He looked the window, towards the lake frosted over with snow and beyond, towards the wide open plains beyond the Canadian Rockies, then growling he turned sharply away from the window. It had been three months since Alkali Lake, and his soul was still plagued by a sense of restlessness.

Frustrated, but not knowing why he began pace back and forth in the small confines of his room. Glancing towards the clock upon his dresser he sighed and slumped against the wall. Hating the feeling of restlessness that too often overcame him.

He wanted to run again. But he couldn't, he felt trapped. Trapped by people, not the blustering wind and the blizzard-like conditions out side, the weather didn't bother him. He was trapped by Rouge because he didn't want to just disappear and leave her feeling abandoned by him, didn't want her to feel that he - like so may others - hated her.

Chuck trapped him too - though he didn't know it. He couldn't just up and leave after all that Chuck had done for him. Maybe he could have in the past. But not now, not after Jean - . He couldn't bring himself to think about that, not even three months after. Some pains never go away.

He even felt trapped by Scott now. Felt trapped by the boy scout. Maybe because he now had something in common with the damn goody-two-shoes. But whatever the reason he was the only person who understood and felt what Scott was going through. He was trapped.

Slowly he slid down the wall 'till he was sitting on the hard wooden floor with his head in his hands. Alone with his pain, grief, and the fragmented portions of his memories.

Maybe tomorrow he would run.