and followed still confused about where she was.

She walked outside and her 'brother' stood by his car.

"C'mon, I don't want to be late." He called sitting in the driver's seat and glancing at his watch.

Hermione headed for the passenger seat but was beat by one of the other boys.

"Sorry sis, I call shotgun." He grinned sitting in the passenger side.

Hermione sat in the back seat with the youngest of the boys.

"It's ok 'Mione, just ignore them." He said with a smile.

"Shut up Daryl what do you know?" The boy in the passenger seat said.

"Plenty Marcus." Daryl said with a laugh.

Marcus growled as he turned around and was about to punch his brother.

"Hey! I'm trying to drive here so quit it or I'll stop this car and we'll all get detentions." The driver said.

The boys quickly faced forward and Hermione just stared at them still confused.

They reached a tall building and Hermione stared at it confusedly.

"You goin' Squirt?" The driver asked.

Hermione nodded and got out of the car and followed her brother's. She had no idea where to go.

Half way down the hall she heard her name being called.

She turned around and her mouth opened wide at the sight before her.

Down the hall only a few feet away were Harry and Ginny walking hand in hand next to none other than Draco Malfoy.

That wasn't even the scariest part.

Draco stood clad in a pair of blue jeans, white sneakers and a black over-shirt over a white wife beater. Needless to say, he looked good.

Harry wore a long sleeved blue shirt with strips on the arms that were rolled up to his elbows. He wasn't wearing glasses and he didn't have his scar. He was also wearing gray pants.

Ginny wore a blue mini skirt and a yellow top. She wore her hair down in layers framing her face.

Draco smiled, not smirked, not scowled but smiled at her as he came closer.

Hermione stood there gaping at him like a fish as he quickly leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"Hey babe." He said still with that same gorgeous smile.

"Hey 'Mione, took you long enough to get here." Ginny said with a laugh.

"Harry? Ginny? Malfoy?" She asked all of them in confusion.

"Malfoy?" Draco ran a hand through his loosely styled blond hair.

"What ever happened to lover boy?" He teased.

Hermione's mouth hung open again as Ginny and Harry laughed.

"What'd you do to your hair?" Ginny asked Hermione.

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked putting a hand to her same old frizzy hair.

"C'mon man, we gotta find Ronald. Give you one guess where he is." Harry laughed.

Draco grinned.

"Oh Pansy!" Draco batted his eyelashes as he clasped his hands and gave Harry a sweet smile.

Harry laughed hysterically as him and Draco fell to the floor.

"You guys." Ginny rolled her eyes as she helped Harry up.

Draco was still too busy laughing.

"What's so funny?" Everyone, except Draco who was still in tears on the floor, turned to see Ronald holding hands with Pansy Parkinson.

Ronald looked over the group until his gaze landed on Hermione.

"You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." Ronald said worriedly.

"I'm…I'm just..." Hermione said lowering her head to the ground in confusion.

"Wanna go to the nurse?" Draco had recovered from his laughing and had wrapped an arm around her waist while giving her a worried look.

Hermione looked into his eyes.

The grayishly blue orbs staring at her with worry and care.

Hermione almost lost herself in his eyes as he smiled but was quickly brought out of her trance as he took her hand and called back to the group they'd see them later.

Once Hermione was alone with Malfoy she felt uncomfortable.

"Are you ok?" He asked trying to look her in the eyes.

"I don't know, I was somewhere else and then suddenly I woke up here." Hermione said trying to straighten her thoughts.

Draco gave her a questioning look.

"You're sounding crazy babe." He said.

"That's just it, you were never this nice to me…" Hermione began almost angrily.

"What? Of course I have been, I've had a crush on you since we were…oh I don't know twelve maybe? Sure at first I was a jerk but you warmed up to me." He teased while wrapping an arm around her waist once more.

"No." Hermione said pushing him away.

She looked at him and had never seen so much hurt from anyone's expression in her entire life.

"I just mean…well, everything's wrong. I'm supposed to be at Hogwarts." Hermione tried to explain as well as straighten her thoughts.

Malfoy raised a blond eyebrow.

"You are." He said shortly.

"What? This isn't Hogwarts." Hermione said.

Draco laughed lightly.

"Um…babe…yea it is." He said as they finally made it to the office and Malfoy pointed to a sign that said "Welcome back to Hogwarts!"

Hermione's eyes rolled back in her head and she passed out.

Well it's not the best beginning but I hope you liked it! R&R and I'll try to update when I can!! Tell me what you think…Thanks!