Okay, and it's true, these characters are totally OOC. But it's my story. I can manipulate them any way I want, as long as I don't claim them as mine. Haven't updated in a while. Sorry. I have a life too. Well, here you go with this demented little joy ride. Have fun, lovers!
Chapter 5:


Narrator: Hmm. You know, Inuyasha never told us his brother's name. I wonder if he's as hot as Inuyasha. Nah, you can only have so many sexy children, even if they are half-brothers. And I wonder why Inuyasha doesn't like his brother.

Sango and Kagome had left a little late. They hadn't meant to. They had been engaged in a game of cards, and it had gotten sort of out of hand. They had each been rather vicious in their game playing. No surprise, really, considering the winner got to drive. They had eventually tied, and a wrestling match had ensued. Sango won, much to Kagome's chagrin. She had sooo wanted to drive again. It was Kagome's car. Sango rarely ever let her, because she said she was 'a threat to humanity and all things good in the world.' Hello? How mean can she get! Besides, I'm a much better driver. Sango is so boring on the road, she thought as Sango stops smartly at a red light. She follows all the laws. Since Kagome had complained about being left out, Sango had put her in charge of directions. "Turn here." Kagome told Sango as she started the car moving again.

"Left or right?"

"Left." Sango swiveled the wheel. "Wait! I meant right!" The wheel was re-swiveled. (Is that a word?)


"What?" Kagome glances at an already twitching Sango.

" I meant left. Sango what are you…Sango! Eyes on the road! Jeez, girl, you don't have to attempt strangling just 'cuz I made a mistake. I've always had trouble with left and right. I've had to use my fingers since I was six."

"Whatever." Sango puts on her turn signal, and makes a U-turn on the street she had missed before. "What's the address?"

"041 Gobbling Well Drive."

"Weird address."

"Cha." The car pulls to a perfect stop.

"That's how you drive, Kagome."

"No, it's not." Walking up the steps, Sango stands up straight and raps smartly on the door. A man with long white hair answers, leaning on the doorframe, his button-up shirt half-undone. (Mid-story AN: I totally love Sesshoumaru. I mean, come on, look at him. The rabid fangirl in me flares up every time I see him. Also, can I tell you a secret? I am a major fan of Kagome/Sesshoumaru pairing. I mean, in the anime/manga, it's like 'Duh! Kagome/ Inuyasha forever!' But in Fanfics, that pair intrigues me. It's not a couple you would normally see, They're all Kag/Inu but there's something to be said about the love between a woman and man who are pledged against each other. Kind of like Romeo and Juliet. But without the death. That would make me cry, because I'm a sap. But I'm getting off topic here! WooWoo WooWoo! The evil plot furbies that take over a story left to long by an author talking about herself are stalking their prey. Anyway, this is not a Sess/Kag story. It is Kag/Inu, because I am a generic cannon. Also, I possess only the writing skills of a slightly funny humor author, and not the deep passion of a Sess/Kag. Woah! Look at those plot furbies fly! Oo) (Oh, yeah. I totally forgot to tell you this, but in this, everyone is a normal human. No youkai, no hanyou, no miko, no demon hunters. And Inuyasha has black hair, because he is a human. So ha. But Sesshoumaru has white hair, because he is my special lovely. And, yes, Naraku will be in this, but later, my little muffins, later.) (Muahahahahah.) Kagome drools.


Sango shifts nervously, and Kagome looks as if she's about to jump who they assume to be Inuyasha's brother. "Yes, hello, I'm Sango. We're here to pick up Inuyasha and Miroku. Did… we get the address right?"

The man remains staring at them stoically. "Yes, you are correct. Should I go fetch them?"

"Uh, yes please, if it wouldn't be to much trouble." When he was gone, Sango smacks Kagome. "You could have at least SAID something, much less close your mouth. You were standing there with your chin to your knees."

Kagome doesn't seem to hear a word Sango is saying. Her eyes are lit up, and a faint blush graces her pretty cheeks. "He was…beautiful…he was a god."

"He's taken." A woman with harsh red eyes and her hair in an intricate bun stands in the doorway, perfect eyebrows narrowed.

Kagome stands up straight and shrugs. "Hmm. Oh, well."

The woman's glare becomes less harsh, making it more of a hard look. "Well, then. I'm Kagura. Sesshomaru's…" she pauses momentarily, still smirking at them "friend."

"Okay, hi! I'm Kagome! Inuyasha and Miroku are going to be living with Sango" she gestures to her friend "and I. Inuyasha didn't say that he had a sister AND a brother. Anyway, we're here to pick up their stuff."

"Oh. Well, come inside. Maybe you could help them pack." She opens the door more, revealing a large and exquisite apartment. Large Persian rugs covered oak hardwood flooring, and the red paint on the walls was pretty much covered giant paintings.

"Whoa." Sango looks down at her baggy pants, and over at Kagome strutting in a short skirt. "Kagome," she whispers. "I feel out of place."

"I don't," she replies happily. "I could sooooo get used to this. Don't know why they want to move into our dumpy apartment."

"Hey, our apartment isn't that dumpy." After receiving a look from Kagome, she adds: "Okay, so it is."

"Hi guys!" Miroku bounds up, circling an arm around each of their waists.

"Hi, Miroku!"

"Oh, -blush- hi."

He smiles boyishly at each of them in turn, making Kagome grin bigger and Sango's blush to deepen immensely. "Hey, Miroku, where's Inuyasha?"

"Eh…" His grip on their hips loosens and he scratches the back of his head. "You know, Kagome, if I knew I would tell you, but, ah…" Yelling is heard, and a banging that sounds as though like someone is rolling down stairs makes the trio's heads turn to the left. "Oh, there's Inuyasha!" He turns at his name, but ignores them, turning back and running down a hallway.

"Sesshomaru, I'm gonna kill you!"

"I'd like to see you even TRY, half-brother." More banging, and Inuyasha comes back, his eye looking like it hurts a lot.

"Omigosh, Inuyasha! Are you okay!"

"Uh, yeah, I'll be fine. Ow, Kagome, don't poke it!"

"Who won?" Miroku asks cockily.

Inuyasha's chest puffs out. "Me. I always win."

A large white-haired thing tackles him from behind. "Die, half-brother!" Sesshomaru spits the word out like an insult.

"You bastard! You charge me so much to live here, and then you treat me like CRAP!"

Sesshomaru dodges Inuyasha's attack and does that 'I'm-totally-gonna-kill-you' look. Just about to lunge at Inuyasha, Kagura stops him. "Now, boys," she says calmly, but with the sweetness of poisoned honey. Her red eyes flashed dangerously, telling them that she meant business. "If you want to play, play nice. We have to learn to share."

"But that bastard took my…" he looks over at Kagome and Sango, "He, uh… Well, I…"

"I took his Happy Ramen Bowl."

Inuyasha looks at his half-brother with something akin to horror. "You… YOU!" Lunging, he lets out a roar.

"Inuyasha, stop!"

"What, Kagome! I was just about to KILL my half-brother!" Inuyasha looks very mad.

"You've already got a black eye! Give it a rest!"

Inuyasha just gave her a look. "Kagome, shut up."

"You jerk!"

"Ah, get off me, wench!" –smack- "What the fuck, Miroku! That freaking hurt!"

"Inuyasha, we've wasted Kagome and Sango's time. We should go."

sigh- "Fine." Inuyasha rushes up the stairs, with Miroku behind him.

Ten minutes later, a few bags are packed into Kagome's car. Inuyasha wanted to bring his TV, but Sesshomaru yanked a decorative sword off the wall and tried to kill him. No TV after all.