White Prelude

White days like this
I'll never miss.
They only come once a year

–The Juliana Theory, "White Days"

Author's Note: I've always loved this song, but I didn't intend on using it here. I was really struggling with a title for this fic when this track on my Juliana Theory "Love" CD began to play. That's when I thought, 'Perfect.'

It blended so well with the themes, I couldn't not put it in. Kudos to anyone who's heard it; if you haven't, I definitely recommend you check it out. I think putting the lyrics to sound, hearing it, will really give the full and complete effect of this work.

Update 8/16/12. Because of FanFictionNet's policy, I am removing the bulk of song lyrics that are in some of my pieces to be on the safe side. I cut down this to a short quote and am transferring them to my xanga, where I'm housing notes and such of my writing, so others may find them there. Link: angelic(underscore)chaos . xanga . com

Concerning the Fic in the Next Chapter

This is it. Thank you to all the readers, reviewers, and fellow writers. I've enjoyed my stay here at the G Gundam section. This is a fandom I never thought I'd write about, honestly; I still haven't seen every single episode. Despite that, I'm glad I did take on this fandom.

In closing, about this farewell fic… The arrangement is purposely different, so don't be alarmed if you're confused at first. There's also a reference to my fic "A Loving Sleep" in here. Loved to know if you spot it. ;)