Chapter 8: Forever

Behind Hogwarts, on a lonely forgotten strip of land, they lay. The sun was bright and a tree was standing in the distance. Strong. Immovable.

These were their glory days. They never ended, but they began right here. Great things stem from humble beginnings, and this was as humble as it could be.

On their backs, they watched the clouds go by. Six of them. All six of them. Two red-heads, a boy with dread-locks, a Spanish girl, a tall dark girl and a girl with blonde hair.

Here they lay, not knowing what they future held or if they would always be friends. Always.

Not noticing that they lay on the edge of oblivion, they smiled at quips and laughed at jokes.

Running her hands through the tall grass beside her, the blonde felt the fluff of a dandelion underneath her fingers. Gently plucking it from its resting place in the ground, she held it up to the sun.

During that crucial moment, everyone was silent as they watched the girl survey the snowy white dandelion.

Smiling softly, the girl tenderly blew onto it and the seeds spread out into the wind. The wind that was constant and unchangeable. White and pure, the dandelion, a sacrifice to the unforgiving earth.

"I wish that we could stay like this forever." The girl proclaimed, leaning her head back down and watching the clouds. "Forever."

In reverence, they watched the white drifts dance in the wind and they, too, wished for forever.

Those children on the edge of nothingness didn't know what to believe, but they didn't know not to believe. Hope was permenant there on that strip of hallowed ground and above them, the sunlight streched on for immeasurable distances.

They didn't know how long forever was, but they knew that it would come. And they would be as they were, thanks to that one, pure dandelion blown by an innocent girl that had no idea what was to come.

They were both sacrificed into the morning sun.

To Forever.
