Chapter 1: A Titans Disaster

Raven awoke with a start. She shook off the horrible dream, why would she have a game show as a dream? She changed into her uniform and left her room, unaware of the danger ahead of her. She entered the Titan's main room, where their big screen tv currently existed. Cyborg and Beast Boy was sitting in front of it, and to her horror found The game show from her dream! Starfire and Robin walked in from behind her, each trying to move Raven so they could get through. Raven finally left her spot and into the kitchen, where she prepared herself a herbal tea. She came out sipping a blue cup. Starfire and Robin had taken their seats and now watched the gameshow, which was called 'Trebbles'.' Who would of thought of that?' Raven sighed. She stood behind the couch and watched as the announcer started talking.

"Welcome to Trebbles, where your heroes come and answer questions! Each week a different hero or even a team of heroes come here and are tested to our fulliest desires. Who will it be this week?" George, the announcer, said sarcasticly. He spun a wheel with different faces on each slide. Raven took a closer look and realized that they were on the wheel this week. She groaned, which caused the others to look up at her questionly. They didn't know they were on the wheel, because they hadn't payed close enough attention.

"And the heroes of this week are...... The Teen Titans!" George blared.

"Huh?" They all said. Raven felt a tingle and looked down. A warp hole had opened beneath them! They were forced through the hole. They looked around their new surroundings in surprise. An audience was seated below the stage, and each seat had a name engraved for that person to sit there. Each titan was situated behind a podium, where a red button rested on top each one. Raven knew what was to happen next, as this had happened in her dream.

"Now, my fellow fanfiction writers! We are gathered here today to join LadyHood in her latest piece of art! The Trebble Titans!" The crowd cheered.

"Put a smile on, faithful titans! We made this for you! Though.... you will perform and answer questions you wish never existed, I'm afraid you have no choice, as today, LadyHood has made an appearance. Stand up LadyHood!" A girl rose from one of the front seats and waved at the crowd. An applause erupted, then died down to hear what George had to say next.

"As you writers read this, I would like you to come up with an idea to make the titans do. Of course they may resist, but who are they to judge? We are only having some nice clean fun, aren't we?" The crowd claps again, each with grins on their faces. The titans all groaned, Raven pulled her hood up.

"Now, my writing friends! Send your ideas in and see them used! Let the games begin!"

Author's Note:

Ness: How exciting can this be? A good idea I say LadyHood!

LadyHood: Thank you Ness. Send in your ideas now, and watch the Titans do what you say! Muahhahahahaha