Chapter 12- Purity of Your Smile

Aya found herself in bed. She shook herself slightly, willing herself to remember what had happened and why she was back in her room. She recalled Rei rushing in the dark room, panting. She also remembered him telling her, "Don't worry…" before facing Kasuke.

And then whatever happened next was erased from her memory.

Wait, Rei!


"Aya, dear, I really don't remember you introducing me to someone named Rei Otohata." Her grandmother said, puzzled at what Aya was talking about. She had left her work just so she could take care of Aya who had been unconscious for two consecutive days. "It was probably just a dream… probably the effect of your fever. Really, child, you shouldn't strain yourself…"

Aya stared at her, incredulous. But how can it be that she cannot remember him? How can it be that it was as though he didn't even exist to begin with?

Why is it that ONLY she can still remember him? WHY?

But, deep inside her, she knew it wasn't just a dream.

If it were a dream, how can she remember it so vividly… so perfectly?

"And dear?"

She looked up at her grandmother.

"How did you know your fiancé's name? It's rather odd, don't you think? Don't you think so too, Rei? It's like fate!"

Her eyes widened as she saw who stepped in the living room. He had dark brown hair that looked almost black; his intense blue-gray eyes were gleaming with the illumination of the room and on his face was a familiar bland expression. Rei!

"You have a lot of explaining to do, mister!! Where have you been!..? I've been looking all over for you!" Aya told him and to her utter amazement, he looked confused. What the?

Her grandma only laughed and told Rei that she was not herself right now and that she only needed a good rest.

Aya didn't let this affect her as she dragged Rei to the kitchen

"What had happened?" she demanded. "Tell me now!"

He blinked at her. His eyes, blank; his expression, unreadable. Aya sank. Even he couldn't remember? Oh God, what is happening? But why can't he remember? Why, of all the people, him?

A momentary silence enveloped them until Rei cleared his throat.

"Ah…" A grin slowly crept upon his handsome features. "Aya…chan…it's quite…hard to explain. –You see…"

And then at that point, he told her.

He told her that he was an angel. An angel that had a choice to live. He was given the choice for he never died in the first place. He simply quit living so he could watch over her (Yes, he finally found out why he became her guardian in the first place). He then told her why Kasuke was after him. Kasuke actually believed that if he could acquire Rei's life, he'd be given a new life, a new beginning. He actually got it too, but miracles of all miracles, his plan had backfired and had left him into nothing but dust. Kasuke had learned his lesson the hard way.

You only have one chance in life. (Taking away someone else's life also meant severe, ETERNAL punishment.)

Oh well, the git deserved it. Rei thought darkly, remembering how the said git had blackmailed him and—

"Oh I know that quotation, 'you should live your life to the fullest cuz you only have one chance', right?" Aya smiled.

"Something like that." Rei told her dully.

"I still don't get it though. How come, if you gave up on living… why did you… suddenly… you know..."

"The seraphs gave me a mission to find the right one for you when you made that wish on a star. And surprise, surprise… they listened to your prayers. Hn, like that's something new. They always take your side anyway." The rest of his sentences turned into annoyed, low growls. She smiled. She couldn't deny that fact that he looked absolutely adorable when he did that.

"Wait, I thought Kasuke stole your—"

"How can he have something that doesn't belong to him?"


That shut her up.


"Probably the reason why he couldn't keep you." Rei smirked. Aya swore her face colored a million shades of red! And the idiot looked amused as he stared at her, wondering when her face will turn violet. Or blue… it might even turn black… he'd probably get to see a rainbow sooner or later… ah, the possibilities.


He liked it when her face is red.

Come to think of it, he liked every—

He shook himself; he's getting off track here.

"Oh, and you're probably wondering why I'm suddenly your fiancé..." he began smugly.

"Umm, yeah, about that one…"

"Remember when you told your grandma that I was your boyfriend?"

Aya nodded slowly.

"Well, the seraphs made sure that that one comes true."

"What?" she was flabbergasted. "Wait, what happened to Ran and the others?"

"Hn, let's put it this way… since it seemed so unfair that only I was given another chance, the seraphs did some… considerations and granted them a fresh start too. Mercy, blah blah and all that crap."

Aya frowned at his curses. Ah, she'll have to let that slide for now because right now, she was just glad to have him at her side. She smiled to herself at the sudden thought.

"…hn, strange though… they told me I can only return to earth if I found my will to live again… hn..." he frowned, thoughtful.

"baka…" she laughed. "You're here, that must mean you already found your will yet you don't know what it is! How can that be?"

Rei looked at her smiling face. He already knew the answer though but he couldn't tell her yet. Oh well, he was always the one to wait for the opportune moment. Timing was always his forte.

"Oh, reminds me, what did Kasuke do to make you sacrifice your…" she asked.

"Nothing really, he merely told me I'd lose something so precious to me…"

"Oh, and that is?"

God, she is so… naïve.

He smirked and closed the gap between them. "Hn, let's see…"

He leaned over and encased her soft lips in his. Aya's eyes widened NOT FOR THE FIRST TIME that day. She felt warm blood running up her face as she gradually responded. What can she do when she's already trapped? Also, what can she do when she was the one who so willingly accepted the trap anyway?

His lips were warm though… and soft… and so nice that it made her feel drunk.

Wait, was she supposed to feel drunk?

Hm, odd…

Was it natural for someone to feel drunk if someone kissed the aforementioned someone?

Whoa wait, what the heck? She's confusing herself again.

Ugh, how can she think straight when he's making her senses go haywire? How can she possibly will herself to think of something else except his warmth?

Oh well, she couldn't deny the fact that she enjoyed it anyway.

What the? Where did that come from? She blushed at the thought.

He broke away to face her with such intensity that only he could muster. "The answer's simple really…"

And she watched his lips in slow motion as he uttered the words, "You…

and the purity of your smile…"


A/N: Edited. (Didn't like it that much… oh well…) Aye… So sorry it took THIS long… Really, I've been so busy… Oh and thanks to all that had read!! Thank you, thank you!! Oh, and please do leave a review? THANKS! And yeah, SOOOORRRRYYY if you're not satisfied with this!! Soooo sorry!!!