Notes: Thanks for all the reviews, guys! I love 'em :)

Vása bowed to the King of Rohan. Eomer nodded in return; Queen Lothiriel inclined her head and gave a slight smile; Lady Rana looked intently at the far wall as her face slowly regained its color.

"Vása, your name is known to me, as is your reputation but not your errand. I granted your men passage through Rohan. I am surprised you chose to visit Edoras at all. What business brings you here?"

There were scarcely any people in the Hall. A few servants darted in and out, passing through on their way to other errands. Four soldiers were positioned near the door. Underneath one of the high windows three older men sat at a small table and observed the visitors.

"I desire counsel and a form of aid, my Lord, but I would speak of the matter in private." Vása looked pointedly at the other occupants of the Hall. He waited for Eomer's answer and stole another sidelong glance at the King's daughter.

Rana saw his gaze flicker towards her and blushed. She was beautiful, Vása noted, but seemed somewhat aloof. Her golden hair was pulled into a tight knot at the base of her neck, exposing a noble face with chin held high. Dark brown eyes were framed by long lashes: her father's eyes in her mother's face. Slender and tall, she clasped her hands in front of her and neither fidgeted nor bent her back in the least. Yes, she was beautiful, but cold...Vása sensed her well-hidden anger and wondered at the cause. Mayhap this lady would prove useful to him.

With a slight start, Vása realized Eomer was considering him. Instantly, he wiped any sign of curiosity off his face. It would not do for the King to imagine that Vása had intentions towards his daughter. After a moment, Eomer spoke again.

"Very well, lord. Halathain will show you to a room where our words may be private. Your men are free to remain here if they so choose. Rana-" Eomer turned to address his daughter "Would you please find your brother and ask him to join us?"

"Actually, I believe he is out riding with his company this afternoon, Father. They were not due back before dark."

Eomer frowned. "How nice of him to inform me." With a slightly annoyed sigh, he looked at his wife. "Ria?"

The Queen shook her head quickly. "Oh, no, you don't. You know how quickly I tire of politics. Besides, I have a household to run. Rana can sit in."

"Me?" Vása saw the girl's surprised look. He found it quite interesting how quickly this family had slipped into comfortable casualty, even with visitors present.

Eomer hesitated. "If you would like to assist in this talk, you may. I want one of you to be present, at any rate."

"I would be honored, Father." A small smile crossed Rana's face. It occurred to Vása that perhaps she was not cold after all- merely shy.

"Good! Then will you accompany Lord Vása and Halathain to the Western sitting-chamber. Vása-" Eomer turned back to the Northerner "-whatever you may wish to say to me, you may say in front of any member of my family. Rest assured, it will go no further. I will join you momentarily."

A man some ten years older than the King appeared at Vása's side. With a slight bow, he motioned for the Northerner to follow him. With a last nod to Eomer, they set off to the edge of the room, through a double doorway into a torch lit hall. There were scenes painted on the walls, and many tapestries adorned them, but Vása did not have time to examine them as they passed. Three doors later, Halathain turned into a medium-sized room with a fire already laid on the hearth.

"Might I bring you something to eat or drink, my Lord?"

Vása looked around the chamber. "No, thank you." A round table sat in the center of the room, surrounded by eight wooden chairs. There were no windows. Rugs and more tapestries softened the rustic edges, but Vása's overall impression was that many wars had been planned here. Lost in thought, his mind drifted towards the upcoming conversation.

"The people say you have come here from Far Harad."

Vása wheeled around. He had not noticed Rana's entry into the room, and her voice had startled him. Halathain, he noticed, was gone. He released his sword and bowed slightly. "My Lady. I did not realize you were present." Lifting his head, Vása assumed a more relaxed posture. "Yes; my men and I have long been traveling in the South."

"Traveling?" She asked. "Then it is not your home?"

"No." Vása replied. It was not his custom to provide unnecessary information to anyone.

The Lady considered that. "I would know what brings you through Rohan, but that is the matter you wish to discuss with my father, is it not?"

"Yes." Vása tried to change the subject. "And may I ask why the King was desirous of his family's company for this council?"

"Father is no stranger to politics. He prefers to have witnesses to every confidence. His trust in Mother, Elfwine and I is absolute."

Vása's eyes narrowed infinitesimally, remembering Eomer's almost undetectable reluctance to invite his daughter to council. A knock sounded at the door. Rana bade the visitor to enter. Halathain stepped inside, bearing a tray on which were balanced three mugs, a plate of honey-cakes, and a steaming pot of tea.

"Tea!" Vása exclaimed as the steward set his burden upon the table. "A custom I had not expected to see so far south, in this country."

Rana's smile was small but real. "Aye. I fear that the world largely believes we Rohirrim drink naught but ale all day long, but 'tis not so. We are not the barbarians some think us."

"My Lady, I did not mean to insult you."

She waved his apology aside. "Is tea a common drink in your country, then? I know it comes from the North, for it was introduced by my father's friends the Holbytlan."

Vása hesitated, fearful of revealing too much. Eomer might trust his daughter, but the Northerner knew naught of her yet. He settled for a noncommittal grunt.

An awkward silence settled over the room. Without a word, Rana handed Vása a mug of tea and began to sip her own. He watched her back as she stared into the blaze on the hearth. Suddenly, her shoulders tensed and she swung to face him.

"You are from the North. It is obvious from both your face and your speech. Yet you have been journeying in the South, you admit. Your men are dressed for quick travel, but also for war. Your reasons for coming here, Lord Vása, include asking my father for aid. Would this be aid in battle, by chance? We have heard rumors of unrest in the North for several years, ever since the coup that stole the Barrenlands from their ruler..."

"Speak not that name!" Vása's voice was sharp and bitter, accentuating the tension that his coursed through his body at the mention of the Barrenlands. Rana stopped speaking, eyes wide in surprise. He took a deep breath. "You know not what you say." Slowly, as if forcing his muscles to relax from their aggressive stance, he lowered his mug to the table.

Now soft, Rana's voice reached him again. "It is my turn to beg apology, then."

Despite his intention to reveal nothing to the young Lady of Rohan, Vása found that defending his former country's honor was more important than maintaining the secrecy of his mission. Besides, she would know all when her father arrived. He harbored no illusions regarding the foolishness of telling anything less than the utter truth to Eomer Eadig. A formidable enemy himself, the man had the most powerful friends in Middle-Earth.

Which was why Vása was here.

"They are not now, nor have they ever been 'barren', my Lady. The Grey Mountains are merciless to the weak, but those who dwell there have learned to love them."

"Why did you leave, then, if the rumors are not true?"

Vása looked up from the fire sharply, his gaze frighteningly intense. "I was driven out by the Wizard."

Me Again: Sorry it took so long to update! I am SWAMPED right now. :( I'll try to get another chapter up sometime this week. More will be explained in chapter 4! Sorry if it seems convoluted now. Please review!