Ranma awoke later in an unfamiliar room. In an unfamiliar bed. Next to a familiar woman. Of course, thinking back on last night, rather a VERY familiar woman. He slowly smiled. 'I never knew that felt so good. If I had, I might have done it sooner... then again, I'd rather NOT think of doing that with any of my fiances!!'

A slight moan beside him brought Ranma's attention to the naked redhead he shared the bed with. Their things, clothing, armor, and bags, were strewn across the floor, without any real set placement. "Wake up, sleepyhead."

Ritz slowly opened her eyes and smiled, closing her eyes again and burying her face into Ranma's chest. Ranma merely smiled and started running his fingers through her fiery lochs.

After a few minutes, she opened her eyes once more, slowly surging up on the bed to meet their lips in a kiss. Gently, Ranma wrapped his arms around her, holding her to himself before they slowly parted. Each got to their feet, and started going for their clothes.

Ranma decided to pack his robes away, but placed the Magic Ring on his finger, allowing the black ring to lay naked on his hands. He wore his new attire, made up of a red sleeveless tunic and blue jean pants. He also wore an optional yellow scarf that Ritz had made for him during their stay in Ivalice.

Ritz was wearing contrasted with Ranma's outfit, hers being made up of a sky blue blouse with deep red skirt and thigh-high stockings. The skirt was made for winter wear. She also wore a pair of Sapphire earrings.

They left her room before long, descending the stairs of her home only to gaze in horror around Ritz's home. Ritz looked about ready to cry at the sight.

Pottery and various dishes lay broken all across the floor, with the occasional destroyed collectable. Pillows and chairs were strewn far from their respective homes, with the table snapped in half and the coach flipped completely over. Ritz didn't even want to see what kind of condition the kitchen was in.

With body trembling, Ritz turned on Ranma and immediately buried her face into his chest, the young man holding her as he tried his best to comfort her. He knew Akane and the fathers had done this. He knew it, and swore that they would pay.

He'd make sure they paid in spades.

- - - - - - -

Tactics 1/2 - Finale By RankoSaotome

Disclaimer: FFTA and Ranma 1/2 belong to Square Enix and Rumiko Takahashi respectively.

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Her home was trashed, family heirlooms were decimated, and the normal peace that inhabited her home was torn asunder. And all for the mistake she made with a plan she hatched that night she met Ranma.

And this was the result. She had Ranma, yes, but her home was destroyed.

So, she cried. Cried as hard as she could muster, with Ranma there to hold her while inspecting the damage. Most of it could be fixed, but the pottery and collectables were expensive.

Each moment that Ranma viewed the destruction and the effect it had on his lover, he grew angry. For every second he thought about who did it, it grew to rage. And for every cry Ritz uttered, he felt the rage inside increase a thousand fold.

Ranma wanted revenge.

Ranma wanted to beat them senseless.

Ranma wanted to kill Akane.

Ranma wanted to kill Genma.

Ranma wanted to kill Soun.

But now was not the time, he mussed, to think of his wants. He needed to think of Ritz's needs first, so he escorted the girl back up the stairs and to her room. With a deep regret born of desperation, he waited until she calmed down. That took quite some time.

Alone, Ranma descended the stairs, Ritz having been put to bed after she cried herself to sleep. Ranma fully began to inspect the damage.

Collectables were broken, cracked, and shattered everywhere. That meant that those three weren't working alone. They must have found Ryouga and got him to help them trash Ritz's home.

Dishes were also shattered and split all over the place, Ranma having to watch his step to not walk in any of the stray pieces. With a sigh, he squatted down and picked up one of the few dishes that survived.

He began the rather arduous task of cleaning up while Ritz slept. At one point, he found Kasumi and Nabiki tied up in one of the closets, and the three set to calculating damages and cleaning the house.

Broken dishes and collectables were collected and noted, thrown into trash bins while survivors were placed inside the china cabinet, which had been knocked over but not damaged. When they finished that job, the cabinet had only one of four shelves full.

The table was completely trashed and needed to be dumped. It was noted and taken outside for a pile of burnables. The chairs were snapped in half along with the table. Those were also noted.

The coach and pillows were fine, just needed to be put back in their proper placements. That was one thing that didn't need to be noted.

The kitchen, however, was a disaster area. By all the pots and pans strewn around and the unwashed dishes that were caked with... something... Ranma realized that Akane had been using it. And, as usual, left her mess for someone else to clean up.

With all the gold he earned in Ivalice, Ranma knew he could replace most, if not all, of the broken things. Of course, then he'd have to return to Ivalice again to earn a lot more money to replace all the money Ritz spent on the Tendos.

Of course, some of that could be cancelled by the removal of the Tendo-Saotome engagement, which he was now only too happy to be rid of. He didn't want to be engaged to Akane anymore, especially not after this stunt. But there were some things he couldn't replace.

It was like the dolls and stuffed animals Ritz still had in her room. She'd had them since she was a child, and each one held memories. Memories that could never be replaced if the doll had to be.

The things could be replaced, but the memories were lost forever.

When they finished, Ranma slowly began to reveal his and Ritz's secret, telling them how he came to earn so much gold. It took him well into an hour to tell the better parts of the week or so he spent on Ivalice, but when the story was done, he knew the girls believed him.

"So, let me get this straight... You and your girlfriend went to another world to fight for lots of gold?" Ranma nodded and grinned, looking back up the stairs.

"Ritz is a very special woman. She let me see things I never would have known if I hadn't met her. And not just the world of Ivalice, but how a relationship SHOULD work. And I realised all too late that myself and Akane never had a healthy engagement."

"Speaking of our little sister, what are you going to do about her?" Ranma's eyes narrowed at the thought of that little brat, his fists clenching as he wished she was right there so he could fry her ass with a well deserved Ifrit summon. Or freeze her solid with Shiva.

"After all Ritz has done for the families, this is how they repay her? I've had it with all of them, your father, mine, and ESPECIALLY with Akane! They'll pay... I'll make sure of it!"

"Ranma..." The three looked up at the stairs, viewing the redhead on the staircase. Frankly, she looked like misery and Ranma couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. This was all because he went with Ritz here... if only they'd left in secret, this wouldn't have happened... "I don't want to cause trouble between you and your family..."

"Pops has gone too far for the last time. Don't worry, Ritz, I'll make him pay for this... painfully if necessary." Ranma remarked as he cracked his knuckles.

Ritz approaching him for his words he had already half-expected. Of course, Ritz's slap across his left cheek, leaving a rather painful bruise and a growing sting of pain, caught him flatfooted.

Ranma slowly turned back to his lover, looking up at her and gulping at the tears that flowed from the corners of her eyes. Every tear that fell from her face seemed to speak to Ranma, scream for him to stop. He had no choice but to do so.

"You're ready to just fight your family to the death, aren't you? To punish them for me, let me have my peace of mind, huh? Ranma, you know me better than that. You know I want to tear into them for this... but the worst we can do is take them to Ivalice and let them pass judgement."


"The judges there are quite serious for laws when dealing with criminals. I'm sure they'll be on our side, especially since I myself am somewhat of a legend there." Ranma felt a little better knowing that Ivalice would be in their favor, but how to get them there...

How indeed... "Ritz, set up the portal. I have a plan."

- - - - - - -

"Boy, I sure am happy with Ritz!! I hope no one shows up to try and..." Ranma announced to no one in particular, thus his plan.

"Ranma, prepare to die!!!"
"Ranma, how DARE you cheat on me with that floozy!?"
"Son, you WILL marry my little girl!!"
"Ranma, you WILL listen to your father!!!"

And Ranma booted them all into the portal to Ivalice, a smirk on his face as he shook his head. "That was WAY too easy." Doning his Light Robes, he entered the portal, along with Kasumi and Nabiki.

- - - - - - -

And the trial had begun in earnest. Upon entering the world of Ivalice, the intruders had been immediately shackled by the Judges and brought to Bervenia Palace, for final judgement.

Ryouga had been shackled many times over, with a multitude of curses to keep him from using anything to get free. Akane had a minimum of shackles, while Genma and Soun had the most, many to stop them from fighting back and rest to keep them from fleeing like the cowards they are.

Judgemaster Garet, the new Judgemaster, stood over them on his chocobo. To his sides were both Ritz and Ranma on one side, with Nabiki and Kasumi on the other side.

"Clan Tendo, your behavior against Lady Ritz is completely unacceptable. Thus, you shall be punished for the crimes you have placed upon Lady Ritz and her consort." Ranma's ears perked at being referred to as a consort, but Ritz kept him from opening his mouth about it.

"Ranma should pay for cheating on Akane!!!"

"As I seem to recall, piggy, Akane and I ended our engagement before we even left Japan. AS a free man, I can choose who I associate myself with. Your claims are unfounded."

"Boy, you WILL marry Akane!!"
"YOU WILL MARRY AKANE, RANMA!!!!!" Soun's cries would have been far more threatening if he had been able to use his demon head technique.

"RANMA NO BAKA!!!!! YOU AND YOUR FLOOZY CAN JUST...!!!" Akane was silenced by a hastily thrown rock at her head. Ranma was quick to stop Ritz from throwing anything heavier.

"ENOUGH!!!!" Everyone was immediately silent for the judgemaster. "Ritz has already explained the situation. That while she and Ranma were here, you all tied Ladies Nabiki and Kasumi up, left them in a closet, while YOU four trashed her home."

"IT SERVES HER RIGHT!!!!" Came four screams.

"SILENCE!!!!! The facts remain, you unlawfully destroyed a person's home, and she demanded justice! Thus, because you four have admit to these crimes, you will be punished. You four are to battle Ritz and the class champion, Ranma, in a battle royale." The Judgemaster held up two red cards.

"The laws of this battle are no use of 'Battle Skill' and no use of 'Ganging Up'. Use of either of these abilities will result in immediate paralysis."

"Paralysis, that's new." Ritz lightly commented as she and her partner were led to the arena. Clan Tendo was dragged there.

"None of you shall attack the other until I declare this battle begun." Clan Tendo was kept under paralysis for just such reasons. As the Judgemaster activated the safety field to prevent members from either team to leave the arena, the Judges disengaged the shields on Clan Tendo.

"This is a justice battle between Clan Tendo and Clan Ritz." Ranma smiled at the name of their clan. "Lady Ritz, what are your terms should your clan win?"

"That all Ranma's engagements be void."

"Then here are our terms..." Soun Tendo began, but he was immediately interrupted by the Judgemaster.

"You get no terms, cretin!! You bunch are criminals in this aspect!! Should you win, you will be free from the obligations to make up for trashing her home. All previous obligations you have to Lady Ritz are still intact." Soun immediately started mumbling about that.


"Shishi Hokodan!!!" Ranma was immediately dodging, the chi burst flying by harmlessly as he moved closer. For each step he made, he started to chance thoughts. 'Ok, if all start as Soldiers, then their techniques count as Battle Techs. So if I get hit with one...' And he took the next Shishi Hokodan with a smile.

"VIOLATION!!!!" And the Judgemaster was upon Ryouga in a hot second, a red card in hand as he threw it down upon the martial artist. Ryouga tried to dodge, but as soon as the card left the Judgemaster's hand, his entire body felt like it was made of lead and thousands of pounds in weights.


"You think these people will let you break their battle laws so easily, P-chan? Chi abilities are Battle Techs here."

"Then you're helpless too, Saotome!!"

"Ah ah ah, you think I didn't learn something new while I was here?" And he whipped his staff around, whapping it along Ryouga's head in blows that would make Cologne proud.

"Get your erstwhile son, Saotome."

"You get him, Tendo."

"Why don't you two nutballs come and get me at the same time?"

"With those laws, no way!!!"

"Suit yourselves..." Ranma replied with an evil smirk, raising his arms and staff into the air and starting to chant.

Meanwhile, Akane and Ritz were in close combat, fighting with mallet to rapier, in quick blows and parries that were almost blinding in speed.

"How dare you try to steal Ranma from me?! Ranma is MINE!!!!" Akane screamed as she tried a couple very powerful strikes, which were actually very slow. As the tried continuously to smash the woman, she missed every time, with Ritz breaking into her defenses to start her attack.

Each shoulder to Akane's shirt was torn to shreds in a pair of quick slashes, another slash claiming the girl's shirt from her body.

Akane shrieked, nearly bringing Ranma's attention to the fight before a grin erupted on his face.

Ritz heard a cry of "MADEEN!!!!" and three screams of both a pair of cowards and a paralyzed berserker. Then all went silent. She hazarded a glance to Ranma's side as she continuously dodged each of Akane's strikes.

Ranma had already knocked the fathers out cold with his summon, with Ryouga barely conscious. Ritz chuckled as she figured he'd never before been a true victim of magic.

"RANMA NO BAKA!!!! Stop picking on poor Ryouga!!!" Ritz's eyes narrowed at that line, quickly spacing herself between the two with her rapier ready.

"Look, you brat. Ryouga attacked Ranma, not the other way around! I think you care so much about Ryouga because you've been cheating on Ranma with Ryouga!!" Ranma immediately brought his attention to the fight. Akane was cheating on him to boot?

"How dare you..."

"No, how dare YOU!!! Your ex-fiance is being attacked on a daily basis and all you did was blame him for everything! Did you ever think that just once, you shouldn't defend that PIG and instead defend your fiance???"

"Why you... YOU STOLE HIM FROM ME!!!!" Akane began attacking once more.

"Stole!! You lost his love almost a year ago when you blamed HIM for the failed wedding! Did you even begin to wonder why Ryouga was after that water?"

"He was defending it for Ranma!!"

"FOR RANMA!!!! I'll tell you something, Ryouga wanted it for himself! For his own damn curse!!" Ritz dodged another attack and moved in, putting a few rips into Akane's shorts before tearing them off. Akane fumed.

"And Ranma deserved losing his cure!!!" That alone got Akane rewarded with a vicious slap across the face. Akane paused for just a second, then decided to try the old tears of Akane trick. Ranma didn't move an inch.

"You self-righteous bitch!! Let's see how you like being treated that way... PREPARE TO DIE!!!!" And Ritz instantly went into a rage, with Akane now on the defensive.

'This girl is delusional if she thinks she can beat me.' Akane thought with a smirk. 'I beat Ranma on a daily basis, no one is a better martial artist than me!!!' And the usual Akane delusions begin, with Ritz moving in and striking.

"Ritz!! Try not to kill her!" Ritz grinned evilly at the statement, seeing the look on Akane's face falter for a moment before she struck. The blade of her rapier dove into the flesh of Akane's shoulder.

Akane's eyes went blank for a few moments as she stood stock still, then Ritz shifted her body, placing the heel of one of her boots on Akane's midsection. And she kicked Akane's still body off the blade of her weapon.

"Winner! Ritz and Ranma!!" Judgemaster Garet declared as he moved forward, the Judges once again activating their law cards to disable Clan Tendo from moving or retreating in any form.

"Clan Tendo..." The Judgemaster started as soon as the group had woken up, Ranma off to the side, sitting next to Ritz, who was watching with her head on Ranma's shoulder. "By your loss, you have just placed yourself upon the mercies of Lady Ritz and Lord Ranma."


"Yes, Lord Ranma. He is the Summoner champion of Cyril, and has earned himself the title of Lord." Ranma grinned as Clan Tendo stared at him stupidly. "Now, Lady Ritz's will shall be done. By this day forth, all engagements involving one Lord Ranma..."


"... are absolved completely."

"No!!! Our retirement!!!!" Came two voices from two very lazy fathers.

Ranma was fuming, glaring at the two fathers while Ritz just looked up at him. After a few moments of putting up with his glaring, she grabbed Ranma by the chin and turned his face towards her. She smiled, gaining his full attention, and kissed him.

Clan Tendo was immediately in an outrage, yelling about Ritz being a whore or Ranma being a cheating ass, or Ranma shaming his fiance, but the two blocked those sounds out. They kept kissing, even when Shara and some of Ritz's old friends came in to knock out Clan Tendo.

They only disengaged a few minutes later when a voice caught them unprepared. "Should I leave and let you two be all lovey dovey?" Ritz was immedately back a bit from Ranma, looking up at the Red Mage of Clan Ritz, Marisa.

"Uh... Marisa! How nice to see you..." Ritz started with a light sweat. Marisa merely giggled, causing the two lovebirds to relax visibly.

"So, what're you two's future plans?" Ranma and Ritz slowly turned back to each other and watched the other for several moments. After a little bit, Ritz smiled and looked back up at Marisa. "Well..."

- - - - - - -

It's been three years since then. Ranma and Ritz are now married, and Clan Tendo is currently in prison. Of course, under extreme guard in isolated areas.

Nabiki went back to her days in high school after the incident and changed her image. She now lives a happy life in Tokyo as a stock broker.

Kasumi got a job on a cooking show in America. She now lives in New York with her husband, Ono Tofu. They also have a pair of twin children, Shizuma and Ayumi.

Nodoka Saotome returned to Japan to be found by a miss Rumiko Takahashi. After about a year of talk, the two decided to turn Ranma's past adventures, sans post-failed wedding, into a manga form. Miss Takahashi became very famous for her manga, Ranma 1/2, which also spawned merchandise and an anime.

As for Ranma and Ritz, they lived happily ever after in Juuban, happily married with a daughter named Uriko. Ritz is currently pregnant with a second child, another daughter they're naming Ryoko, and Ranma teaches martial arts to students. His price is reasonable, though the training he puts them through is very tough. Ranma never had to use his Summon abilities again.

Akane and Ryouga eventually got out of jail for good behavior. When they went back to get revenge once more, Ranma was less than thrilled about their return. One ass beating later, and the two were content with returning home. They eventually married and reopened the dojo to try and rival Ranma's dojo. The Hibiki dojo went under less than three months later.

Genma and Soun were given life sentences for child abuse, housing criminals, and repeated counts of both grand theft and escape attempts. The two cowards were locked down tight, in differing cells, with no chance of visitors or parole. They are currently plotting another escape and the marriage of Ranma and Akane, despite the engagement is broken.

- - - - - - -

A/N: And that, my dear people, is the end of this fic. It's really scary, but in all my years of writing, this is one of the only series I have ever finished. No, there will not be another part, this was the finale.

Which brings me to the parts. This fic was meant to originally be a little oneshot, with no sequel in sight. Then, people begged for a sequel, so I gave them a part 2 and a finale to this mini-series. Now, I do not plan for this to become a normal series. I might, one day, write a sequel about Ranma and Ritz's children, but that remains to be seen.

I'm still working on Sonic Wind, so I'd best get back to that. Ja ne!