Summary: The whole thing started out as a kiss. One simple and harmless kiss. Why did it have to be so confusing?


Can a kiss really make life a living hell? Even just a simple kiss on the lips? Well it did for me. My name is Luna Lovegood and this is my story...

"Hello, Ronald," I said as Ronald Weasley entered my compartment on the Hogwarts Express and sat down across from me. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley and Neville Longbottom all piled in after him. Ginny and I were both entering our fifth year at Hogwarts while the rest of our small group was entering their sixth. The only reason that any of us were friends was because we had all gone to the Ministry of Magic the previous year and had all fought Lord Voldemort's Death Eaters.

"Hello, Luna," he replied. There were more mutters of "Hello" through the compartment, but I really didn't pay attention to it. My attention was fixated on Ron, as he had decided to pull out a chess set.

"So, How was you're summer, Ronald?" I asked with a small smile on my face. I knew that his father had been made Minister over the summer, so they were enjoying the new luxuries that they had acquired.

"It was great!" he replied excitedly. "What with dad becoming Minister and everything, we had the best summer ever. We still spent most of the summer in Grimmauld Place so my parents could keep working for the Order."

"Yes, I know about you staying in Grimmauld place and stuff like that. Don't you remember that I was there with you guys for a week?" I said back.

"Oh, yeah. You were. I remember that."

We were talking about the summer as though we were the only two in the compartment. It was great to talk to just him again...


"Ronald! What are you doing?" I asked him as he got up from the bed that we were sitting on.

"Closing the door. What does it look like?" he replied as he shut and locked the door so the two of us could have some privacy.

"Sorry, Ronald," I said back. "People just normally leave when they're left alone with me. It's what I'm used to. You do remember what my nick-name back at school is, right?"

"Of course I do, Loony," he smiled at me, teasing. He sat next to me on the bed again. "What should we talk about?"

"I don't know. What do you want to talk about? When I'm with you lot, we tend to talk about Voldemort, but I don't feel the urge to talk about that SOB again."

He gently snaked his arm over my shoulders. The new sensation made a tingle shoot down my spine and I grinned. He must have noticed the smile on my face, because he pulled me closer to him. Our eyes met and I was gazing into his eyes, lost in the beautiful hazel, almond-shaped eyes that entranced me so much.

"Your eyes are gorgeous," Ron said to me. "The propensity of them amazes me. They are such a bloody brilliant colour of blue. Your blonde hair really sets them off."

"Thank you," I said back. The two of us were leaning into each other, our faces mere inches apart. "Ronald, I-"

"Shhhhh," he cut me off by pressing a finger to my lips. He leaned closer and my eyes fluttered closed. He gently pressed his lips to mine in a passion that I wouldn't have believed possible from him. This wasn't lust, not from either of us. It was love and truth. His tongue ran along my lip so I opened my mouth a fraction of an inch to let him in. He intensified the kiss by rubbing his tongue against mine. It was the best feeling that I had ever experienced. Neither of us pulled out of the kiss for several minutes. I was actually the one who pulled out.

"Ronald," I breathed, "This won't work. We can only be friends."

After I said that, I left the room. We both knew that nothing could ever happen between us. That was the last time I had seen him that summer...

End Flashback

I sat contemplating this until we reached Hogsmeade Station. This single memory was driving me crazy. It was just a harmless kiss. But what was harmless?

A/NNew story, and a pretty good one if I do say so myself. Please read and review, even though I know that people don't normally review Ron/Luna stories. i hope you like it.