Heart of Ice

Chapter 2: The Nicest Thing...

Disclaimer: I do not own FFX.

Wow I actually got REVIEWS!!! They love it! They really love it!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!! Been working on this chappie for three days. Been really hard cause of all my homework but...enjoy!!!


It was a beautiful morning in and around Spira University. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and best of all, it was a Saturday. No school.

Ding dong.

The doorbell to Seymour's apartment rung. He opened the door and saw Samora standing there.

"Who are--" he said, "Oh wait, you're that stupid new kid. Get lost."

He pushed Samora, causing her to stumble a few steps back and drop the bag she was holding. She hurriedly bent down to pick it up.

"Oh, good," she breathed, relieved, "They didn't spill."

She looked up and saw that Seymour had already gone back inside. She sighed, shook her head and rang the doorbell again. Yet again, the door opened.

"Here," she said quickly, shoving the bag into Seymour's hand before he could do anything, "They're for you."

Seymour opened the bag and looked inside. He saw about a dozen homemade chocolate chip cookies. For a few minutes, he just stood there in utter shock. Finally, he broke the silence by stammering, "Th--this is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me..."

The nicest thing anyone's ever done for him...? ...No wonder he's so messed up.

"But...why?" he asked, shaking his head, "Why are you being kind to me, even after I ripped up your drawing...?"

"I heard you crying last night," she confessed, "I thought you might need a little cheering up."

With that, she turned and walked back to her own apartment. For about fifteen minutes after, Seymour just stood there in disbelief.

The next couple of hours passed quite uneventfully, and Samora was getting rather bored. Luckily, she was saved....by the PHONE!? Yup, the phone rung! Samora ran to the receiver in the kitchen and picked it up.

"Hello? May I please speak to Samora?"

"I'm sorry, you have the wrong number..."

"Oh oops, sorry..."

"Ha, just kidding! Who's this?"

"It's Rikku!"

"Oh! Hi, Rikku! What are you calling for?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with us! anything's better than staying holed up in that cramped li'l apartment of yours all day!"

"Sure, sounds great! I'll be right over!"

Samora ran out the door to her apartment and jumped into her car, a PT Cruiser with pictures of anime characters painted all over it.

Rikku and the others were waiting at the mall. Samora ran up to them.

"Hey guys," she panted, "Sorry I'm late...Hey, where's Auron?"

"At the Spec's across the street..." Rikku sighed, rolling her eyes.

"I swear, alcohol is ALL that guy can think about, ya!?" shouted Wakka, shaking his head.

"Shhh, not so loud, Wakka!!!" Rikku hissed, "Someone might hear!"

"Please," say Tidus with a shrug, "What's the worst thing that can happen?"

"Uhhhh...I really don't know," admitted Rikku, "But we just don't want to get Auron in trouble. Agreed?"

"Agreed," the others chorused.

At that moment, Auron came dancing in with a bottle of sake on his head.

"OH BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER, HOW I LOVE THEE!!!" he began singing at the top of his lungs.

Lulu sighed and shook her head. "I really hoped I wouldn't have to do this, but..." With that, she banged Auron on the head with a doll she happened to be carrying with her. Auron sunk to the ground, unconscious. "Man," she growled, "That was REALLY annoying..."

"Lulu, that wasn't very nice," protested Yuna, shaking her head.

"But it sure was fun!!" replied Lulu with a big grin.

"So, Samora," said Rikku, "You still stickin' with that theory of yours?"

"Which one?" asked Samora, perplexed.

"You know, 'Maybe all Seymour really needs is a friend,'" she said, rolling her eyes.

"Yes," Samora replied with a nod, "I hold that as a firm belief. It's never too late for anyone to make a friend."

Rikku shook her head and said, "Whatever. But I think that you shouldn't mess with Seymour."

"You can think what you want," said Samora quietly, shaking her head, "And I'll stick to my beliefs as well."

"I'm hungry, ya?" commented Wakka, "Let's go to the food court."

"Sounds good," Rikku agreed. ...And with that confirmation, they all headed towards the food court.

Once they were all at the food court, Wakka looked around in amazement. Never in his life had he seen so much food in one place. Like a kid in a candy store he ran from shop to shop looking at the different types of food on sale.

Rikku rolled her eyes. "SOMEbody needs to get a life..."


Okay, I know it's a sucky place to end, but oh well.

Chibi Seymour: REVIEW!!! OR ELSE!!!

YEAH LISTEN TO THE EVIL DEFORMED CHIBI!!! -waves arm wildly pointing at Chibi Seymour-