aryll-link: ok plz R&R I really would like to know what you think of this.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for the girl and the boy.

"What have we got here?" Olivia asked the police officer.

"A male about 15, shot right through the heart." the police officer pointed to the body of the boy, and Olivia could see cuts and bruises amongst the blood.

"Raped?" Olivia questioned as she leaned closer to the boy.

"Several times."

"Time of death?"

"About 10 last night." Elliot answered from behind her. "No ID."

Oliva looked around the crime scene, and spotted a young girl not so far away watching them.

"Who's that girl?" Elliot followed Olivia's gaze to where a young girl was leaning against a tree.

"Let's go find out." Elliot walked with Olivia towards the girl.

They were about five metres away when the girl's eyes widened in horror and she took off.

"Hey wait!" Oliva yelled as she ran after the girl, eventually grabbing her by the shoulders.

"LET ME GO!!" she screamed, trying to wriggle her way out of Oliva's firm grip. "I'M NOT GOING BACK!"

"Calm down I am here to help you!" Olivia tried to soothe the girl down.

"I heard the shouting" Elliot appeared into view, making the girl struggle even more.

"Calm down ok? We won't take you back I promise" Oliva stared into the girls sapphire eyes. "We won't take you back."

The girl quieted down, still glancing nervously at Elliot every now an then. "You promise?" the whispered.

"I do." Olivia stared at the girl closely. She had a scar across her right eye, bruises, cuts and a few burns on her arms.

"I'm sorry" the girl spoke suddenly.
"Sorry for what?" Elliot asked.

The girl's head gestured towards the body of the boy, and she stared at Elliot, her empty eyes gazing into his. "It was my fault." she spoke as tears fell from her eyes. "I didn't mean for him to end up like this."

aryll-link: ok this chapter was a bit short, but the others will be longer I promise! R&R