Renamon: So who's the character being another character?
Not telling. You'll have to find out. Besides, she tells you in the end. The prologe takes place before Metriod Prime, but I'm not sure if I should have the other Digidestined from that season join her or if she sould join them back in her world. Hmm.
Renamon: Quit thinking and get on with the story. You are really making me curious.
Curiosity killed the cat, my dear. Or should I say the fox? Anyway, here it is. Renamon!
Renamon: sigh Tim does not own Digimon, as that belongs to Bandai, nor Metriod, that belongs to Nintendo. Now get on with the story!
All, right, all right.
"There it is, Gogglehead. Tallon IV. Any sign of that Pirate Platform?"
"None. You are sure it is here?"
"The message we intersepted on the way back from Zebes said that there was a Zebestian Pirate Research Platform orbiting the planet Tallon IV. It had better be here, I can't get paid unless I finish off all pirates."
I'm a bounty hunter. The Galactic Federation pays me to kill Zebestian Pirates. It's just me, my ship, and my computer, which I named Gogglehead after a annoying friend. And guess what? I'm only fifteen.
"Wait. There it is, on the far side of the planet."
"I see it, Gogglehead."
I come from a different universe alltogether. One where monsters were a favorite pastime. Three years ago, I was brought into this one when I was looking for a friend of mine and I landed on the planet Zebes. There, I chose a different name to go by. There, the birdlike race called the Chozo found me. They brought me up. They raised me. They made me a warrior.
"ETA: fifteen minutes. You better suit up."
"Load my cannon. Let me know when we're there."
My weapon is a metal Power Suit made by the Chozo. It is advanced technology with beam weapons, missiles, and bombs. It is larger than my old weapons. Much larger. I used to use a handheld device and playing cards.
"Have we been spotted yet?"
"Not yet. If I didn't know better, I'd say it's abandoned."
"How much longer?"
"ETA: six minutes."
I'm tall and blonde. I wasn't allways blonde, though. I stopped dying my hair red when I came here. Not enough chemicals, you see. I even stopped my trademark spike bun hairstyle and settled for a straight ponytail.
"We're here. Are you ready?"
"Was Beezlemon ready to kill me and my friends?"
"Excuse me?"
"Never mind. I'm ready."
As I open the hatch to my ship and jump toward the platform, I can't help but think 'Renamon would love doing this.'
Three years ago, I was Rika Nokana. Now, I'm Samus Aran. And I'm off to kick some Pirate butt.
Renamon: Interesting. Rika is Samus. Who did you see become who?
Takato into Robin.
Renamon: Interesting. So what's going to happen?
I don't know. Takato and the others are going to come to Samus's world or Rika goes back to her own. I need help! I don't know which to choose!
Renamon: If any reader would like to see Takato and the others in the Metriod universe, probably during one of the games, or if they would like to see Rika go home and reunite with her mother and grandmother, say so in a reveiw.
One more note. I'm not writing another chapter until I get at least five reveiws. And please tell me what you want. Later y'all.
Renamon: Please stop going Texan on me.