a/n: future chapters will be longer. This is just a basic, opening chapter to set the story up. Please review if you would like to know how the story ends. It is a song fic, based off the Patsy Cline song "walkin After Midnight."

Hermione was out on her nightly walk. She had been doing it for years, ten years actually, but the last five years she had been doing it alone. Now she wasn't out for a midnight walk with the love of her life; no, instead she was out searching for her love, Ron Weasly. Ron had been declared M.I.A. five years ago when he was out on an aurors mission. She'll never forget that night, it was the first night she took "their" walk alone. Now she goes nightly, always at the same time they always went, the same path they always took, the same places they always went. she goes hoping that he will be there waiting for her, looking for her too.

I go out walkin after midnight

out in the moonlight

just like we used to do

i'm always walkin after midnight

searchin for you.

please review or the Weasly house ghoul will move out and into your room to annoy you :) Enjoy !