Title: Tough Little Boys

Author: Alexz Recoro

Summary: SONGFIC. It's Maria's wedding day, and as he dances with her, her daddy thinks about the past.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters. I also don't own Gary Allens 'Tough Little Boys'. However, the words in the song marked with I changed to make it fit the story better.

Feedback: Please read and review. NO FLAMES!

Well, I never once

Backed down from a punch

Well I'd take it square on the chin

Well I found out fast

A bully's just that

You've got to stand up to him

"And now, it's time for the brides dance with her father." The DJ announced. As the music started, Maria left her new husbands arms and crossed the floor to where her dad waited, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Come on Daddy." She called, holding out her hand.

"Go on." Kay agreed, nudging her husband. "Go dance with Maria."

"I hate dancing." Her husband grumbled, but just one look from Maria made him sigh and head over to her. He took her hand and gave her a small twirl, then held her close as they began their dance.

So I didn't cry when I got a black eye

As much as it hurt, I just grinned

But when tough little boys grow up to be dads

They turn into big babies again

Maria's father smiled as he danced with her. This song fit him perfectly. When he was a little boy, he had been small for his age, and picked on constantly for it. He had quickly developed a think skin and a tough 'you don't scare me' attitude, and attitude that had stayed with him for the rest of his life. Or so he thought

Scared me to death

When you took your first steps

And I'd fall every time you fell down

Your first day of school, I cried like a fool

And I followed your school bus to town

He still remembered how scared he had been when Maria started walking. He had wanted to rush over and kiss her every time she fell down and started crying. Finally, Kay had to practically sit on him, and tell him that she had to do it by herself. Walking was something he couldn't do for her. She was a bright girl, and she would get it eventually. But he couldn't interfere. He had to let her experiment for herself, and get hurt, and work it out for herself or she would never learn. Even after she had started walking, he had cried the first day she left for school. Maria had been fine and excited and so had Kay, but he had watched her get on the bus and couldn't stop the tears. Then he had gotten in his car and followed the school bus the entire way. . . along with some other dads.

Well I didn't cry when Old Yeller died

At least not in front of my friends

But when tough little boys grow up to be dads

They turn into big babies again

He quickly hid his face in Maria's beautiful hair, not wanting anyone to see the tears that had suddenly built up in his eyes. He had loved Maria from the first day he had seen her, crying in her mother's arms. And every since that day, he had worried and fretted about her, and even openly admitted that she was a daddy's girl and that she had him wound around her little finger.

Well I'm a grown man

And as strong as I am

Sometimes it's hard to believe

That one little girl, with little brown curls

Can totally terrify me

He loved Maria so much. He still had a reputation as being strong and tough, but the minute Maria came running into his arms when he walked in the door, he felt his heart melt. She trusted him so, looking right into his soul with her big brown eyes, and kissing his cheek at night. She ran to him when she was hurting or scared, and never let him get out of reading her a bed time story. He was her hero, and as far as she was concerned, he had hung the moon and the stars in the sky, and all she had to do was ask and he would get them for her.

If you were to ask

My wife would just laugh

She'd say "I know all about men

How when tough little boys grow up to be dads

They turned into big babies again"

He lifted his eyes and say Kay beaming at the two of them from across the floor. She wiped at a tear, then laughed and nodded at something someone had just whispered to her. She knew perfectly well what Maria did to him, and she thought it was funny that all it took to bring him to his knees was the thought of disappointing Maria.

Well I knew one day I'd give you away

And I just stood there and smiled

And when I get home, and I'm all alone

Well, I'll sit in your room for a while

It had been hard to walk Maria down that isle and hand her over to someone else, put her happiness into someone else's hands for once, but he knew it was for the best. The man she had chosen was a good man, strong and handsome and. . . just like him, and tough kid who would turn into a softie the first time he saw a pair of big eyes, or saw a pair of hands reaching out to him, or felt the complete love and trust of a child who worshiped him. It would happen. It had happened to him.

Well I didn't cry when Old Yeller died

At least not in front of my friends

But when tough little boys grow up to be dads

They turn into big babies again

The music ended and Maria hugged her dad tightly.

"I love you Daddy."

"I love you too my darling Maria." He said, hugging her tightly, then releasing her and kissing her on the cheek. He had smiled as she left his side to cross to her husband, who enfolded her tiny body in his strong arms, then he walked across to Kay, who was smiling at him and wiping away tears. As he stopped in front of her, she reached up and touched his cheek.

"Are you crying?"


"Lair." Kay said with a laugh, hugging him tightly.

"I love you Kay." He whispered.

"I love you too Fox."

Neither of them noticed Miguel turning and leaving the reception, tears of lose streaming down his face.

When tough little boys grow up to be dads

They turn into big babies again