HP/LOTR crossover.
Note: All notes, important or otherwise are posted at the top of the prologue. I will add more notes when I feel it is necessary.
Seventeen: Benefited Friends.
During his short walk, Harry managed to come up with yet another dilemma. Since his arrival here in Middle Earth, he hadn't seen a single bloody shop… so where was one to buy gifts from? More importantly, how was one to get money to buy said gifts? It wouldn't do for his princeling to have a birthday and yet receive no gift from Harry now would it?
Perhaps he should make something, he mused to himself as he walked towards Legolas' Talan. It wouldn't be hard, there wasn't a shortage of wood around here and he had his dagger with which he could carve – but what of paints?
His dilemma came to an end when he remembered his endless bag. He would make the princeling a gift and he would ask the bag for some paints, it would be something to distract him from his thoughts anyway. He smiled to himself smugly and then leapt up onto the rope ladder that led to the princes little tree-house.
He paused before entering and composed himself as well as he could before knocking. He didn't bother to wait for an answer and instead slipped inside, unsurprised to see that Legolas' parents had left and the princeling was scowling at him once more. Though this time there was a hint of humour in those eyes.
"You did that on purpose!" Legolas snapped and Harry looked at him with amusement.
"What would that be, my dear prince?" he drawled innocently, slinging himself down onto a chair without thought. Legolas stuttered soundlessly for a minute before he threw his hands up with frustration and sank down besides Harry. "So, when would this birthday of yours be?" Harry asked with a smirk and Legolas swung yet another glare his way.
"That would be none of your business," he said and Harry pouted mockingly and put a hand over his heart.
"Such harsh words! I'm wounded!" he cried and then grinned. "You may as well tell me dear heart; you know I will find out anyway, so save me the trouble,"
"It's the day after the morrow," Legolas replied with a groan and Harry's grin widened.
"Excellent! Now tell me, what should we do this day?"
"My parents request an audience with you," Legolas started hesitantly and Harry looked at him with an arched eyebrow. "They merely wish to know more about the elf who kissed their son and would like to know whether you intend to take things further. Just satisfy their curiosity this once…" he added, taking on a slight pleading tone when he saw Harry's expression shutter closed.
"I think not-"
"Please Harry! It will get them off my back for a while at least," Legolas said and Harry heaved a great put-upon sigh. How could he refuse his princeling when he asked so nicely?
"Oh very well… I'll think about it. First I have to go and see Nanitta and Ata'da, but I'll be back soon," he said and then stood up. He offered Legolas a small smile and then apparated from the Talan and into Galadriel and Celeborn's rooms.
He wasn't surprised to see them there and looking out of the window, quite obviously in the middle of a conversation. They sensed him arriving though and turned around, the surprise still evident on their features made Harry snort softly to himself.
"I thought I would visit" he said with a shrug. He watched them both for a minute, they were happy and in love, that was something he had seen the first time he met them. He could remember how rare it was to find such love like this in his own world, but here it seemed to be aplenty. He pondered on what he was here to do, hesitating and wondering what to say, but he allowed himself to be led to a seat.
"It was you, wasn't it?" the Lady asked softly as she placed a hand on his shoulder and looked into his eyes. "The pain, so much pain," she whispered, her eyes losing their focus for a minute and the hand on his shoulder tightened.
"What-?" Harry asked, completely confused. The Lord took his hand in his own and smoothed out his fingers softly.
"The sky wept with you, my child. What pains you so?" he asked and Harry blinked again, looking from one to the other. What did they mean, that the sky wept with him? And now that he came to think about it, how did they know he had cried? He decided not to ask questions now though; Legolas or Erestor would give him the answers he wanted.
"I want to show you now, the rest of my memories," he said quietly and smiled when they looked up at him. "I will show you the sad times but also the good, to make a balance. There are quite obviously memories that are meant to remain for me alone." When he received a nod from them both he stepped back from them and closed his eyes.
"Show memories of good and bad
Of the joyful smile and the tears had
Mix them new and mix them old
Create a balance to unfold
Show them now my love and pain
Reveal to them my every stain
Memories of both warm and cold
Keep for me the ones I fold"
Once more a faint beam of light sprang from the centre of his forehead and travelled towards the very centre of the chamber; as it went, it grew in width and height and then it stopped at the size of a small window. A number of short, sharp, bursts of light travelled along the beam, one after the other. When each bolt hit, the screen grew a shade lighter and finally, after what felt like forever, when the last bolt hit, the screen shimmered and turned a creamy white colour.
He broke the connection and turned to look at his grandparents again, this time they were sat calmly and with a small smile on their faces.
"You remember how to work it?" he asked softly and smiled when they nodded again. "Then I will leave you to it, I must speak with the king Thranduil I do believe," he said and then paused just as he was about to apparate. He looked at them both carefully and then averted his eyes. "I don't want your pity, remember that."
He paused once more and then decided against apparating yet and instead excited through the door. The two guards he saw outside stood up straight as soon as the door opened and Harry smirked as he obviously interrupted their rest. He closed the door softly behind him and then turned to look at them again.
"I doubt Nanitta or Ata'da will be receiving visitors this eve, make sure they are not disturbed please," he said and when he received confused nods, he gathered his magic and then apparated to Haldir to tell him the same.
When he appeared in the Patrol Base, his arrival went unnoticed and Harry stood back with a smirk on his face and his arms crossed over his chest. Rúmil and Orophin were, once again, in the middle of a very entertaining argument. Haldir himself was sat back in his chair and watching the performance idly as he twirled his dagger around one the desk, the point of it pushed into the wood.
"Why must you be so infuriating?" Orophin snapped, in elvish, his expression one of both anger and frustration. Rúmil merely stood back and smirked, the look suited him, Harry thought with a grin.
"It's called payback brother-mine. It's not very nice is it? Having to do all the work while your brother is off chasing every Elf-maiden in the forest, one would think you knew better," Rúmil replied calmly and Harry cleared his throat, effectively drawing the attention to him.
"Sorry to interrupt this – interesting show." He said with a grin, "but I thought it best to let you know that Nanitta and Ata'da most likely will not be receiving guests this eve."
"And why would that be?" Haldir asked as he turned to look at Harry with narrowed eyes. Harry quirked an eyebrow and sniffed indignantly.
"I'll have you know that it's nothing to do with me!" he said and then paused. "Well, actually, it has everything to do with me… but that's beside the point!" he mumbled and cracked a smile again. "I've left them with quite a few of my memories to look through, is all. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have my dear Princeling to visit."
"Honey, I'm home," Harry called teasingly as he stepped into Legolas' Talan and pulled off his outer robes. He would bathe before he went for this audience with the Princeling's parents, he decided. "I imagine Nanitta and Ata'da will not be having anymore visitors this eve," he called again, now wrestling with the cuffs over his wrist holster.
"I popped in on Haldir as well; can you believe Rúmil and Orophin are arguing again? I caught a few words about chasing elf-maidens when on patrol, or something like that anyway." He called again and he walked over to his weapons bag and dropped in his dagger before pulling the bottle of pumpkin juice out.
"May I ask who your Nanitta and Ata'da is?" a voice that certainly didn't belong to Legolas called out and Harry turned around quickly with his sword off his belt and pointing in the direction of said voice. He winced slightly when he saw King Thranduil and his wife; Altáriël sat watching him, along with a very amused Legolas.
"Um… hi?" he offered sheepishly as he quickly lowered his sword. "My Nanitta and Ata'da is Galadriel and Celeborn." He said and then waved his hand dismissively as they opened their mouths to ask questions. "It's a long story but I am who I say I am, and who I am is exactly who I say I am."
"What if we were not to believe you?" Thranduil asked, amused, and Harry shrugged elegantly.
"Not to be blunt, but that would be your problem, not mine." He said and then grinned at the mild affronted look he received in return. "You requested an audience with me, I believe?" he asked and waited until they nodded. "Then if you would bear with me while I bathe, then I shall be right with you."
He didn't bother to wait for a reply as he entered the bathroom, and then he spent the next five minutes trying to figure out how to get the water running. He took his time washing deliberately as he tried to work over what he was willing to tell Legolas' parents. After a while though, he gave in and shrugged back into his clothes before entering the other room again.
He barely suppressed a groan when he saw they were still there. He had half hoped that they would be too annoyed with his bluntness and would want nothing to do with him, but unfortunately they actually seemed intrigued. He sat down opposite them and crossed his legs while he waited, not removing his eyes from the kings.
"What are your intentions for my son?" Altáriël asked immediately and Harry looked over at Legolas, amused to see a faint tint to his cheeks. What were his intentions towards Legolas? He didn't know that himself, well he did, but at the same time he didn't.
"My intentions are to have him." He said simply. "To make him mine, if that is what he wishes, of course. But I have no plans to do so yet, I have my own things to work through and Legolas and I know much about each other – but not much of importance. I wish to know him inside out, I wish to love him and for him to love me in return, but for now I merely wish to be his friend." he replied after careful thought and he never took his eyes off Legolas as he spoke. The princeling was looking at him curiously now, even though he was blushing, his eyes promised thought on the subject.
"Who are you, and where do you come from?" Thranduil asked after a short silence and Harry looked at him in disbelief.
"You mean you don't know? Nobody's told you yet?" he asked and chuckled when he received a shake of the head. "Very well, then I shall tell you the same as I told them. My name is Harry Potter and I was sent from my world, to here by the Valar. I am the son of Lily and James Potter, Lily was once called Anéthiel and was the daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn." He said simply and Thranduil nodded, mulling over that little bit of information.
"Well then, there is not much more to ask. I would not be opposed to talking with you, young Harry, when you have the time. But there is no rush as it is of no importance, I assure you." He said as he stood up and held out his hand. Harry shook it with a smile and then pressed his lips to Altáriël's knuckles when she too held out her hand.
He watched them leave and then breathed a sigh of relief, a hand landed on his shoulder and he turned to look at Legolas with a wicked grin. Before the princeling could say anything, Harry had stepped closer and pressed their lips together. Unlike the other times, this kiss was not brief and Harry slipped his tongue out to run along Legolas' bottom lip, asking for entrance.
When the lips parted for him with only a small hesitation, Harry grinned and took full advantage, he slipped his tongue into the others mouth and then groaned as he felt the princeling respond. A tingling of warmth spread through him as he coaxed Legolas' tongue into his mouth and he allowed his eyes to flutter closed.
It had been a long time since such feelings had been awoken in him and he felt a stirring in his groin. Legolas' body was pressed against his own and Harry was positive the elf prince could feel his desire, just as much as Harry could feel his. Eventually, he pulled back and rested their foreheads together, his hand holding Legolas' head still.
"I thought you just wanted to be friends." Legolas managed to say after finding his breath. Harry grinned and he pulled away altogether and made for the bathroom again, he had a little problem to take care of now. He paused at the door and looked over his shoulder at where the princeling remained frozen to the spot.
"Friends, yes, but friends with benefits."
Chapter written by Becca589.
Thanks Becca, I appreciate it. You got me out of a tight spot there, darling. :