Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, or anyone else who happens to be mentioned in this story.

This is my first real attempt at a serious fic. Please review and let me know what you think.



By: WhyteRoze28

Chapter One

"Damn him! Damn them all!"

Draco Malfoy stormed into the bedroom he had shared with the other Slytherins for the past five years.

"How dare he..." He couldn't bring himself to say the words. If he said them, they'd be true, and that was something he couldn't deal with right now.

Not that the idea was awful... in fact, he was glad. But the fact that Harry Potter was once again getting off scott-free didn't sit well with him at all.

"Hey, Draco, are you okay?"

It was Crabbe and Goyle, as usual. He couldn't go anywhere without the moronic duo following him. Well, at least they couldn't read his thoughts.

"I'm fine, damnit! Why can't anybody just leave me the fuck alone for five minutes?" Draco yelled. He whirled around, and stormed back out of the room, catching an expression of shock mirrored in their faces.

He stalked out of the dormitory, past Pansy and her groupies, and up the marble staircase, paying absolutely no attention to where he was going.

Suddenly, he felt something crash into him, and he fell to the floor, momentarily stunned.

As he righted himself, and struggled with his robes in an effort to regain his footing, he looked up... into a pair of surprised emerald green eyes.

"Potter!" he snarled, the object of his rage finally before him. "How dare you. How dare you escape with hardly more than a scratch yet again, while my father is... while my father is dead?"

Harry Potter stared at him in amazement. "Dead? What are you talking about? Your father's not dead, he's imprisoned."

Draco's eyes narrowed into slits. "You mean there's actually something that you and your gang don't know?" he asked, suspiciously. "He was scheduled to be executed at 1:00 this afternoon."

Harry took the news hard. It seemed that the air left his lungs, and he sank to his knees. "I... I had no idea. I just figured they'd give him life in prison, like muggle criminals get." He looked up at Draco, a look of utter horror on his face. "I swear to god, I didn't know!"

As Draco looked down at the grief-stricken boy, he felt his anger draining away. 'He really feels guilty,' he wondered in amusement. 'Probably thinks that I'm going to miss the old slavedriver.' Then, a vision crossed his mind, and he smiled. In the state Harry was in, he could find out how things stood between them with very little trouble on his part.

"You feel so guilty, that you probably think anything I might do to you would be deserved, don't you?" Draco asked him.

Harry nodded, lost in his own thoughts. He knew that Draco could seriously hurt him, especially if he didn't fight back... but he knew he deserved it for taking away the blonde's father.

"As a matter of fact," Draco continued, "I could do anything I wanted to you, and you wouldn't resist, would you?"

Something about the tone in Draco's voice made Harry shiver, and the crazed look in his eyes made his skin flush.

'Oh My God! I think I know what he's thinking,' he thought, going cold all over. 'As much as I've dreamed about that, this certainly isn't the way I thought it'd happen.'

Then Draco smiled, and Harry's heart began pounding as though it were a snitch trapped inside his chest. The smile was the most predatory, malicious... and lustful thing he'd ever seen on anyone or anything.

"Where is it, Potter?" Draco hissed, slowly closing the space between them, until he was an inch away from Harry's face. Which made Harry blush again, because he still hadn't stood up.

Harry was confused. "Where is what?" he asked, shaking his head, dazedly. He could smell the aroma of burnt cinnamon and honey coming off of the blonde, and he thought of the rumors that he'd been hearing lately. 'Oh, God. Is he really part Veela?'

Draco's silvery eyes darkened, until they looked like two stormclouds. But he didn't look angry. "The room that you, Weasley and his Mu... Muggle girlfriend used for you classes. I tried finding it again, and it seems to have disappeared. That's quite a trick, Potter."

Harry suddenly understood. If Draco couldn't find the door, then he knew others wouldn't either. He wanted to be alone with Harry... undisturbed. The thought sent little shivers up his spine.

He stood up, resolving his inner conflict. He would take everything Draco had to throw at him... but he would also give as good as he got, and maybe their situation would finally change. He turned and headed for the stairs. As he got to the landing, he glanced over at Draco, who was staring at him, speechless.

He gave him a look that he knew was full of meaning. "Well, Draco," he said, daring to use the blonde's first name for the first time (in the wizarding world that is), "Are you coming or not?"

Draco nodded slowly. Hearing Harry say his name had affected him somehow. "I'm right behind you... Harry."