That Question
"I'll see you all tomorrow morning," Lina Inverse yawned. "I'm going right to bed."
"Good night Miss Lina," Amelia told her. The rest of the group echoed similar thoughts to each other. The group consisted of Lina Inverse, Amelia Seyruun, Gourry Gabriev, Zelgadis Greywords, and Xellos, the last of which wasn't present.
Amelia wearily opened the door to her room. They had been traveling all day, going who-knows-where. She had gotten used to it since she started out with them a long time ago, but this day had been especially tiring.
Sighing, Amelia flopped down on the bed. That annoying topic had been taking all of her concentration recently. Did it have to be that important? Did it have to surface at the most inopportune times? Did it ever feel like leaving itself at rest?
Did Zelgadis love her?
Amelia sighed again, deeper this time. That was what it was. That haunting subject that... well, haunted her. She couldn't keep the thought out of her mind. She was infatuated with the chimera, and was unable to stop from wondering about his feelings for her.
Abruptly, she stood, forcing it out for a moment. Slowly, she changed into the pajamas that the inns customarily offered to their patrons. They were decent, in their fashion, but nothing compared to your own clothes, in your own home. A brief wave of homesickness past through Amelia as she thought of Seyruun and her dad. They were both so far away. The traveling life was tolling. But it eventually paid off. She had, after all, had all kinds of adventures (including saving the world once or twice) and had met many friends.
Amelia closed her eyes as her train of thought brought her back to 'that question.'
Does he love you?
She couldn't choose between her friends as long as they remained just friends. But what she felt for the mysterious man she called Mr. Zelgadis was far more serious than simple friendship. It complicated things slightly; traveling with the one you loved without daring to admit it. She was almost sure, however, that Lina suspected something of her crush. It had been rather easy for Amelia to pick up on Lina and Gourry's true relationship. But could Zelgadis tell?
And if he did, did he feel the same way?
Amelia growled in frustration and crawled angrily into bed. It wasn't that big of a deal! She didn't have to think about it every moment of her life!! If only she knew, had any little clue, to Zelgadis' thoughts! Either way would suit her, she would have an answer. That's all that mattered, wasn't it?
No. Amelia desperately wanted the chimera to care about her the way she did him. It was aggravating, having to think the same things over and over, day after day. It was a wonder she ever got any sleep. Actually, it was the reason why she wasn't. This had to stop, and soon!
But would she do? Walk up to him and say, "Hey, you know what? I really like you and hope that you feel the same way." That was plain idiotic. He'd likely laugh in her face.
Amelia turned over on her back, to stare at the ceiling. That question would waste her away until she knew the answer, but there was no easy way to find it. It was as good as hopeless.
She thought back to their first meeting. They had just discovered Copy Rezo, and he crashed through the window like a true defender of Justice. Before they had even been introduced, she had called him "creepy and suspicious looking." Amelia smiled at the young, immature girl of that day. She still felt bad about saying that, but you couldn't deny that it was funny. She had been like that then. Miss Justice with the faulty acrobatics and lengthy speeches. Amelia shivered in mock horror at what she used to be. That could be a definite reason why the swordsman paid her little attention.
The small sorceress turned on her side, trying vainly to fall asleep. Her thoughts trudged on.
Sure, she was shorter than Lina, but it didn't mean that her height affected her maturity. She certainly wasn't a clueless little girl, even if she looked younger than she was. In addition, Zelgadis was many years her senior. Exactly by how much, he had never told. It was enough to put a gap between them. People always said that age never mattered in love. That it was unconditional. She genuinely wished they were right.
Suddenly, there were unreasonable tears slipping across her face. She flipped onto her stomach and buried her face in the pillow. It shouldn't be this complicated so early in life! She was set up perfectly to get her heart crushed. She wasn't even sure why she was crying. Her emotions were all in a jumble. She wished her life could be a story; happy endings always apparent. Then she wouldn't have to go through this. Why couldn't things be simple? How could she go on one more day without knowing the answer? Was it even possible to do so? And, of course, that invariable, ever-present, unforgettable, cursed, dreadful question:
Did Zelgadis love her?
Amelia woke the next morning to Lina pounding on her door.
"Wake up Amelia! Gourry and Zel are already downstairs! If you take any longer, there won't be any food left!"
She couldn't even remember falling asleep last night. Rubbing at her eyes, Amelia rose and crossed to the door. That was typical Lina. She was surprised that she had even bothered to wake her.
She opened the door to Lina's irritated face on the other side.
"I'm sorry, Miss Lina, I-"she faltered, "I didn't sleep well last night."
Lina scowled at her. "Well, you sure didn't seem to be sleeping too lightly just now." She paused, and her expression softened. "Are you all right? You look kind of worn out."
Amelia shook her head. "I'm fine. I just didn't get a lot of sleep." For a second, a terrifying thought crossed Amelia's mind. Had Lina heard her crying last night? She hoped not. "I'm fine," she repeated, "just tired."
Lina shot her a look that Amelia couldn't quite grasp the meaning of. "Ok," she replied. "Hurry up then. We're leaving right after we eat."
"Right," Amelia nodded. She waved Lina away and retreated back into her room to get dressed.
Zelgadis finally noticed that Lina had been staring at him.
Leaning her head on her hand, she had continuously been watching him since she had come down after waking Amelia. What was her problem? He was about to comment on it when Gourry swiped one of her sausages.
Immediately back to her normal self, she hit him over the head. "That was mine, you giant dumbbell!"
Gourry, unphazed by the attack, answered, "You were just sitting there, staring off into space. I thought you were done."
Lina sighed, uncharacteristically letting him get away with it. "It doesn't matter."
Gourry gasped. "Lina! Are you all right!?"
A strange look came over Lina's face. "I'm fine, Gourry." She glanced over at Zelgadis one last time. "Just tired."
Zelgadis shook his head and wondered once more at what possible reason he had for traveling with these bizarre people.