Before we get to the story, I just want to say thank you to the following:

Reis#1gurl- that is weird...... Thanks for reviewing. Your kind words mean a lot to me.

jova—believe it or not, yes, I really did have a dream about this. I found it weird, but I also liked the idea that came from it, so I decided to go with it. Thanks for reviewing!

And now to the story!

When Ray first woke, he heard, "#270, get ready for your tournament today," and the guy threw some clothes at him and left.

The clothes were timber wolf gray in color, and they looked like the ones he had before, only less complex. (Think Matrix movie type clothing, outside the matrix.)

After he put the pants on, and as he slipped on the shirt, a knock came from his door.

"Hey," Trisha said in her usual way, "You about ready?"

Ray nodded as the shirt went over his had; then motioned for her to come in.

She revealed herself wearing a crimson colored sleeveless top that was low, but not too low in the front, but was tapered also in the opposite direction, leaving her stomach area open and it was long in the back. She also wore sand colored pants that were loose on her and they were pulled up and basically held up by her hips. Her bushy hair was pulled half back, with some pieces that still managed to escape the grasp of whatever it was that kept the majority back.

"They always seem to give the girl the skimpiest things......" she explained. "But at least they gave me pants instead of something shorter.

He smiled and laughed shortly.

"Well," she said, "If you're about done, we best be going now." And the two headed off to the bus that would transport them to the tournament.

"Wow, look at this place!" Max said in awe, "It's incredible."

Kai was at the lead when he looked back and smiled (you know, a discrete Kai smile), but as he looked forward he saw a face that stopped him dead in his tracks. The others stopped, too, and wondered why he had done so.

'Is that who I think it is?' he wondered looking directly at a bushy caramel blonde wearing a vivid crimson color. Then he saw his teammate and said, "There's Ray." The others looked and saw ray with the opposing team.

No one noticed Mr. D. walking up to them.

"Now," he asked, "what seems to be the problem, and where is Ray?"

They all, with the exception of Dizzi, cause she's got no visible hands or body for that matter, pointed up a head and Mr. D. saw a boy who looked exactly like Ray, so he walked over to the raven-haired youth.

"Excuse me," an elderly gentleman asked, "but, Ray, what are you doing with this team?"

"I'm on this team," Ray replied, confused.

"Preposterous! Ridiculous! Absurd! You're on the Bladebreakers' team."

"The what team?"

"The—," the man began but stuttered a bit, then recovered.

"Look, I'm sorry, sir, but I don't know who you or the Blade-somethings are."

And Ray left with Trisha, Joe and Carlos to find where their team was supposed to go.

"Ray," Max asked as the five were as shocked as Mr. D., "doesn't know us?"

"I don't know," Tyson said, "but I'm going to find out."

And, despite pleas of discouragement, Tyson ran after Ray, and once he found where Ray was sitting, he went up to him and yelled, "Hey, what's going on?"

"What?" Ray asked the indigo-haired youth. "Who are you?"

"Quit joking around, Ray," the boy replied as others came in, "You know who we are."

"No," Ray said, getting angry, "I don't. Look, whoever the heck you are, stay away!" And he walked off. Before the others could follow him, Trisha got up and blocked their way.

"Don't follow him," the blonde girl said, a Texan twang to her voice, convincing Kai it was who he thought.

"Hey!" Tyson said, getting mad himself.

"Look, boys, it be better if y'all didn't follow him."

"Why?" Max asked, "Doesn't he remember us?"

"No, no, he don't remember any of ya boys," she said, but continued softly, "But I know where y'all can get your friend back."


"Well, I'm not supposed to be telling y'all this, but before they join, cause no one, and I mean no one, joins this team on their own free will, or so I figure, they go into the room."

"The room?" Tyson scoffed.

"You wouldn't be doing that if you knew what happens there. Joe, you were awake through it all, what happens?"

A dark male looked up at the blonde. "Well, they, the big guys, hook you up to a machine type thing, and place a metallic-like cap on your head and they literally suck you dry of your memories, and store them in three super-computers."

"But," a Hispanic guy interrupted, "you can only get the memories back by being re-hooked up to the machine and literally downloading the memories back into the person's head."

"And it's rumored to be quite painful," the girl added.

As their team was called, Kenny, Tyson, and Max and the blonde girl's teammates left, but Kai stayed and grabbed the girls arm, saying, "Look at me. Don't you me?"

She looked at him with her blue eyes.

"No," Trisha replied to the dual colored haired boy, but as he walked away, she said, "Wait."

He turned around.

"Let me see your eyes."

The boy gave her a funny look, but looked straight in the eye.

Trisha's extreme look softened when she saw his silver eyes and said in astonishment, "I have a feeling I should know you."


"Not you too!" she said, "Look who ever she is, I'm not her!"

"You've been missing for three years," Kai explained, "We--."

"Don't!" she exploded; then softened, "Just don't," and she moved to run to where her teammates were, but Kai caught her arm again.

"Ok," he whispered to her, "What's your name."

"Trisha," she replied.

"Ok, Trisha, Do you know how I can get into that room?"

"Not very easily; it's guarded 24-7, but there wouldn't be enough guards to stop a riot.... Ok, I've got a plan."

"What is it?" Kai asked.

"Later," she replied, "I really have to go," and she gently loosened his grip on her arm and ran back to her teammates.

"By the way," she asked as she stopped. "You didn't know me three years ago, did you?"

"I'll tell you later," he replied softly.

"What's your name?"

"Kai," and he walked away.

"Kai......" she whispered softly to herself, then her eyes grew wide with discovery. "Wait!"

He stopped and turend.

"You're the boy with the silver eyes I keep pulling up. I did know you."

He gave a rare smile (a genuine nice Kai smile) at this breakthrough and walked on.

Trisha wanted desperately to know more, but she ran to her teammates.

'She remembers me,' Kai thought, 'At least she knows me a little bit.'

I think I'm going to cut chapter two off here. Well, there y'all go. Don't just sit there staring like that, review. For goodness sakes, REVIEW!!