Donkey-rabbit: Hey people! Second chap of my holes fic! YYY was my first reviewer on this fic (kinda was expecting it lol) so this chap is dedicated to her! And its got lots of nice fluffiness for YYY, master of writing fluff! XD

WARNING: In this fic, Stanley and Zero are gay and in a couple!!! Need I make it any clearer?!?


The next morning, Stanley woke up in what was probably the most uncomfortable position ever. His body was curved into a semi-circle with the pillows at his back, and snuggled deep into the arch of his chest and stomach, was Zero, curled up into a ball.

Stanley kept still and listened, and sure enough Zero was purring loudly. He smiled a little at that, and gently started to ease himself into a more comfy position.

Zero whimpered a little, so Stanley reached down and gently stroked his hair as he moved. Zero seemed comforted by that, and let Stanley move around.

Stanley had moved the both of them so that they were the right way up in bed. He stretched, and heard his back pop and crack. He then settled down, and pulled the still curled up Zero up to his chest and hugged him gently.

Zero snuggled back into Stanley happily, and his fingers curled into Stanley's pyjama top, so that Stanley couldn't get away. Stanley smiled a little at this, and closed his eyes to go back to sleep.

There was silence but for Zero's purring for about 5 minutes, then suddenly the door to his room opened and his mum came in saying "Stanley, I just went to wake Hector up and he's not there- oh! Your both in here"

Mrs Yelnats seemed embarrassed that she had walked in, and Stanley realised they must look like they were a couple. "Its ok mum, Zero came in with me cause he was afraid of the storm" she looked relieved at that. "Poor thing, storms can be scary, how about I bring you two breakfast up and you can have it in here? You'll need to wake Hector up but"

"Ok mum, thanks" she left, and Stanley looked down at zero. 'He looks so sweet, I don't really want to wake him up- WAIT A MINUTE! Did I just think my best friend looked sweet!?!?' he thought.

He gently shook Zero's shoulder. "Hey, Zero, wake up" he said gently. Zero groaned and snuggled closer, pushing his face into Stanley's shoulder. "Nnng.. 5 more minutes" he mumbled. "My mums bringing us breakfast in bed, all you have to do is wake up. No walking or anything" Stanley offered. "Mm.. Ok then"

Zero slowly uncurled, and yawned loudly. Stanley watched interestedly as Zero slid from the bed, and stretched like a cat. He was on his knees, and he slid his fists forwards on the carpet, stretching his arms, neck and shoulders. Then he stretched his legs out behind him and pushed his shoulders up. There was loud popping and cracking from Zero's back, then he shook himself and jumped back up onto the bed.

"Are you half cat or something?" Stanley asked plainly. "No, I don't think so. Why?" "Last night and this morning you were curled up and purring like a cat, and the way you just stretched is exactly like a cat. Even the way your sitting now is cat-like" sure enough, Zero was sitting with a slightly arched back, and his hands on the bed just infront of his lap.

"So maybe I'm a little cattish, whats wrong with it?" "Nothing, its just unusual" just then Mrs Yelnats came in, singing "I've got eggs, bacon and toast with jam. Who wants some?" "Me!" they both cried. She smiled and put the tray down on the bed between them, then left.

30 minutes later, Stanley put the tray down on the floor, feeling very full. Zero was lying on the bed holding his stomach. "You look like those pregnant women who always hold their stomach to feel the baby kick" Stanley joked. Zero grinned and asked teasingly "what do you know? I might be pregnant, you wouldn't find out till I'm big as a blimp" "with a body like yours" Stanley said, poking zero's stomach. "I can't believe you would ever get fat"

"So what now? I'm skinny as all hell?" " I didn't necessarily say that..... You just have a kinda lithe form" zero seemed confused. "Lithe? What does the that mean?" "Thin, and you can move or bend easily"

Zero's eyes lit up, and he said, "watch this!" excitedly. Zero lay down on his back, and suddenly pulled his legs up so they were over his head. He put his arms between his legs, and then using his feet and hands, pushed himself up a few inches off the bed. (This isn't fake, I can actually do that. You need long legs and arms though, to be able to reach. And it's pretty hard on a bed though, cause beds are soft)

Stanley grinned, "That's exactly what I mean. Cool pose, by the way" zero twisted around and fell out of the pose, slumping on the bed grinning like a loon. "What are we going to do today?" zero asked, still with the stupid grin. "How about I feed you a yellow spotted lizard to get rid of that stupid grin?" Stanley joked.

"Maybe I can get a lizard and feed it to you, and it can eat your bad sense of humour" "or maybe we can go play Simpson's Hit And Run on the PS2 all day" "good idea"

And they both ran off and sat with their faces glued to the TV for the rest of the day.


They got less kawaii-fluffy and more like teenage boys at the end :) reviewers get a jar of sploosh! XD