Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. I only own the plot.

Summary: Harry and his friends enter their 6th year at Hogwarts as the Second War begins. Many surprises await Harry in his 6th year. He finds love and many new adventures as Voldemort once again seeks to kill him. H/C R/HG

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Harry Potter and the Second War

Facing Reality

The morning sun shined through the curtain's as a boy with jet-black hair and emerald green eyes awoke. He got up and put his glasses on. Then he went on with his daily routine, wash up, go downstairs and start his chores. After that, he went back up to his room for his "lunch break." When his lunch break ended, he went back to his chores. After finishing his chores, he went back to his room and wept until dinnertime. Harry Potter hadn't felt happy ever since his godfather, the escaped convict Sirius Black, had died trying to save him from the evil wizard, Lord Voldemort, in the Department of Mysteries last year. Harry mostly spent his time learning new spells or working out with his cousin Dudley and his Uncle Vernon. He would never forgive Voldemort for what he did and he intended to find every, if any, way to defeat the evil wizard.

Harry's friends had tried to cheer him up, but they had not done too well. Harry had thought of their letters as pointless. Although, he was very surprised that Ginny had written to him. They basically told him to cheer up and that they would try to come and pick him up from the Dursley's as quick as they could. He never wrote back to them though. The only letters he wrote were to the Order of the Phoenix. And those letters only contained 3 words.

I'm fine.


He sent those letters every 3 days so that the Order would not burst into the Dursley's house thinking something had happened to him.

Harry had become more muscular from working out with his cousin and uncle. He was no longer a shrimpy boy but a muscular, handsome, young man.

Harry went on like this every day. He still would not believe that Sirius was gone and he kept himself busy everyday in order not to think about it.

He thought maybe he should start responding to Ron and Hermione's letters. They were probably worried sick about him. He also thought about writing to Ginny as she they had become closer friends since Harry's 5th year. Harry thought she matured quite a bit and no longer became like jelly around him anymore. She was growing into quite a beautiful young lady.


I'm sorry I haven't written to you for a while. But I have been busy. Anyways, how's your summer been? I have been spending most of my time with Dudley and Uncle Vernon. They have been treating me very well ever since the Order threatened them. Well, anyways, I have some other people to write to. Let me know what your O.W.L. results were once you get them. And please tell me when Dumbledore's getting me out of here!



Thanks for writing to me this summer. I'm sorry I haven't written back for a while but I've been busy. I've started working out with my cousin and uncle. They started treating me well. They feed me normally and they even reduced the number of my chores. I can't wait to get my O.W.L. results. I really want to see how well I did. I bet you got the best scores in the year. Well, I have to go now. I hope to see you soon.



Hi Ginny, it really surprised me when I got your first letter. I didn't really expect you to write me. Thank you for writing me anyways. My relatives are treating me nicer this year but I still can't wait to get out of here. Do you know exactly when that is? And do you know where they're going to take me? If you can find out, please, please tell me. I'm dying to get out of here.


"Hey Hedwig, I got a job for you."

Hedwig hooted happily and landed next to Harry's hand. She had not had much work from Harry this summer. She usually just flew to 12 Grimmauld's Place and back.

"Take these letters to Ron, Ginny, and Hermione will you?"

Hedwig hooted again and nipped his fingers affectionately. Then, she flew off into the night sky.

Harry sighed in relief. It felt good to finally write back to his friends. He hadn't spoke to them in too long. At night, he cried himself to sleep.

Harry woke up the next morning. It was Sunday and the Dursley's gave him a day off from his chores on this day. He checked the clock, 6:00 AM. It was too early to get up. 'Why can't I just sleep in once?' he thought. Well, might as well get up. He washed up and then went down for breakfast. Nobody was up yet so he poured himself some cereal. Uncle Vernon and Dudley were going to a basketball game today and Aunt Petunia had a doctor's appointment so he would have the house to himself for a while.

Harry decided to begin the day by trying to find some useful spells that might work against Death Eaters or in a duel. He found some useful spells in Defensive and Offensive Spells by Lisa Raymond. The spell Rescapula burns the skin off the target. He also found the Shockwave Spell Tresendia, which emitted a large energy force that spread accordingly to the user's power. Harry thought this spell would be useful when encountering a large group of Death Eaters. He also found a few other useful spells like the Shadow Hex and the Blinding Hex.


"What?" Harry asked.

"Dad wants to know if you want to come to the gym with us." Dudley asked.

"Uhh, not today. Thanks anyways. I have some homework to do."

"Ok. Well we're leaving now and we're also dropping off mom at the doctor's and then we're going to the basketball game. Dad said we'd be back by 8 and you'd better not break anything."

'Yes!' Harry thought. A whole day without the Dursley's. "Alright, I promise I won't break anything."

With that, Dudley left the room. After a few minutes Harry heard the Dursleys leave and then he went downstairs to watch some TV. He watched until lunch and then made himself a sandwich to eat. He finished lunch and decided to go outside for a walk. He still had some muggle money so he decided to go down to where all the stores were. He entered a muggle café and bought a drink. He noticed out of the corner of his eye that there was a woman he had seen at the park, the radio shack, and the bookstore. He figured that Dumbledore was still having him followed. But Harry thought he had met most of his guards. Who could this be?

Of course! Harry thought. Who in his guard could change their appearance at will? Who could always change so that Harry would never realize who she was? It was Tonks.

Harry walked over to her and said, "Hey Tonks. Is Dumbledore still keeping tabs on me?"

Tonks was speechless. She looked like she was going to blow. "H...H...How did you know it was me?" she stuttered.

"Well, I just used some common sense." Harry laughed.

"Oh god, Dumbledore's going to be so angry when he finds out about this." She mumbled.

"Why would he be angry?"

"He specifically wanted you not to know we were still following you so that you could live your life normally. He remembered last time how much you hated to be followed." Tonks answered.

"Oh, well I don't really mind anymore. Actually, I could use the company." Harry replied.

"So you don't mind that we follow you around?"

"What did I just say?" Harry said.

"OK! So you what do you want to do?" Tonks asked brightly.

"Well, I was just going to walk around the city. Find some stuff to do." Harry answered.

"Oh. Right."

The two ventured through the city until Harry had to go home. Tonks told Harry that they would take him back to 12 Grimmauld Place in a week.

When Harry returned home, he made himself dinner and then fell lay down on his bed. He immediately fell onto his bed. He finally faced reality. Sirius was gone. Voldemort would pay.

This is my first fic so any constructive critisism is appreciated. Jus plz no flames.