It's been a long, sometimes fun, sometimes exasperating and most times depressing ride. For all the readers I've disappointed before, I apologize. For Marie, thanks for reviewing all the chapters, even the sucky ones and thanks for letting my use Khyrran. I'll return the favor and let you use Melanara. Adios, readers. All two of you.

Disclaimer: Same as always. I only own Melanara, her MP3 Player. Magic Missile belongs to whoever Dungeon's and Dragons belongs to and What I've Done belongs to Linkin Park and their label.


"Because of my actions, the Justice League will be after me, not you." Melanara said, facing a room full of villians, with Lex and Tala flanking her on both sides. "I'm not asking you to fight at my side. Just the opposite. I'm asking you not to come with me unless you are willing to. It was my foolish mistake that caused this and you should not be punished for my actions." Melanara said, looking around. "Leave if you like. I'll hold nothing against any of you." Melanara finished, then sat down. Half the room stood up and left, while the other half stayed put.

"We'll stay with you." Sinestro said, looking at Key Master. Others agreed and nodded. Melanara sighed.

"All right, but never say I didn't give you the chance to leave."

-----------------------------------------Downtown Los Angeles-------------------------------------------

"Don't do this, Melanara!" Orion roared as Melanara raised her hands.

"Too late, fool." she snarled and released a stream a magical projectiles. "Magic Missile!" she roared, Fate rose in the air and blocked the attack.

"That will not work, mage! You are no match for me!" Fate called. Melanara laughed at him.

"Good god, are you arrogant! What the hell made you decide to become a magic user? Damn, my pinkie has more talent than you!" Melanara laughed again mockingly. It was just her now. Most of the others had been captured and Lex and Tala had declined to fight for her. Melanara honestly couldn't blame them. She'd gone downhill fast and really didn't want to drag them along.

"Good bye then, I will not miss you." Fate said gravely and launched an attack on her, much like he had Grundy. Melanara shrieked with laughter.

"That's hilarious, Kent! It almost tickles!" Melanara yelled as the light enveloped her.

"I hope this hurts!" Wonder Woman roared and slammed her fist into Melanara's face. Melanara screamed as she slammed into a building. Shaking her head to clear it, Melanara rubbed her jaw.

"Okay, so that did hurt. I hope this hurts as well." Melanara said and lunged, pushing off from the building, grabbing Wonder Woman by the waist and slammed her into another building. Superman pulled her off and sent her flying. Melanara applied air brakes and grinned at the kryptonian.

"Sorry, Kal. Not good enough." she said and let out a scream meant only for Clark's sensitive ears. He screamed and dropped to the ground, making a large crater. Diana leapt for the mage, but Melanara dropped underneath her, grabbed her ankle and spun, letting go, sending Diana flying towards the ocean.

"Hey!" Green Lantern yelled and enveloped Melanara in a bubble.

"Oh, for love of Mike!" Melanara yelled and a flash of yellow light broke the bubble and sent Green Lantern plummeting towards the ground. Shayera caught him and dropped him gently, charged her mace and attacked Melanara.

"Magic this!" she roared. Melanara grew her own wings and met Shayera in the air. Shayera swung and bashed the side of Melanara's head. This sent the mage plummeting and she created a large crater.

"Son of a bitch." she groaned. Greg Saunders appeared, his guns aiming straight at her.

"You killed my best friend." he snarled, tears forming in his eyes.

"Aw, did I kill your boy toy? Oops." she taunted. Greg, try as he might, couldn't bring himself to pull the trigger.

"Dammit, I just can't kill her." he said and turned away. Orion jumped down into the hole and landed next to Melanara.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked. Melanara stared at him like he'd grown three extra heads.

"I'm lying on my back, in the middle of a crater and you're asking me what's up?" Melanara snarled. She coughed suddenly and blood came up. Checking her mouth, Melanara sighed.

"Damn, internal bleeding." Melanara said. Orion moved to lift her, but she swatted his hands away. "Oh, don't be so damn sappy. I'm dying, you moron. And if you cry, I swear I'm taking you with me." Melanara growled as Orion started tearing up.

"Is there anything we can do for you?" Wonder Woman asked. Melanara shook her head and pulled her MP3 Player out.

"Just keep the Lookie-Loo's away." Melanara groaned. She turned the MP3 Player and began to sing.

In this farewell

There's no blood

There's no alibi

Cause I've drawn regret

From the truth

Of a thousand lies

Orion never knew that words could hurt. But here he stood, listening to a woman he once loved sing about regret.

So let mercy come

And wash away

What I've done

I'll face myself

To cross out what I've become

Erase myself

And let go of what I've done

As Melanara sang, the damage to the buildings, the streets and everything that had happened was repaired, a last act by the magic of a fallen hero.

Put to rest

What you thought of me

While I clean this slate

With the hands

Of uncertainty

It wasn't the fact that she sang. It wasn't the fact that she had turned on them and killed Shining Knight. It was the fact she was so damn peaceful about the whole thing. Vigilante, A.K.A. Greg Saunders wasn't a malicious person, not by any stretch. But for someone who had killed his best friend, a peaceful death just didn't sit well with him.

So let mercy come

And wash away

What I've done

I'll face myself

To cross out what I've become

Erase myself

And let go of what I've done

Superman was a forgiving person most of the time. But killing a person was unforgivable, even for someone like Melanara. She didn't even deny it, she gloated about it. Maybe his vision of her was clouded, maybe he wasn't as forgiving as he thought. But he couldn't help not feeling one bit sorry for her.

For what I've done

I start again

And whatever pain may come

Today this ends

I'm forgiving what I've done

Huntress sighed and slipped away. She'd lost too many people and wouldn't stand by as another died. No matter how evil said friend got. Diana shook her head and flew away. Melanara had no right to seek redemption like this. She'd done too many terrible things to be forgiven.

I'll face myself

To cross out what I've become

Erase myself

And let go of what I've done

Melanara coughed and continued the song. Lex walked up to her and Melanara smiled as he took her hand.

What I've done

Forgiving what I've done

"You sound like a cat with a hairball." Lex said, grinning. Melanara smacked his leg weakly.

"At least I can carry a tune. Unlike some people." she replied and coughed again. "If you cry, I'm going to haunt you for the rest of your life." Melanara warned. Lex laughed.

"Okay, you win. Again." Lex said. Melanara groaned and closed her eyes.

"Well. Good bye, Lex. I had fun being here and being your friend." Melanara said, smiled at him and breathed out, but did not draw another breath.


The End


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